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Ryan Olds ryanrolds

View GitHub Profile
"Teleport On Map Click","Teleport - Target To Me","Teleport - Me To Target","Teleport In Facing Direction (10m s\
"spectating","AdminConsole","Delete Vehicle","FlyUp","ShowGear","Show Server Information",
"HealSelf","HealRepairNear","AdminLog","Freeze Target","UnFreeze Target","Restrain","UnRestrain",
"==== Loadouts ====","==== Vehicles ====","==== Base Deleter ====","==== WeatherLord ====","Items spawn menu",
"Remove Gear","Heal","Restore","Flip Vehicle","Move In My Vehicle","Move In Target Vehicle","Eject","Eject Crew"\
"Kill","Explode","Force Disconnect","Kick (Silent)","Kick (Announce)","Ban (Silent)","Ban (Announce)",
"infiSTAR Player ESP","infiSTAR Dead ESP","infiSTAR AI ESP",
"infiSTAR MapIcons","Vehicle Marker","Flag Marker (with radius)","DeadPlayer Marker",
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast instances upgrade -r jyprodquery1 queryserver
cast remotes add jyprodquery1 --overwrite
cast remotes add jyprodquery2 --overwrite
cast remotes add jyprodquery3 --overwrite
cast remotes add jyprodquery4 --overwrite
cast remotes add jyprodquery5 https://<ip>/ --overwrite
cast remotes add jyprodquery5 https://<ip>/ --overwrite
cast remotes add jyprodquery5 https://<ip>/ --overwrite
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery1
cast bundles upload -r jyprodquery2
<ryanrolds> Having an issue with json we are sending isn't getting parsed.
<ryanrolds> It looks like if we POST a JSON array with mixed strings and objects it only parses a fraction of the messages in the array.
<r0tha> hmmm
<r0tha> have an example of the message
<ryanrolds> One sec
<ryanrolds> "UPDATING LOAD DATA",{"message":"queryserver apps","ip":"","fqdn":"office-moth","apps":{},"empty":true},{"total_ram":4061912,"free_ram":2958524,"os_used":1000000,"qs_rss":8680,"qs_mmap":8680,"ip":"","fqdn":"office-moth","load_five":0,"swap":0,"used_mem":0.2483264039201243,"overfull":false,"full":false,"draining":true,"empty":true,"message":"queryserver load"},"FINISHED UPDATING LOAD DATA"
<ryanrolds> ,"STARTUP: Now accepting requests on port 80",{"message":"moth started"}]
<ryanrolds> Er, that's missing a [ at the start
<ryanrolds> copy paste issue, it's there
<r0tha> ah so check this out
var url = [
'?q=json.message:"queryserver load" json.fqdn:rsquery1'
'url': url,
'beforeSend': function(xhr) {
var token = ['username', 'password'].join(':');
emacs /etc/apt/sources.list
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
apt-get update
apt-get install -t squeeze-backports redis-server redis-doc
# Log in to root user
apt-get update && apt-get install git-core build-essential emacs authbind runit scons libssl-dev curl -y
su - <unprivileged user>
git clone ~/nvm && . ~/nvm/ && nvm alias default v0.6.21 && nvm install v0.6.21
# Add to .profile, .bashrc or equiv.: . ~/nvm/
curl | sh
# Setup files needed for cast agent and runsvdir
mkdir -p $HOME/cast-data/services-enabled/
mkdir $HOME/.cast
x Fix bug reported by CMDI (2 hours)
x Move DNS from Slicehost to RS (2 hours)
x Fix last couple of bugs in dynamic assignment (4-8 hours)
x Properly unload app on qs return
x Eliminate 1min dead check wait (econrefused and ajax failure)
x Added client error page
x Fix username focus issue with login page
x Confirm DNS and switch NS servers to point to RS for DNS
x Add create date to bmh_customer_univese_purcahse for Sean (.5 hours)
x Migrate Slicehost vm to RS (2 - 4 hours)
INSERT INTO apps (appname, description, type, active, display_name) VALUES ('exp_us','Experian US All','demo','t','United States Adult Population (Exp.)');
INSERT INTO customers_apps (customername, appname, queryserver_ip) VALUES ('moonshadowmobile','exp_us','');
INSERT INTO users_apps (username, appname, customername) VALUES ('eimar','exp_us','moonshadowmobile');
ryanrolds / gist:3841567
Last active October 11, 2015 09:58
datafiles nfs
# apt-get update && apt-get install rpcbind nfs-common autofs
- edit /etc/auto.master and this just above +auto.master
/- /etc/
- create /etc/ and put this in it:
/home/cast/data-nfs -bg,hard,intr
# service autofs restart
# ls /home/cast/data-nfs