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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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fn multi() {
let tasks:uint = 4;
let (tx, rx): (Sender<uint>, Receiver<uint>) = channel();
let mut senders = Vec::<Sender<uint>>::new();
let mut receivers = Vec::<Receiver<uint>>::new();
for i in range(0, tasks) {
let task_tx = tx.clone();
let (ctx, crx): (Sender<uint>, Receiver<uint>) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
let task_id = i;
let mut iterations = 0;
loop {
let result = crx.try_recv();
match result {
Ok(r) => {
if r == 1 {
println!("tid: {} stop task", task_id);
Err(e) => {}
game(); // simulation of game
iterations = iterations + 1;
println!("tid: {} task ended", task_id);
let mut total = 0u;
loop {
total = 0;
for _ in range(0, tasks) {
total = total + rx.recv();
println!("total games: {}", total);
// attempt to end the tasks
if total > 5000 {
for i in range(0, tasks) {
fn main() {
// game();
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