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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (division, unicode_literals,
print_function, absolute_import)
import unittest
import math
import copy
import re
import pint
base_powers = {-24: 'yocto',
-21: 'zepto',
-18: 'atto',
-15: 'femto',
-12: 'pico',
-9: 'nano',
-6: 'micro',
-3: 'milli',
0: '',
3: 'kilo',
6: 'mega',
9: 'giga',
12: 'tera',
15: 'peta',
18: 'exa',
21: 'zetta',
24: 'yotta'}
prefixes = {'atto',
prefixes_regex = '^('+'|'.join(prefixes)+')'
find_prefixes = re.compile(prefixes_regex)
def infer_base_unit(q):
# Possibly change to use ureg.parse_unit_name
ureg = q._REGISTRY
base_units = [(find_prefixes.sub('', unit), power)
for unit, power in q.units.items()]
combined_base_unit = ureg.dimensionless
for unit, power in base_units:
combined_base_unit *= getattr(ureg, unit) ** power
return combined_base_unit
def compact(q, unit=None):
"""Convert a quantity to readable base units.
For dimensionally simple inputs, no unit needs to be provided.
To get output in terms of a derived unit (such as newtons), use
the unit parameter.
>>> import pint
>>> ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
>>> compact(200e-9*ureg.s)
<Quantity(200.0, 'nanosecond')>
>>> compact(1e-2*ureg.N)
<Quantity(10.0, 'millinewton')>
if q.unitless:
return q
if unit is None:
unit = infer_base_unit(q)
q_base =
magnitude = q_base.magnitude
unit_items = q_base.units.items()
unit_str = unit_items[0][0]
unit_power = unit_items[0][1]
if unit_power > 0:
power = math.floor((math.log(magnitude, 1000) / unit_power)) * 3
power = math.ceil((math.log(magnitude, 1000) / unit_power)) * 3
if power <= -24:
prefix = 'yocto'
elif power >= 24:
prefix = 'yotta'
prefix = base_powers[power]
new_unit = "{prefix}{unit_str}^{unit_power}".format(prefix=prefix,
if len(unit_items) == 1:
# If there are more units in the registry, combine them now;
# This unit might not make a lot of sense, but it will at least be valid
combined_new_unit = q._REGISTRY(new_unit)
for unit, power in unit_items[1:]:
combined_new_unit *= getattr(q._REGISTRY, unit) ** power
class Test_compact(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
self.Q_ = self.ureg.Quantity
def assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(self, q1, q2):
self.assertAlmostEqual(q1.magnitude, q2.magnitude)
self.assertEqual(q1.units, q2.units)
def test_dimensionally_simple_units(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(1*ureg.m, 1*ureg.m),
(1e-9*ureg.m, 1*ureg.nm)]
for q, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def test_power_units(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(900*ureg.m**2, 900*ureg.m**2),
(1e7*ureg.m**2, 10***2)]
for q, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def test_inverse_units(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(1/ureg.m, 1/ureg.m),
(100e9/ureg.m, 100/ureg.nm)]
for q, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def test_inverse_square_units(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(1/ureg.m**2, 1/ureg.m**2),
(1e11/ureg.m**2, 1e5/**2)]
for q, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def test_fractional_exponent_units(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(1*ureg.m**0.5, 1*ureg.m**0.5),
(1e-2*ureg.m**0.5, 10***0.5)]
for q, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def test_derived_units(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(0.5*ureg.megabyte, 500*ureg.kilobyte),
(1e-11*ureg.N, 10*ureg.pN)]
for q, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def test_unit_parameter(self):
ureg = self.ureg
inital_converted_quantities = [
(self.Q_(100e-9, 'kg m / s^2'), ureg.N, 100*ureg.nN),
(self.Q_(101.3e3, 'kg/m/s^2'), ureg.Pa, 101.3*ureg.kPa)]
for q, unit, expected_compact_q in inital_converted_quantities:
compact_q = compact(q, unit=unit)
self.assertQuantityAlmostIdentical(compact_q, expected_compact_q)
def main():
"""Run the testsuite as command line application.
except Exception as e:
print('Error: %s' % e)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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