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Created September 23, 2016 06:57
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Good for single loop timeout functions which may or may not contain a non-nested timeout element themselves. Ran into issues when nesting this function within one of it's own, timeout is not referenced within sub-scopes.
from time import time, sleep
from functools import wraps
import socket
import unittest
class TimeoutError(socket.timeout):
none_val = lambda x: 0.0 if x is None else float(x) # Returns float(x), or 0 if x is None
def loop_timeout(timeout = 0):
""" A timeout loop decorator.
Loops until function returns non-None value, or timeout is reached, raising a TimeoutError.
If sub-function has \'timeout\' as a kwarg, if this kwarg has value None, will update this with remaining time on each loop.
If super timeout <= 0 or timeout is None, then this will loop forever, and all sub-timeouts will remain unchanged.
Returns: Output
Raises: TimeoutError
Sub-Returns: Output, kwargs : Returns the output
Output, None : Returns the output
None, kwargs : Loops and updates kwargs, must include all args, including those from *args.
None, : Loops using same parameters. """
def timeout_decorator(some_function):
def timeout_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time()
stop = start + none_val(timeout) # stop is set to start + timeout, timeout defaults to 0 if None
while stop <= start or time() <= stop: # Runs forever if there is a zero or negative stop, or runs until time() is passed stop time
if not (stop <= start) \
and 'timeout' in kwargs \
and kwargs['timeout'] is None: # If timeout exists, and timeout exists in kwargs, and timeout in kwargs hasn't already been set
kwargs['timeout'] = stop-time() # ... then pass it the remaining time
if args: # If args are still being used
out, new_kwargs = some_function(*args, **kwargs) # ... some_function uses both args and kwargs.
else: # After some kwargs are returned, and/or args are not used.
out, new_kwargs = some_function(**kwargs) # ... Only use kwargs
if new_kwargs is not None and 'timeout' not in new_kwargs \
and 'timeout' in kwargs:
new_kwargs['timeout'] = None
# out, new_kwargs = some_function()
if new_kwargs: # If kwargs is returned
kwargs = new_kwargs # ... Replace kwargs
args = None # ... Use kwargs exclusively.
if out is not None: # While loop ends on some out other than None
return out # ...
raise TimeoutError() # If no return, raise a TimeoutError
return timeout_wrapper
return timeout_decorator
# ---------------- Test Methods ---------------
def _print_wait(n):
#print("Count: {}".format(n))
if n > 0:
return None, {'n':n-1}
return True, None
class TestTimeout(unittest.TestCase):
def test_timeout1(self):
""" Tests timeout with exact steps."""
self.assertTrue(_print_wait(n=2)) # Should return no error
def test_timeout2(self):
""" Tests timeout with greater than allowed number of steps."""
with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError):
def test_timeout3(self):
""" Tests timeout with normal args rather than kwargs."""
if __name__ == "__main__":
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestTimeout)
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