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Last active February 23, 2016 21:06
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Download course roster from Canvas LMI
To obtain an access token in the Canvas LMI (e.g. bcourses, uconline),
click own user name at top, scroll down to Approved Integrations, click New
# Tests with curl
curl -X GET \
-F "per_page=5000" -F "include[]=email" -F "enrollment_type=student" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
curl -X GET \
-F "per_page=5000" -F "include[]=email" -F "enrollment_type=student" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
example user = {
u'sortable_name': u'Smith, John',
u'name': u'John Smith',
u'short_name': u'John Smith',
u'login_id': u'',
u'sis_user_id': u'berkeley-23456789',
u'id': 654321,
u'sis_login_id': u'',
bcourses user = {
'sortable_name': 'SMITH, JOHN',
'name': 'JOHN SMITH',
'short_name': 'JOHN SMITH',
'integration_id': None,
'login_id': '1234321',
'sis_user_id': '23455432',
'id': 5432123,
'sis_login_id': '1234321',
'email': 'johnsmith@berkeley.ed',
import sys
import os
import time
import optparse
import json
import gzip
import cPickle
import requests
def parseLinkHeader(lh):
'''Parse the Link HTTP header to see how the server has paginated users.
It is of the form: "<URL>; rel="context",<URL>; rel="context",..."
Return a dictionary of 'current', 'next', 'last', 'first' (and 'prev')
links = map(lambda x: x.split('; rel='), lh.split(','))
lc = {}
for link in links:
url = link[0][1:-1] # trim '<' and '>'
cxt = link[1][1:-1] # trim '"'
lc[cxt] = url
return lc
def getUsers(base_uri, http_method, params, headers):
'''Retrieve students from Canvas LMI by recursively collecting paginated
if options.debug: print 'getUsers:', base_uri
r = requests.get(base_uri, params=params, headers=headers)
# Load our data
data = r.json()
if options.debug: print len(data)
links = parseLinkHeader(r.headers['link'])
except KeyError, e:
return data
# We are not at the last page
if links['current'] != links['last']:
data += getUsers(links['next'], http_method, params, headers)
return data
def sid(s):
if '-' in s: s = s.split('-')[1]
return s
CACHE_FILE = '/var/cache/apache2/canvas-roster.pkl'
# python's gzip module cannot decompress a partial stream without the checksum
# at the end. The server doesn't seem to be providing that so we trick the
# module into skipping checksum verification.
# If we don't, httplib2's client will return empty content after reporting:
# "Content purported to be compressed with gzip but failed to decompress."
# I tried to ask for deflate or identity encodings but
# it won't do either.
gzip.GzipFile._read_eof = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
# Parse command-line options (for development, when not cgi)
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action='store_true', default=False,
help="Debug mode; [default=%default]")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
http_method = 'GET'
authorization_method = 'Bearer'
# bCourses
courses = {
COURSE = 'somekey'
base_uri = 'https://%s/api/v1/courses/%s/users' % \
(courses[COURSE]['server'], courses[COURSE]['id'])
TOKEN = courses[COURSE]['token']
headers = {
"Authorization":"%s %s" % (authorization_method, TOKEN),
# Filter by students
params = {
cache_exists = os.path.exists(CACHE_FILE)
# How old is the cache?
if cache_exists: stat = os.stat(CACHE_FILE)
# If we don't have one or if it is older than 5 minutes
if not cache_exists or \
stat.st_mtime + CACHE_EXPIRE < time.mktime(time.localtime()):
users = getUsers(base_uri, http_method, params, headers)
f = open(CACHE_FILE, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(users, f)
if len(users) == 0 and os.path.exists(CACHE_FILE):
f = open(CACHE_FILE, 'rb')
users = cPickle.load(f)
# Pretty print
print json.dumps(users, separators=(',', ': '), indent=4)
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