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Created August 27, 2021 18:41
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#Recreation Thursday
# August 26, 2021
scale_dims = 10
scale_pattern = 1.5
num_x = 22*scale_pattern
num_y = 20*scale_pattern
sleeve_angle = (5.5/9)*pi
main_pattern <- crossing(x = seq(0, num_x*pi*scale_dims, by = 1),
y = seq(-1, num_y*pi*scale_dims, by = 1)) %>%
#Generate some distortions or ripples in the fabric...
#... in the original, none of the waves are perfect
#... want to randomly stretch out sections, but in a fluid way
# Magic numbers picked haphazardly to purposely not follow the wave pattern
fabric_imperfections = sin(x/50*1.5 + y/70*0.8)*sin(x/20*2.1 - y/120*3.4),
#~~ WAVES ~~#
#ybands tell the waves to shift every other one
ybands = (((y/scale_dims)-pi/2)%/%(pi))%%2,
#wave boundaries between colors
wave = ((y/scale_dims
- (2/5)*sin(x/scale_dims + ybands*scale_dims + fabric_imperfections/2))
%/% (pi))
%% 2,
#These bands turn on/off the checker pattern
innerbands = pmax((((y/scale_dims)-pi)%/%(pi))%%2 * (((x/scale_dims)-pi)%/%(pi))%%2,
(((y/scale_dims)-pi)%/%(pi)-1)%%2 * (((x/scale_dims)-pi)%/%(pi)-1)%%2),
#Define the area of the inner centers with the nested colors
inner_center_prep = sin(x/scale_dims + y/scale_dims-pi/2)*sin(x/scale_dims - y/scale_dims-pi/2),
inner_center = (inner_center_prep < -0.2 & innerbands == 1) #when to be on
* ((inner_center_prep %/% 0.15) %% 2), #The on pattern
#Combine all for a final pattern
final_pattern = xor(wave, inner_center)
) %>%
mutate(fill_pattern = ifelse(final_pattern, "#FDF2EB", "#96514E")) %>%
#Start mapping out the pockets, etc
#Bottom pockets have a flat top. Represent this with a Y cut-off
pocket_cutoff = x < 8*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims,
#Hacked equation for a "rectircle", rounded corner rectangle.
#... lots of trial and error... not sure why I need the ^(10/3)
pocket_bl = ( abs((x - ((9-2)/2+2)*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)/2)^4
+ abs((y - (-1)*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)/1.8)^4)
< (4*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)^(10/3),
pocket_bl = pocket_bl & pocket_cutoff,
pocket_br = ( abs((x - ((9-2)/2+2)*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)/2)^4
+ abs((y - (16)*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)/1.7)^4)
< (4*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)^(10/3),
pocket_br = pocket_br & pocket_cutoff,
#Sleeve on the top right
sleeve_tr = ( abs((x - (22)*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)/2)^2.8
+ abs((y - (20)*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)/1.8)^2.8)
< (4*pi*scale_pattern*scale_dims)^(8/3),
) %>%
#Finally, buttons! Top down, all at y=7.5
button_1 = ((x - 19*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2 + (y - 7.5*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2)^(1/2)
< (pi/2)*scale_dims*scale_pattern,
button_2 = ((x - 14.5*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2 + (y - 7.5*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2)^(1/2)
< (pi/2)*scale_dims*scale_pattern,
button_3 = ((x - 10*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2 + (y - 7.5*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2)^(1/2)
< (pi/2)*scale_dims*scale_pattern,
button_4 = ((x - 5.5*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2 + (y - 7.5*scale_dims*pi*scale_pattern)^2)^(1/2)
< (pi/2)*scale_dims*scale_pattern,
) %>%
#Add a gradient for each button
group_by(b_group = case_when(button_1~1, button_2~2, button_3~3, button_4~4, TRUE~0)) %>%
mutate(button_alpha = sin((x+y+row_number())/scale_dims)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(button_alpha = ifelse(b_group == 0, -1, button_alpha))
#Here we want to take the Pocket and Sleeve sections and overwrite the pattern in there
pattern_pocket_bl <- main_pattern %>%
#The bottom left pocket seems to be shifted 1 entire pattern unit left (decrease y)
y = y - round(pi*scale_dims),
#Increase x a little for a minor, imperfect shift
x = x + round(pi*scale_dims/10)
) %>%
select(x, y, fill_pattern_bl = fill_pattern) %>%
group_by(x,y) %>%
filter(row_number()==1) %>%
pattern_pocket_br <- main_pattern %>%
#The bottom right pocket seems to be shifted a bi tright (increase y)
y = y + round(pi*scale_dims*(1/2)),
#... and up half a pattern unit
x = x - round(pi*scale_dims/2)
) %>%
select(x, y, fill_pattern_br = fill_pattern) %>%
group_by(x,y) %>%
filter(row_number()==1) %>%
pattern_sleeve_tr <- main_pattern %>%
#Sleeve fabric is rotated ~120 degrees
#Also we can use the middle of the fabric as a base, not the corner
x1 = round( cos(sleeve_angle)*(x+0) + sin(sleeve_angle)*(y+0))+700,
y1 = abs(round(-sin(sleeve_angle)*(x+0) + cos(sleeve_angle)*(y+0)))+000
) %>%
select(x=x1, y=y1, fill_pattern_tr = fill_pattern) %>%
group_by(x,y) %>%
filter(row_number()==1) %>%
#Replace each of the pocket/sleeve sections with their new fill
main_pattern2 <- main_pattern %>%
left_join(pattern_pocket_bl) %>%
left_join(pattern_pocket_br) %>%
left_join(pattern_sleeve_tr) %>%
mutate(fill_pattern2 = case_when(
pocket_bl ~ fill_pattern_bl,
pocket_br ~ fill_pattern_br,
sleeve_tr ~ fill_pattern_tr,
button_1|button_2|button_3|button_4 ~ "#B99282",
TRUE ~ fill_pattern)) %>%
tidyr::fill(fill_pattern2) %>%
#At around 8 patterns into the art, the shirt has it's opening/buttons
#Theres a disconnect in the pattern here.
filter(!between(y, round(8.4*pi*scale_dims*scale_pattern),
round(8.8*pi*scale_dims*scale_pattern))) %>%
#Reset the Y values (across)
group_by(x) %>%
mutate(y = row_number()) %>%
main_pattern2 %>%
ggplot() +
aes(y, x) +
geom_raster(aes(fill = fill_pattern2)) +
scale_fill_identity() +
geom_raster(aes(alpha = button_alpha), fill = "#333333") +
scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0, 0.4)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = c(8.4)*pi*scale_dims*scale_pattern,
color = "#96514E", alpha =0.5, size=1.2) +
coord_fixed(expand = FALSE) +
labs(caption = "#RecreationThursday | @ryantimpe") +
theme_void() +
legend.position = "none",
plot.caption = element_text(color = "#96514E")
ggsave("recreationthursday_20210826a.png", width = 6, height = 6.1)
# ggsave(filename = paste0("Intermediate_20210826/RT_",str_remove_all(Sys.time(), "[^0-9]"), ".png"),
# width = 6, height = 6)
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