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Last active March 15, 2017 15:04
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Simple Kanban Guide

Step 1

Let's go over what we're starting with.

  • ready to go HTML template with Bootstrap 4
  • ready to go Vue object with an already defined data method

The best thing to work on first is your data model. Let's break down the data method's return object.

  • lastName will be bound to an input box representing a new lane's name
  • lanes is an array of lane objects, each of which contain name of the lane, and the cards that form the lane, and some unique key
  • each card has a name, desc, an editing flag, and some unique key

Step 2

How can you repeat (i.e. loop)? How do you bind text?

  1. Let's wire up the lanes to each bootstrap .col that forms a lane.
  2. Each lane has a set of cards, so let's wire up each lane to have a list of cards bound to the .card.
  3. Finally, we need to bind text directly into the template. Add the card's name and description to the h4+p.

Step 3

How can you add events?

  1. Let's add a value binding for laneName to a text input.
  2. Add a click event listener to a button for adding a new lane.
  3. Create a method for adding lanes
    • the created lane should have a unique key, a name, and a empty array of cards
    • the name should be the laneName
    • you can easily add elements to an array with array.push(element) or [...array, element]
  4. Bind the h3 lane title to the name of the lane
  5. (bonus) Give the lanes a sensible default name if no laneName is specified like (Lane 2, Lane 3, etc)
Code solution
    addLane() {
      let name = this.laneName !== '' ? this.laneName : `Lane ${this.lanes.length+1}`;
      const lane = {
        key: util.getKey(),
        name: name,
        cards: []
      this.lanes = [...this.lanes, lane];
      this.laneName = '';

Step 4

Adding new cards to lanes

  1. Add a click event listener to the + button below the lane name
  2. Add a method that adds new cards to the lane's cards list
    • the card should have a unique key, an empty name, and empty desc and a false editing flag
  3. In the h4 card binding, add a default fallback to show "no name"
Code solution
    addBlankCard(currentLane) {
      const card = {
        key: util.getKey(),
        name: '',
        desc: '',
        editing: false

Making cards editable

  1. If you see a style="display: none" in the edit mode section, remove that now
  2. Add a click event listener to the h4 card name that sets card.editing to true
  3. Bind the card name and card description inputs to and card.desc respectively
  4. Add a click event listener to the Save button that sets card.editing to false

Step 5

Let's work on getting cards to move through the lanes.

To move a card to another lane, you will need to know:

  • the current cardIndex
  • the current lane
  • the current laneIndex
  • the direction (left or right; represented by -1 or 1)
  • the size of the lanes array (for bounds checking)

With that, you might figure you will need a method like moveCard(cardIndex, lane, laneIndex, leftOrRight).

That method might, for example, work like this:

  1. Find the destination lane based on laneIndex + leftOrRight
  2. Remove the current cardIndex from the current lane
  3. Add the removed card to the destination lane
  4. (bonus) Add bounds checking
Code solution
    moveCard(cardIndex, lane, laneIndex, lr) {
      const destinationIndex = laneIndex + lr;
      if (destinationIndex < 0 || destinationIndex >= this.lanes.length) { return; }
      const removedCard =, 1);
      const destinationLane = this.lanes[destinationIndex];[0]);

Bind the two .swap-button buttons to method calls of moveCard for their direction.

Step 6 (bonus)

This is a bonus step. Try enabling the Delete button in the card edit mode.

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