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Created March 26, 2013 19:54
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Save ryanvalentin/5248630 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update all thread titles based on Query
$apikey = '<your disqus secret key>'; // Your Disqus secret key from
$forum = '<your forum shortname>';
$limit = '100'; // max is 100 for this endpoint. 25 is default
$order = 'asc'; // asc = oldest to newest. default is desc
$since = '1362117600'; // 1362117600 = March 1, 2013 at Midnight
$accessToken = '<your admin access token>'; // Get your access token from your API application page:
$endpoint = ''.$apikey.'&forum='.$forum.'&limit='.$limit.'&order='.$order.'&since='.$since;
function list100Threads($endpoint,$cursor,$j) {
$i = 0;
// create a new cURL resource
$session = curl_init($endpoint.$cursor);
// set URL and other appropriate options
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // instead of just returning true on success, return the result on success
// set threads info
$data = curl_exec($session);
// close cURL resource, and free up system resources
// decode the json data to make it easier to parse the php
$results = json_decode($data);
if ($results === NULL) die('Error parsing json');
// grab threads
$threads = $results->response;
// grab the current cursor
$cursor = $results->cursor;
// Set the patterns you're looking for
$pattern = "Mobile Template: Story";
foreach ($threads as $thread)
// TODO get updated thread title here
$newtitle = "Sample title, get a real one";
// Current incorrect title
$oldtitle = $thread->title;
// Thread ID used to update
$thread = $thread->id;
if ($oldtitle == $pattern)
echo "Changing " . $oldtitle . " to " . $newtitle . "<br/>";
/* TODO uncomment this once you have the proper new title
// Update the thread
$updateThread = "" . $apikey . "&thread=" . $thread . "&title=" . urlencode($newtitle) . "&access_token=" . $accessToken;
$updateThreadSession = curl_init($updateThread);
$result = curl_exec($updateThreadSession);
if ($result === NULL)
echo "Error updating thread " . $thread . "<br />";
echo "Successfully updated thread " . $thread . "<br />";
echo "Skipped " . $oldtitle . "<br/>";
// cursor through until today
if ($i == 100) {
$cursor = "&cursor=" . $cursor->next;
$i = 0;
/* uncomment to only run $j number of iterations
if ($j < 10) {
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