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Last active March 5, 2020 15:07
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#Render a static model
GET("", write_disk(tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")))
babyyoda <- readxl::read_xlsx(tf, sheet = "BabyYoda") %>%
babyyoda %>%
build_bricks(rgl_lit = F, outline_bricks = T, background_color = "#8a496b")
#Set up window parameters
U <- par3d("userMatrix")
U <- round(U)
par3d(windowRect = c(20, 30, 800, 600), zoom = .8)
#Set up animation
num_frames <- 480
max_phi <- pi/4
phivec = c(rep(pi/16, 240),
seq(pi/16, max_phi, length.out = 60),
rep(max_phi, 60),
seq(max_phi, pi/16, length.out = 60),
rep(pi/16, 60))
thetavec = c(rep(0, 120),
rev(seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 300)),
rep(0, 60))
zoomvec = c(rep(0.8, 240),
seq(0.8, 1, length.out = 60),
rev(seq(0.8, 1, length.out = 60)),
rep(0.8, 120))
rglvec = rep(c(rep(101, 20), rep(102, 20), rep(103, 20)), 8)
#Animation ----
#Loop over 3 different force waves
for(rr in 101:103){
readxl::read_xlsx(tf, sheet = "BabyYoda") %>%
mutate_at(vars(user_color), list(~ifelse(.==101, rr, .))) %>%
bricks_from_excel() %>%
build_bricks(rgl_lit = F, outline_bricks = T, background_color = "#8a496b")
par3d(windowRect = c(20, 30, 800, 600), zoom = .8)
#Loop over window parameters
for(ii in 1:num_frames){
if(rglvec[ii] == rr){
# par3d(userMatrix = rotate3d(U, thetas[ii], 0, 0 ,1)) # Rotate about model's z axis
par3d(userMatrix = rotationMatrix(phivec[ii], 1,0,0) %*% rotate3d(U, thetavec[ii], 0, 0 ,1),
zoom = zoomvec[ii]) # Rotate aboutviewer's z axis
rayshader::render_snapshot(paste0("rrgl/yoda", stringr::str_pad(ii, width=3, pad="0"), ".png"))
} else {next}
av::av_encode_video(paste0("rrgl/", list.files("rrgl/")),
"babyyoda.mp4", framerate = 30)
p <- babyyoda %>%
p +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
ggplot2::ggsave("babyyoda_instructions.png", device="png", width = 6, height = 6)
babyyoda %>%
ggplot2::ggsave("babyyoda_pieces.png", device="png", width = 8, height = 4)
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