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Created April 8, 2016 01:04
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public class WhereBuilder
private readonly IProvider _provider;
private TableDefinition _tableDef;
public WhereBuilder(IProvider provider)
_provider = provider;
public WherePart ToSql<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
_tableDef = _provider.GetTableDefinitionFor<T>();
var i = 1;
return Recurse(ref i, expression.Body, isUnary: true);
private WherePart Recurse(ref int i, Expression expression, bool isUnary = false, string prefix = null, string postfix = null)
if (expression is UnaryExpression)
var unary = (UnaryExpression)expression;
return WherePart.Concat(NodeTypeToString(unary.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, unary.Operand, true));
if (expression is BinaryExpression)
var body = (BinaryExpression)expression;
return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, body.Left), NodeTypeToString(body.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, body.Right));
if (expression is ConstantExpression)
var constant = (ConstantExpression)expression;
var value = constant.Value;
if (value is int)
return WherePart.IsSql(value.ToString());
if (value is string)
value = prefix + (string)value + postfix;
if (value is bool && isUnary)
return WherePart.Concat(WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value), "=", WherePart.IsSql("1"));
return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value);
if (expression is MemberExpression)
var member = (MemberExpression)expression;
if (member.Member is PropertyInfo)
var property = (PropertyInfo)member.Member;
var colName = _tableDef.GetColumnNameFor(property.Name);
if (isUnary && member.Type == typeof(bool))
return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, expression), "=", WherePart.IsParameter(i++, true));
return WherePart.IsSql("[" + colName + "]");
if (member.Member is FieldInfo)
var value = GetValue(member);
if (value is string)
value = prefix + (string)value + postfix;
return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value);
throw new Exception($"Expression does not refer to a property or field: {expression}");
if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)expression;
// LIKE queries:
if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }))
return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "%", postfix: "%"));
if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }))
return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], postfix: "%"));
if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new [] {typeof(string)}))
return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "%"));
// IN queries:
if (methodCall.Method.Name == "Contains")
Expression collection;
Expression property;
if (methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 2)
collection = methodCall.Arguments[0];
property = methodCall.Arguments[1];
else if (!methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 1)
collection = methodCall.Object;
property = methodCall.Arguments[0];
throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name);
var values = (IEnumerable)GetValue(collection);
return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, property), "IN", WherePart.IsCollection(ref i, values));
throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name);
throw new Exception("Unsupported expression: " + expression.GetType().Name);
public string ValueToString(object value, bool isUnary, bool quote)
if (value is bool)
if (isUnary)
return (bool)value ? "(1=1)" : "(1=0)";
return (bool)value ? "1" : "0";
return _provider.ValueToString(value, quote);
private static object GetValue(Expression member)
// source:
var objectMember = Expression.Convert(member, typeof(object));
var getterLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(objectMember);
var getter = getterLambda.Compile();
return getter();
private static string NodeTypeToString(ExpressionType nodeType)
switch (nodeType)
case ExpressionType.Add:
return "+";
case ExpressionType.And:
return "&";
case ExpressionType.AndAlso:
return "AND";
case ExpressionType.Divide:
return "/";
case ExpressionType.Equal:
return "=";
case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr:
return "^";
case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:
return ">";
case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return ">=";
case ExpressionType.LessThan:
return "<";
case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:
return "<=";
case ExpressionType.Modulo:
return "%";
case ExpressionType.Multiply:
return "*";
case ExpressionType.Negate:
return "-";
case ExpressionType.Not:
return "NOT";
case ExpressionType.NotEqual:
return "<>";
case ExpressionType.Or:
return "|";
case ExpressionType.OrElse:
return "OR";
case ExpressionType.Subtract:
return "-";
throw new Exception($"Unsupported node type: {nodeType}");
public class WherePart
public string Sql { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public static WherePart IsSql(string sql)
return new WherePart()
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
Sql = sql
public static WherePart IsParameter(int count, object value)
return new WherePart()
Parameters = {{count.ToString(), value}},
Sql = $"@{count}"
public static WherePart IsCollection(ref int countStart, IEnumerable values)
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var sql = new StringBuilder("(");
foreach (var value in values)
parameters.Add((countStart).ToString(), value);
if (sql.Length == 1)
sql[sql.Length-1] = ')';
return new WherePart()
Parameters = parameters,
Sql = sql.ToString()
public static WherePart Concat(string @operator, WherePart operand)
return new WherePart()
Parameters = operand.Parameters,
Sql = $"({@operator} {operand.Sql})"
public static WherePart Concat(WherePart left, string @operator, WherePart right)
return new WherePart()
Parameters = left.Parameters.Union(right.Parameters).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value),
Sql = $"({left.Sql} {@operator} {right.Sql})"
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hey, what are TableDefinition and IProvider ?
I need a version for .net core . Did you done it?

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salk52 commented Jun 3, 2019

I have same question... @unosbaghaie did you manage to reslove issue?

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This is what I Use

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;

namespace TestNameSapce

public class WhereBuilder
        // private readonly IProvider _provider;
        // private TableDefinition _tableDef;

        public WhereBuilder() //IProvider provider
            // _provider = provider;

        public WherePart ToSql<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
            //_tableDef = _provider.GetTableDefinitionFor<T>();
            var i = 1;
            return Recurse(ref i, expression.Body, isUnary: true);

        public string ToRawSql<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
            //_tableDef = _provider.GetTableDefinitionFor<T>();
            var i = 1;
            var whereParts = Recurse(ref i, expression.Body, isUnary: true);

            if (!whereParts.Parameters.Any())
                return whereParts.Sql;

            StringBuilder finalQuery = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var p in whereParts.Parameters)
                var val = "@" + p.Key;
                finalQuery = finalQuery.Replace(val, p.Value.ToString());
            return finalQuery.ToString();

        private WherePart Recurse(ref int i, Expression expression, bool isUnary = false, string prefix = null, string postfix = null)
            if (expression is UnaryExpression)
                var unary = (UnaryExpression)expression;
                return WherePart.Concat(NodeTypeToString(unary.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, unary.Operand, true));
            if (expression is BinaryExpression)
                var body = (BinaryExpression)expression;
                return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, body.Left), NodeTypeToString(body.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, body.Right));
            if (expression is ConstantExpression)
                var constant = (ConstantExpression)expression;
                var value = constant.Value;
                if (value is int)
                    return WherePart.IsSql(value.ToString());
                if (value is string)
                    if (prefix == null && postfix == null)
                        value = "'" + (string)value + "'";
                        value = prefix + (string)value + postfix;
                if (value is DateTime)
                    value = "'" + value + "'";
                if (value is DateTime?)
                    value = "'" + (string)value + "'";
                if (value is TimeSpan)
                    value = "'" + value + "'";
                if (value is TimeSpan?)
                    value = "'" + (string)value + "'";
                if (value is bool && isUnary)
                    return WherePart.Concat(WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value), "=", WherePart.IsSql("1"));
                return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value);
            if (expression is MemberExpression)
                var member = (MemberExpression)expression;

                if (member.Member is PropertyInfo)
                    var property = (PropertyInfo)member.Member;
                    //var colName = _tableDef.GetColumnNameFor(property.Name);
                    var colName = property.Name;
                    if (isUnary && member.Type == typeof(bool))
                        return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, expression), "=", WherePart.IsParameter(i++, true));
                    return WherePart.IsSql("[" + colName + "]");
                if (member.Member is FieldInfo)
                    var value = GetValue(member);
                    if (value is string)
                        value = prefix + (string)value + postfix;
                    return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value);
                throw new Exception($"Expression does not refer to a property or field: {expression}");
            if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
                var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)expression;
                // LIKE queries:
                if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }))
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "'%", postfix: "%'"));
                if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }))
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "'", postfix: "%'"));
                if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }))
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "'%", postfix: "'"));
                // IN queries:
                if (methodCall.Method.Name == "Contains")
                    Expression collection;
                    Expression property;
                    if (methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 2)
                        collection = methodCall.Arguments[0];
                        property = methodCall.Arguments[1];
                    else if (!methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 1)
                        collection = methodCall.Object;
                        property = methodCall.Arguments[0];
                        throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name);
                    var values = (IEnumerable)GetValue(collection);
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, property), "IN", WherePart.IsCollection(ref i, values));
                throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name);
            throw new Exception("Unsupported expression: " + expression.GetType().Name);

        public string ValueToString(object value, bool isUnary, bool quote)
            if (value is bool)
                if (isUnary)
                    return (bool)value ? "(1=1)" : "(1=0)";
                return (bool)value ? "1" : "0";
            //return _provider.ValueToString(value, quote);
            return value.ToString();

        private static object GetValue(Expression member)
            // source:
            var objectMember = Expression.Convert(member, typeof(object));
            var getterLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(objectMember);
            var getter = getterLambda.Compile();
            return getter();

        private static string NodeTypeToString(ExpressionType nodeType)
            switch (nodeType)
                case ExpressionType.Add:
                    return "+";
                case ExpressionType.And:
                    return "&";
                case ExpressionType.AndAlso:
                    return "AND";
                case ExpressionType.Divide:
                    return "/";
                case ExpressionType.Equal:
                    return "=";
                case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr:
                    return "^";
                case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:
                    return ">";
                case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                    return ">=";
                case ExpressionType.LessThan:
                    return "<";
                case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:
                    return "<=";
                case ExpressionType.Modulo:
                    return "%";
                case ExpressionType.Multiply:
                    return "*";
                case ExpressionType.Negate:
                    return "-";
                case ExpressionType.Not:
                    return "NOT";
                case ExpressionType.NotEqual:
                    return "<>";
                case ExpressionType.Or:
                    return "|";
                case ExpressionType.OrElse:
                    return "OR";
                case ExpressionType.Subtract:
                    return "-";
            throw new Exception($"Unsupported node type: {nodeType}");

    public class WherePart
        public string Sql { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        public static WherePart IsSql(string sql)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                Sql = sql

        public static WherePart IsParameter(int count, object value)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = { { count.ToString(), value } },
                Sql = $"@{count}"

        public static WherePart IsCollection(ref int countStart, IEnumerable values)
            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var sql = new StringBuilder("(");
            foreach (var value in values)
                parameters.Add((countStart).ToString(), value);
            if (sql.Length == 1)
            sql[sql.Length - 1] = ')';
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = parameters,
                Sql = sql.ToString()

        public static WherePart Concat(string @operator, WherePart operand)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = operand.Parameters,
                Sql = $"({@operator} {operand.Sql})"

        public static WherePart Concat(WherePart left, string @operator, WherePart right)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = left.Parameters.Union(right.Parameters).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value),
                Sql = $"({left.Sql} {@operator} {right.Sql})"


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ryanohs commented Jun 3, 2019

Unfortunately I lost this code on an old hard drive. Sorry!

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salk52 commented Jun 3, 2019

This is what I Use

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;

namespace TestNameSapce

public class WhereBuilder
        // private readonly IProvider _provider;
        // private TableDefinition _tableDef;

        public WhereBuilder() //IProvider provider
            // _provider = provider;

        public WherePart ToSql<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
            //_tableDef = _provider.GetTableDefinitionFor<T>();
            var i = 1;
            return Recurse(ref i, expression.Body, isUnary: true);

        public string ToRawSql<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
            //_tableDef = _provider.GetTableDefinitionFor<T>();
            var i = 1;
            var whereParts = Recurse(ref i, expression.Body, isUnary: true);

            if (!whereParts.Parameters.Any())
                return whereParts.Sql;

            StringBuilder finalQuery = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var p in whereParts.Parameters)
                var val = "@" + p.Key;
                finalQuery = finalQuery.Replace(val, p.Value.ToString());
            return finalQuery.ToString();

        private WherePart Recurse(ref int i, Expression expression, bool isUnary = false, string prefix = null, string postfix = null)
            if (expression is UnaryExpression)
                var unary = (UnaryExpression)expression;
                return WherePart.Concat(NodeTypeToString(unary.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, unary.Operand, true));
            if (expression is BinaryExpression)
                var body = (BinaryExpression)expression;
                return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, body.Left), NodeTypeToString(body.NodeType), Recurse(ref i, body.Right));
            if (expression is ConstantExpression)
                var constant = (ConstantExpression)expression;
                var value = constant.Value;
                if (value is int)
                    return WherePart.IsSql(value.ToString());
                if (value is string)
                    if (prefix == null && postfix == null)
                        value = "'" + (string)value + "'";
                        value = prefix + (string)value + postfix;
                if (value is DateTime)
                    value = "'" + value + "'";
                if (value is DateTime?)
                    value = "'" + (string)value + "'";
                if (value is TimeSpan)
                    value = "'" + value + "'";
                if (value is TimeSpan?)
                    value = "'" + (string)value + "'";
                if (value is bool && isUnary)
                    return WherePart.Concat(WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value), "=", WherePart.IsSql("1"));
                return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value);
            if (expression is MemberExpression)
                var member = (MemberExpression)expression;

                if (member.Member is PropertyInfo)
                    var property = (PropertyInfo)member.Member;
                    //var colName = _tableDef.GetColumnNameFor(property.Name);
                    var colName = property.Name;
                    if (isUnary && member.Type == typeof(bool))
                        return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, expression), "=", WherePart.IsParameter(i++, true));
                    return WherePart.IsSql("[" + colName + "]");
                if (member.Member is FieldInfo)
                    var value = GetValue(member);
                    if (value is string)
                        value = prefix + (string)value + postfix;
                    return WherePart.IsParameter(i++, value);
                throw new Exception($"Expression does not refer to a property or field: {expression}");
            if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
                var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)expression;
                // LIKE queries:
                if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }))
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "'%", postfix: "%'"));
                if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }))
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "'", postfix: "%'"));
                if (methodCall.Method == typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }))
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Object), "LIKE", Recurse(ref i, methodCall.Arguments[0], prefix: "'%", postfix: "'"));
                // IN queries:
                if (methodCall.Method.Name == "Contains")
                    Expression collection;
                    Expression property;
                    if (methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 2)
                        collection = methodCall.Arguments[0];
                        property = methodCall.Arguments[1];
                    else if (!methodCall.Method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute)) && methodCall.Arguments.Count == 1)
                        collection = methodCall.Object;
                        property = methodCall.Arguments[0];
                        throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name);
                    var values = (IEnumerable)GetValue(collection);
                    return WherePart.Concat(Recurse(ref i, property), "IN", WherePart.IsCollection(ref i, values));
                throw new Exception("Unsupported method call: " + methodCall.Method.Name);
            throw new Exception("Unsupported expression: " + expression.GetType().Name);

        public string ValueToString(object value, bool isUnary, bool quote)
            if (value is bool)
                if (isUnary)
                    return (bool)value ? "(1=1)" : "(1=0)";
                return (bool)value ? "1" : "0";
            //return _provider.ValueToString(value, quote);
            return value.ToString();

        private static object GetValue(Expression member)
            // source:
            var objectMember = Expression.Convert(member, typeof(object));
            var getterLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(objectMember);
            var getter = getterLambda.Compile();
            return getter();

        private static string NodeTypeToString(ExpressionType nodeType)
            switch (nodeType)
                case ExpressionType.Add:
                    return "+";
                case ExpressionType.And:
                    return "&";
                case ExpressionType.AndAlso:
                    return "AND";
                case ExpressionType.Divide:
                    return "/";
                case ExpressionType.Equal:
                    return "=";
                case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr:
                    return "^";
                case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:
                    return ">";
                case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                    return ">=";
                case ExpressionType.LessThan:
                    return "<";
                case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:
                    return "<=";
                case ExpressionType.Modulo:
                    return "%";
                case ExpressionType.Multiply:
                    return "*";
                case ExpressionType.Negate:
                    return "-";
                case ExpressionType.Not:
                    return "NOT";
                case ExpressionType.NotEqual:
                    return "<>";
                case ExpressionType.Or:
                    return "|";
                case ExpressionType.OrElse:
                    return "OR";
                case ExpressionType.Subtract:
                    return "-";
            throw new Exception($"Unsupported node type: {nodeType}");

    public class WherePart
        public string Sql { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        public static WherePart IsSql(string sql)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                Sql = sql

        public static WherePart IsParameter(int count, object value)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = { { count.ToString(), value } },
                Sql = $"@{count}"

        public static WherePart IsCollection(ref int countStart, IEnumerable values)
            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var sql = new StringBuilder("(");
            foreach (var value in values)
                parameters.Add((countStart).ToString(), value);
            if (sql.Length == 1)
            sql[sql.Length - 1] = ')';
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = parameters,
                Sql = sql.ToString()

        public static WherePart Concat(string @operator, WherePart operand)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = operand.Parameters,
                Sql = $"({@operator} {operand.Sql})"

        public static WherePart Concat(WherePart left, string @operator, WherePart right)
            return new WherePart()
                Parameters = left.Parameters.Union(right.Parameters).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value),
                Sql = $"({left.Sql} {@operator} {right.Sql})"


thanx, it works :)

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