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// ==UserScript==
// @id iitc-plugin-power-of-defense@Route288
// @name IITC plugin: Power of Defense
// @category Layer
// @version
// @namespace
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @description Show diffense power of resonators on map.
// @include https://**
// @include http://**
// @match https://**
// @match http://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function wrapper(plugin_info) {
// ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded
if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {};
//PLUGIN AUTHORS: writing a plugin outside of the IITC build environment? if so, delete these lines!!
//(leaving them in place might break the 'About IITC' page or break update checks)
plugin_info.buildName = 'route288';
plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = '20151110';
plugin_info.pluginId = 'portal-diffese-power';
// PLUGIN START ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// use own namespace for plugin
window.plugin.portalDefensePower = function() {
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.ICON_SIZE = 12;
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.MOBILE_SCALE = 1.5;
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayers = {};
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayerGroup = null;
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.setupCSS = function() {
.prop("type", "text/css")
.html(".plugin-portal-diffese-power {\
font-size: 10px;\
color: #BBFFFF;\
font-family: monospace;\
text-align: center;\
text-shadow: 0 0 0.5em black, 0 0 0.5em black, 0 0 0.5em black;\
pointer-events: none;\
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.removeLabel = function(guid) {
var previousLayer = window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayers[guid];
if(previousLayer) {
delete plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayers[guid];
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.addLabel = function(guid,latLng) {
// remove old layer before updating
// add portal level to layers
var p = window.portals[guid];
var resoNumber =;
var reso = L.marker(latLng, {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: 'plugin-portal-diffese-power',
iconSize: [window.plugin.portalDefensePower.ICON_SIZE, window.plugin.portalDefensePower.ICON_SIZE],
html: resoNumber
guid: guid
plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayers[guid] = reso;
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.updatePortalLabels = function() {
var SQUARE_SIZE = ? (window.plugin.portalDefensePower.ICON_SIZE + 3) * window.plugin.portalDefensePower.MOBILE_SCALE
: (window.plugin.portalDefensePower.ICON_SIZE + 3);
// as this is called every time layers are toggled, there's no point in doing it when the layer is off
if (!map.hasLayer(window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayerGroup)) {
var portalPoints = {};
for (var guid in window.portals) {
var p = window.portals[guid];
if (p._map) { // only consider portals added to the map
var point = map.project(p.getLatLng());
portalPoints[guid] = point;
// for efficient testing of intersection, group portals into buckets based on the defined rectangle size
var buckets = {};
for (var guid in portalPoints) {
var point = portalPoints[guid];
var bucketId = L.point([Math.floor(point.x/(SQUARE_SIZE*2)),Math.floor(point.y/SQUARE_SIZE*2)]);
// the guid is added to four buckets. this way, when testing for overlap we don't need to test
// all 8 buckets surrounding the one around the particular portal, only the bucket it is in itself
var bucketIds = [bucketId, bucketId.add([1,0]), bucketId.add([0,1]), bucketId.add([1,1])];
for (var i in bucketIds) {
var b = bucketIds[i].toString();
if (!buckets[b]) buckets[b] = {};
buckets[b][guid] = true;
var coveredPortals = {};
for (var bucket in buckets) {
var bucketGuids = buckets[bucket];
for (var guid in bucketGuids) {
var point = portalPoints[guid];
// the bounds used for testing are twice as wide as the rectangle. this is so that there's no left/right
// overlap between two different portals text
var southWest = point.subtract([SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE]);
var northEast = point.add([SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE]);
var largeBounds = L.bounds(southWest, northEast);
for (var otherGuid in bucketGuids) {
// do not check portals already marked as covered
if (guid != otherGuid && !coveredPortals[otherGuid]) {
var otherPoint = portalPoints[otherGuid];
if (largeBounds.contains(otherPoint)) {
if (portals[guid] < portals[otherGuid] continue;
else coveredPortals[guid] = true;
for (var guid in coveredPortals) {
delete portalPoints[guid];
// remove any not wanted
for (var guid in window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayers) {
if (!(guid in portalPoints)) {
// and add those we do
for (var guid in portalPoints) {
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.addLabel(guid, portals[guid].getLatLng());
// as calculating portal marker visibility can take some time when there's lots of portals shown, we'll do it on
// a short timer. this way it doesn't get repeated so much
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.delayedUpdatePortalLabels = function(wait) {
if (window.plugin.portalDefensePower.timer === undefined) {
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.timer = setTimeout ( function() {
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.timer = undefined;
}, wait*1000);
var setup = function() {
window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayerGroup = new L.LayerGroup();
window.addLayerGroup('Portal ResoNums', window.plugin.portalDefensePower.levelLayerGroup, true);
window.addHook('requestFinished', function() { setTimeout(function(){window.plugin.portalDefensePower.delayedUpdatePortalLabels(3.0);},1); });
window.addHook('mapDataRefreshEnd', function() { window.plugin.portalDefensePower.delayedUpdatePortalLabels(0.5); });'overlayadd overlayremove', function() { setTimeout(function(){window.plugin.portalDefensePower.delayedUpdatePortalLabels(1.0);},1); });
// PLUGIN END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property
if(!window.bootPlugins) window.bootPlugins = [];
// if IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function
if(window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') setup();
} // wrapper end
// inject code into site context
var script = document.createElement('script');
var info = {};
if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name:, description: GM_info.script.description };
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')('+JSON.stringify(info)+');'));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
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