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Created January 12, 2019 01:34
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<canvas id=canvas1 width=70 height=70>
Copyright (C) 2008 Aaron Spike,
Copyright (C) 2013 Sebastian Wüst,
Copyright (C) 2016 Alexander Pruss
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// standard libraries
//import math
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var can=$('canvas1');
var ctx = can.getContext("2d");
function OffsetProcessor(toolOffset=4., overcut=0.3, tolerance=.1){
me.toolOffset = toolOffset;
me.overcut = overcut;
me.tolerance = tolerance;
me.PI = math.PI;
me.TWO_PI = 2 * math.PI;
if (me.toolOffset > 0.0) me.toolOffsetFlat = me.tolerance / me.toolOffset * 4.5; // scale flatness to offset
else me.toolOffsetFlat = 0.0;
return me;
function changeLength(me,x1, y1, x2, y2, offset){
// change length of line
d = getLength(me,x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (offset < 0)offset = Math.max( -d, offset);
x = x2 + (x2 - x1) / d * offset;
y = y2 + (y2 - y1) / d * offset;
return [x, y];
function getLength(me,ax,ay,bx,by){
return Math.sqrt((ax-bx)*(ax-bx)+(ay-by)*(ay-by));
function processOffset(me, cmd, posX, posY){
// calculate offset correction (or dont)
if (me.toolOffset == 0.0)
storePoint(me,cmd, posX, posY);
else {
// insert data into cache
var pointThree=0;
var pointFour=0;
var angle=0;
me.vData.push([cmd, posX, posY]);
// decide if enough data is availabe
if (me.vData[2][1] != -1.0){
if (me.vData[1][1] == -1.0)
storePoint(me,me.vData[2][0], me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2]);
else {
// perform tool offset correction (It's a *tad* complicated, if you want to understand it draw the data as lines on paper)
if (me.vData[2][0] == 'PD') {// If the 3rd entry in the cache is a pen down command make the line longer by the tool offset
pointThree = changeLength(me,me.vData[1][1], me.vData[1][2], me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2], me.toolOffset);
storePoint(me,'PD', pointThree[0], pointThree[1]);
else if (me.vData[0][1] != -1.0){
// Elif the 1st entry in the cache is filled with data and the 3rd entry is a pen up command shift
// the 3rd entry by the current tool offset position according to the 2nd command
pointThree = changeLength(me,me.vData[0][1], me.vData[0][2], me.vData[1][1], me.vData[1][2], me.toolOffset);
pointThree[0] = me.vData[2][1] - (me.vData[1][1] - pointThree[0]);
pointThree[1] = me.vData[2][2] - (me.vData[1][2] - pointThree[1]);
storePoint(me,'PU', pointThree[0], pointThree[1]);
else {
// Else just write the 3rd entry
pointThree = [me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2]];
storePoint(me,'PU', pointThree[0], pointThree[1]);
if (me.vData[3][0] == 'PD'){
// If the 4th entry in the cache is a pen down command guide tool to next line with a circle between the prolonged 3rd and 4th entry
if (getLength(me,me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2], me.vData[3][1], me.vData[3][2]) >= me.toolOffset)
pointFour = changeLength(me,me.vData[3][1], me.vData[3][2], me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2], - me.toolOffset);
else {
pointFour = changeLength(me,me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2], me.vData[3][1], me.vData[3][2],
(me.toolOffset - getLength(me,me.vData[2][1], me.vData[2][2], me.vData[3][1], me.vData[3][2])));
// get angle start and angle vector
angleStart = Math.atan2(pointThree[1] - me.vData[2][2], pointThree[0] - me.vData[2][1]);
angleVector = Math.atan2(pointFour[1] - me.vData[2][2], pointFour[0] - me.vData[2][1]) - angleStart;
// switch direction when arc is bigger than 180°
if (angleVector > me.PI)
angleVector -= me.TWO_PI;
else if (angleVector < - me.PI)
angleVector += me.TWO_PI;
// draw arc
var d=0;
if (angleVector >= 0){
angle = angleStart + me.toolOffsetFlat;
while (angle < angleStart + angleVector){
storePoint(me,'PD', me.vData[2][1] + math.cos(angle) * me.toolOffset, me.vData[2][2] + math.sin(angle) * me.toolOffset);
angle += me.toolOffsetFlat;
} else {
angle = angleStart - me.toolOffsetFlat;
while (angle > angleStart + angleVector){
storePoint(me,'PD', me.vData[2][1] + math.cos(angle) * me.toolOffset, me.vData[2][2] + math.sin(angle) * me.toolOffset);
angle -= me.toolOffsetFlat;
storePoint(me,'PD', pointFour[0], pointFour[1]);
function storePoint(me, command, x, y){
// skip when no change in movement
if ((me.lastPoint[0] == command) && (me.lastPoint[1] == x) && (me.lastPoint[2] == y))return;
if (command == 'PD')me.curPath.push([x,y]);
else if (command == 'PU') {
if (me.curPath.length > 1)me.paths.push(me.curPath);
me.curPath = [];
me.lastPoint = [command, x, y];
function drawpath(path){
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
for (var si in path){
for (var pi in singlePath){
var posX =singlePathPoint[0];
var posY = singlePathPoint[1];
if (pi==0)ctx.moveTo(posX+30, posY+30);else ctx.lineTo(posX+30, posY+30);
// check if point is repeating, if so, ignore
function processPath(me, path){
me.vData = [['', -1.0, -1.0], ['', -1.0, -1.0], ['', -1.0, -1.0], ['', -1.0, -1.0]];
me.paths = [];
me.curPath = [];
me.lastPoint = [0, 0, 0];
var cmd='';
processOffset(me,'PU', 0, 0);
var oldPosX = 0;
var oldPosY = 0;
for (var si in path){
cmd = 'PU';
for (var pi in singlePath){
var posX =singlePathPoint[0];
var posY = singlePathPoint[1];
// check if point is repeating, if so, ignore
var l=getLength(me,oldPosX,oldPosY,posX,posY) ;
if (l>= me.tolerance){
processOffset(me,cmd, posX, posY);
cmd = 'PD';
oldPosX = posX;
oldPosY = posY;
// perform overcut
if (me.overcut > 0.0){
// check if last and first points are the same, otherwise the path is not closed and no overcut can be performed
if (getLength(me,oldPosX,oldPosY,singlePath[0][0],singlePath[0][1]) <= me.tolerance){
overcutLength = 0;
for (pi in singlePath){
posX = singlePathPoint[0];
posY = singlePathPoint[1];
// check if point is repeating, if so, ignore
distance = getLength(me,oldPosX,oldPosY, posX,posY);
if (distance >= me.tolerance){
overcutLength += distance;
if (overcutLength >= me.overcut){
newLength = changeLength(me,oldPosX, oldPosY, posX, posY, - (overcutLength - me.overcut));
processOffset(me,cmd, newLength[0], newLength[1]);
} else
processOffset(me,cmd, posX, posY);
oldPosX = posX;
oldPosY = posY;
processOffset(me,'PU', 0, 0);
if (me.curPath.length>1)me.paths.push(me.curPath);
return me.paths;
paths = [[[0,0],[20,0],[20,20],[0,20],[0,0]]];// [[40,0],[40,20],[60,20],[60,0],[40,0]]];
op = OffsetProcessor();
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