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Last active January 30, 2022 22:32
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  • Save ryanpersaud/0afc735efbcb1ccad6e2da882a712574 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Quick and dirty Spotify playlist export:

  1. Login to the Spotify web client
  2. Open the Developer Tools (Click on the Kebab Menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools) and then click on the Network tab
  3. Click on a Playlist in the browser Window
  4. In the Network tab, look for a request to tracks?...
  5. Right-click the request, and select Copy -> Copy as cURL (bash)
  6. Paste the request into a bash shell and append |jq -r '.items[] | "\(|\(|\(.track.artists | map(.name) | join(","))"' This should produce a list of the tracks in the playlist with the song, album, and artist(s) separated by a pipe (|)
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