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Created March 22, 2019 13:32
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{brickr} Example - Random Forest
random_tree <- function(xloc, yloc, height, radius){
startz <- round(height * (2/5))
#Build a 3x3 trunk
trunk_coords <- expand.grid( x = -1:1, y = -1:1,
z = 1:startz) %>%
mutate(x=x+xloc, y=y+yloc)
#Add texture to the trunk color
trunk_color <- sample(c("Reddish brown", "Dark orange", "Dark brown"), 3, replace = TRUE)
trunk_coords$Color = sample(trunk_color, nrow(trunk_coords), replace = TRUE, prob = (4:2)^2)
#Leaves are a cone shape with radius=radius on the bottom, 1 at the top
leaf_coords <- expand.grid( x = (xloc-radius):(xloc+radius),
y = (yloc-radius):(yloc+radius),
z = startz:height) %>%
mutate(dist = ((x-median(x))^2 + (y-median(y))^2)^(1/2),
leaf = dist <= radius * (max(z)-z)/(max(z)-startz)) %>%
#2 leaf colors, main color is 3/4 of the tree
leaf_color <- sample(c("Bright green", "Bright yel. green", "Dark green", "Spring yel. green"), 2)
leaf_coords$Color <- sample(leaf_color, nrow(leaf_coords), replace = TRUE, prob = c(3, 1))
#Combine trunk and leaves into a single tree
bind_rows(leaf_coords, trunk_coords) %>%
group_by(x,y,z) %>%
filter(row_number()==1) %>%
forest_size <- 32
num_trees <- 9
list(xloc = round(seq(4, forest_size-4, length.out = num_trees)),
yloc = sample(seq(4, forest_size-4), num_trees, replace= TRUE),
height = sample(10:20, num_trees, replace = TRUE),
radius = sample(3:5, num_trees, replace = TRUE)) %>%
purrr::pmap_df(random_tree) %>%
bind_rows(expand.grid(x=1:forest_size, y=1:forest_size, z=1, Color = "Earth green")) %>%
group_by(x,y,z) %>%
filter(row_number()==1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
bricks_from_coords() %>%
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I'm trying this out but for some reason there's no bricks_from_coords available in the package. Do you know what the problem is?

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@gfleetwood Are you using Version published on Friday?

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