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Last active December 2, 2018 08:44
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Duality Theorum Solver
from copy import deepcopy
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.DiGraph()
class Literal(str):
def __new__(cls, literal):
return str.__new__(cls, literal)
def __init__(self, literal):
self.literals = [literal]
def __invert__(self):
return Not(self)
def __and__(self, other):
return And(self, other)
def __or__(self, other):
return Or(self, other)
def __copy__(self):
return Literal(self.literals[0])
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}):
return Literal(deepcopy(self.literals[0], memodict))
class And(Literal):
def __new__(cls, *literals):
literals = literals
assert all(type(xi) in (Literal, Not) for xi in literals), f"This package only supports single nesting: {[type(l) for l in literals]}"
this = f"({str.join(' and ', literals)})"
return str.__new__(cls, this)
def __init__(self, *literals):
self.literals = literals
def __copy__(self):
return And(*self.literals)
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}):
return And(*[deepcopy(l, memodict) for l in self.literals])
class Or(Literal):
def __new__(cls, *literals):
literals = literals
assert all(type(xi) in (Literal, Not) for xi in literals), f"This package only supports single nesting: {[type(l) for l in literals]}"
this = f"({str.join(' or ', literals)})"
return str.__new__(cls, this)
def __init__(self, *literals):
self.literals = literals
def __copy__(self):
return Or(*self.literals)
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}):
return Or(*[deepcopy(l, memodict) for l in self.literals])
class Not(Literal):
def __new__(cls, literal):
if isinstance(literal, Not):
return literal.literals[0]
elif isinstance(literal, And):
return Or(*[Not(xi) for xi in literal.literals])
elif isinstance(literal, Or):
return And(*[Not(xi) for xi in literal.literals])
literals = [literal]
this = f'(Not {literals[0]})'
return str.__new__(cls, this)
def __init__(self, literal):
self.literals = [literal]
def __copy__(self):
return Not(self.literals[0])
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}):
return Not(deepcopy(self.literals[0], memodict))
def test_not():
assert str(Not(Not(Not('a'))))=='(Not a)'
assert str(Not(Not('a')))=='a'
assert str(Not('a'))=='(Not a)'
assert str(Not(Or(Literal('p'), Literal('q'))))==str(And(Not('p'), Not('q')))
assert str(Not(And(Literal('p'), Literal('q'))))==str(Or(Not('p'), Not('q')))
assert type(Not(Not(Not(Literal('a'))))) is Not
assert type(Not(Not(Literal('a')))) is Literal
PrimalFeasible = Literal('Primal Feasible')
PrimalBounded = Literal('Primal Bounded')
DualFeasible = Literal('Dual Feasible')
DualBounded = Literal('Dual Bounded')
WeakDuality = Literal('cTx <= bTy')
StrongDuality = Literal('cTx==bTy')
PrimalOptimal = Literal('Primal Optimal')
DualOptimal = Literal('Dual Optimal')
# ManualCalculation1 = Literal('ManualCalculation1')
# ManualCalculation2 = Literal('ManualCalculation2')
# ManualCalculation3 = Literal('ManualCalculation3')
# ManualCalculation4 = Literal('ManualCalculation4')
PrimalInfeasible = ~PrimalFeasible
DualInfeasible = ~DualFeasible
PrimalUnbounded = ~PrimalBounded
DualUnbounded = ~DualBounded
# Unbounded LP
G.add_edge(DualUnbounded, PrimalInfeasible, source='Unbounded LP')
G.add_edge(PrimalUnbounded, DualInfeasible, source='Unbounded LP')
# Check Unbounded
G.add_edge(DualInfeasible, PrimalInfeasible | PrimalUnbounded, source='Check Unbounded')
# Weak Duality
G.add_edge(PrimalFeasible & DualFeasible, WeakDuality, source='Weak Duality')
# Matching Values Lecture
G.add_edge(And(PrimalFeasible, DualFeasible, StrongDuality), PrimalOptimal, source='Matching Values Lecture')
# Primal Optimal iff Dual Optimal
G.add_edge(PrimalOptimal, DualOptimal, source='Strong Duality')
G.add_edge(DualOptimal, PrimalOptimal, source='Strong Duality')
# Feasible and bounded iff optimal
G.add_edge(PrimalFeasible & PrimalBounded, PrimalOptimal, source='Strong Duality')
G.add_edge(PrimalOptimal, PrimalFeasible & PrimalBounded, source='Strong Duality')
G.add_edge(DualFeasible & DualBounded, DualOptimal, source='Strong Duality')
G.add_edge(DualOptimal, DualFeasible & DualBounded, source='Strong Duality')
# My own findings
# G.add_edge(ManualCalculation1, PrimalBounded, source='manual')
# G.add_edge(ManualCalculation2, PrimalUnbounded, source='manual')
# G.add_edge(ManualCalculation3, DualBounded, source='manual')
# G.add_edge(ManualCalculation4, DualUnbounded, source='manual')
# Collect all literals
n = list(G.nodes())
# Include all nots as contradictions
for n in list(G.nodes()):
G.add_edge(n, Not(n), source='contradiction')
# Basic Logic
# And implies each
for n in list(G.nodes()):
if type(n) is And:
for a in n.literals:
G.add_edge(n, a, source='and each')
# Include all nots as contradictions (again)
for n in list(G.nodes()):
G.add_edge(n, Not(n), source='contradiction')
# Power graph
# def directed_power(G, k, source=None):
# """ Networkx doesn't have a power graph implementation for directed graphs for some reason. """
# g = G
# G = G.copy()
# assert len(G.edges()) == len(g.edges())
# assert G is not g
# new_edges = False
# for i in range(k):
# for n in list(G.nodes()):
# for m1 in list(G.successors(n)):
# for m2 in list(G.successors(m1)):
# if not G.has_edge(n, m2):
# G.add_edge(n, m2, source=source)
# print(f"New Edge {n} -> {m2}")
# new_edges = True
# if new_edges:
# assert len(G.edges()) != len(g.edges())
# return G
def directed_power(G, k, source='calculated'):
""" Networkx doesn't have a power graph implementation for directed graphs for some reason. """
g = G
G = G.copy()
assert len(G.edges()) == len(g.edges())
assert G is not g
new_edges = False
for i in range(k):
for n in list(G.nodes()):
for m1 in list(G.successors(n)):
if 'contradiction' in G[n][m1]['source']:
m1 = Not(m1)
for m2 in list(G.successors(m1)):
c = 'contradiction' in G[m1][m2]['source']
if not G.has_edge(n, m2):
G.add_edge(n, m2, source=source if not c else 'contradiction '+source)
print(f"New Edge {n} -> {m2}")
new_edges = True
if new_edges:
assert len(G.edges()) != len(g.edges())
return G
def test_directed_power():
G2 = directed_power(G, 1)
assert (len(G2.edges()) > len(G.edges()))
# print((set(G2.edges()) - set(G.edges())))
g = G # A previous version
G = directed_power(G, 100)
# Combine my custom "Needs calculation" nodes
# ManualCalculation = Literal('ManualCalculation')
# G.add_node(ManualCalculation)
# for n in [ManualCalculation1, ManualCalculation2, ManualCalculation3, ManualCalculation4]:
# for m in list(G.successors(n)):
# G.add_edge(ManualCalculation, m)
# for m in list(G.successors(Not(n))):
# G.add_edge(ManualCalculation, m)
# G.remove_node(n)
# G.remove_node(Not(n))
# Include all nots as contradictions (again)
for n in list(G.nodes()):
G.add_edge(n, Not(n), source='contradiction')
# I want identity edges (has to be last to avoid infinite loops)
for n in list(G.nodes()):
G.add_edge(n, n, source="identity")
# Plot the changes
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(10,10))
nx.draw_circular(g, with_labels=True, ax=ax1)
nx.draw_circular(G, with_labels=True, ax=ax2)
# Plot the result alone
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,10))
nx.draw_circular(G, with_labels=True, ax=ax)
# Get the numpy array
def sortkey(self):
if type(self) is Not:
print("here", str(self), Not(self))
# assert Not(self) != ManualCalculation4
return str(Not(self))
print("here2", str(self))
return str(self)
nodelist = list(sorted(list(G.nodes()), key=sortkey))
outdf = pd.DataFrame([['' for i in range(len(nodelist))] for i in range(len(nodelist))],
columns=nodelist, index=nodelist)
for i, n in enumerate(nodelist):
for j, m in enumerate(nodelist):
if G.has_edge(n, m):
if 'source' in G[n][m]:
source = G[n][m]['source']
source = 'calculated'
outdf.iloc[i,j] = source
# Sort by index of identity value
rowsort = []
for idx, row in outdf.iterrows():
i = np.where(row=="identity")[0][0]
outdf = outdf.iloc[rowsort, rowsort]
# Remove identity rows
drop_indexes = []
for idx, row in outdf.iterrows():
if (row!='').sum() == 2:
# Remove identity columns
drop_columns = []
for column in outdf:
col = outdf[column]
if (col!='').sum() == 2:
outdf.drop(drop_indexes, axis='index', inplace=True)
outdf.drop(drop_columns, axis='columns', inplace=True)
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