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Ryan Rampersad ryanmr

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namespace App\Listeners;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
// use Log;
use App\Episode;


Here's a short linear unreasoned response to @brandon_mn's link: Uber Welfare Sharing Gig Economy.

  • It's great that there is a variety of worldly tasks people can pick up, especially with in the flexibly hours frame, plus the varying degrees of skill you can gradually climb the rungs.
  • The Internet is a great equalizer; before I force "restore work requirements for food stamps", I'd force easy access to cheap and/or inexpensive fiber Internet first. There's no point integerating all of this Internet based working when we can barely get decent speeds, rates and caps.
  • Maybe there's an example I have not seen yet; my grandmother relies on foodstamps, and I just doubt she can handle a gig economy requirement to get those foodstamps. Sure, exceptions and such. That's what they all say at first. I tried to get my grandmother (who stays at home 90% of the time, and has had
// size, length, type, mime, url, id
var media_allowed = ['size', 'length', 'type', 'mime', 'url', 'id']; = => {
var m = {id:, length: o.length, type: o.type, mime: o.mime, url: o.url};
return m;
// what was I thinking when I wrote this three months ago?
ryan@server2:~/nexus/cli$ python upload ../live/ted8.mp3 ../live/tf361.mp3
|=== Upload ===|
Connecting to Amazon S3 (the-nexus-tv)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 216, in <module>
File "", line 214, in main
File "", line 68, in main_upload
C:\Users\ryanr\Code\wargame-rust (batchbench)
λ cargo run --release 8
Running `target\release\wargame-rust.exe 8`
WarGame Rust
settings: threads = 8; multiplier = 1.00
4. done
Samples: 2349
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let threads:usize;
let multiplier:f64;
let _ = match args.len() {
3 => {
threads = match args[1].trim().parse() {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => 1
WarGame Rust
settings: threads = 8; multiplier = 1.00
4. done
Samples: 2784
Mean: 190.63138
Median: 190.75759
S.D.: 0.88555
fn rank_reason(criteria: &mut HashMap<&str, bool>) -> String {
let reason;
let passes = rank_passes(criteria);
if passes == 0 {
reason = "none".to_string();
} else {
let mut ss = Vec::new();
for (&k, &v) in criteria.iter() {
if v {
➜ wargame-go git:(develop) ✗ go build
➜ wargame-go git:(develop) ✗ ./wargame-go 4
WarGame Go
settings: threads = 4
4. done
Samples: 865 collected
Mean: 14.19781
Median: 14.17370
ryan@server2:~/Go/src/$ ./wargame-go 4
WarGame Go
settings: threads = 4
4. done
Samples: 936
Mean: 23.78822
Median: 23.78561
S.D.: 0.03400