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Last active August 9, 2020 06:10
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  • Save ryanmaclean/0eac7eab8f36ebc4d080300c53d89db1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ryanmaclean/0eac7eab8f36ebc4d080300c53d89db1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Linux Stream Deck XFCE

Stream Deck Config for Ubuntu Studio 20.04

Note: uses XFCE as the desktop manager

Requires streamdeck and streamdeck-ui Python packages to be installed. May require xhost + in order to config the first time.

Some icons from Nerd or Die (free) and Eva (open source), note that these are all fairly specific at the moment and will definitely be changing. In particular, the screenshots are just me adding placeholders.

"streamdeck_ui_version": 1,
"state": {
"AL16J2C07109": {
"buttons": {
"0": {
"0": {
"write": "DD",
"icon": "/home/studio/Downloads/Logo Assets/DD PNG Logos/Icon Only/dd_icon_white.png",
"brightness_change": 24,
"text": "",
"command": "",
"switch_page": 0
"1": {
"write": "",
"brightness_change": 0,
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Discord.png",
"keys": ""
"2": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Chrome.png"
"3": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Firefox.png"
"4": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Microsoft Teams.png"
"5": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - OBS.png"
"6": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Apps - Philips hue.png"
"7": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Twitter.png"
"8": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Steam.png"
"9": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/App - Spotify.png",
"keys": ""
"10": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Hotkey Switch - On.png"
"11": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Hotkey Switch - Off.png",
"brightness_change": 0
"12": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Twitch Chat.png"
"13": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Web - Youtube.png",
"brightness_change": 0,
"keys": "firefox",
"switch_page": 0
"14": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-circle-right.png",
"brightness_change": 0,
"switch_page": 2
"1": {
"0": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/activity.png",
"command": "",
"text": "",
"brightness_change": 0,
"switch_page": 0
"1": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-back.png"
"2": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-forward.png"
"3": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/browser.png"
"4": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/wifi.png"
"5": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/twitter.png"
"6": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/pantone.png"
"7": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/checkmark.png"
"8": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/cloud-upload.png"
"9": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/copy.png"
"10": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-circle-left.png",
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"11": {
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"12": {
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"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/google.png"
"13": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/heart.png"
"14": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-circle-right.png",
"switch_page": 3
"2": {
"0": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_21-23-09.png",
"text": "Watchdog",
"command": "firefox",
"brightness_change": 0
"1": {
"write": "Opening dashboard list!Opening dashboard list!",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_21-22-14.png",
"text": "Boards",
"command": "firefox"
"2": {
"command": "firefox",
"write": "",
"text": "API",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_21-26-25.png"
"3": {
"command": "firefox",
"write": "",
"text": "APM",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_21-28-07.png"
"4": {
"write": "",
"text": ""
"5": {},
"6": {},
"7": {},
"8": {},
"9": {},
"10": {
"command": "",
"write": "",
"text": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-circle-left.png",
"switch_page": 2
"11": {},
"12": {},
"13": {},
"14": {
"command": "",
"write": "",
"text": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-circle-right.png",
"switch_page": 4
"3": {
"0": {
"write": "",
"switch_page": 0,
"brightness_change": 0,
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Multimedia - Volume Up.png",
"keys": "",
"command": "amixer set Master 5dB+"
"1": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Multimedia - Mute.png",
"keys": "mute"
"2": {
"write": "",
"command": "zoom",
"text": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-42-03.png"
"3": {
"write": ""
"4": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Lights - Brightness Up.png",
"brightness_change": 30
"5": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Multimedia - Volume Down.png",
"command": "\"amixer set Master 5dB-\"",
"switch_page": 0
"6": {
"keys": "",
"write": ""
"7": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Multimedia - Play+Pause.png",
"command": "dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause",
"text": "Spotify"
"8": {},
"9": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Lights - Brightness Down.png",
"brightness_change": -30,
"switch_page": 0
"10": {
"command": "",
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Misc - Previous.png",
"switch_page": 3
"11": {},
"12": {},
"13": {},
"14": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Aurora_Stream_Deck_Icon_Pack-By_Nerd_Or_Die/256x256 Icons/Misc - Next.png",
"switch_page": 5,
"brightness_change": 0
"4": {
"0": {
"command": "vlc",
"write": "",
"keys": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_23-00-34.png"
"1": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-59-28.png",
"command": "emacs-nox"
"2": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-58-29.png",
"command": "darktable"
"3": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-58-10.png",
"command": "inkscape"
"4": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-57-47.png",
"command": "gimp"
"5": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-56-54.png",
"switch_page": 0,
"text": "",
"command": "rawtherapee"
"6": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/Screenshot_2020-08-08_22-56-23.png",
"text": "",
"command": "pycharm"
"7": {
"command": "ardour",
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/1402482.png"
"8": {
"command": "",
"write": ""
"9": {},
"10": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-back.png",
"switch_page": 4
"11": {},
"12": {},
"13": {},
"14": {
"write": "",
"icon": "/home/studio/Pictures/eva icons/fill/png/128/arrow-forward.png",
"switch_page": 6
"brightness": 25,
"page": 4
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