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Last active June 11, 2024 05:20
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  • Save ryardley/19757124275bd83dcad04532176b0e30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"basics": {
"name": "Rudi Yardley",
"label": "ETHGlobal finalist, Software Engineer, Web3 Architect, Smart Contract Engineer, Fullstack",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"website": "",
"summary": "Key technology: TypeScript, Rust, Solidity, React, Circom, Noir, Solana, Solid.js\n\n Rudi Yardley is a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience as a programmer and software engineer. Since 2017, he has been actively engaged in the Blockchain industry and has held various roles in application development, including Tech Lead/Team Lead, Architecture, Frontend Engineer, Fullstack Engineer and even Graphic Design.\n\nToday, Rudi specializes in providing solutions for DAOs and companies that operate in the web3 space. He has worked on several significant projects in the field and is highly focused on delivering high-quality online applications, exceptional user experiences, and sustainable software of the highest standard. He is passionate about creating elegant, secure, and well-tested functional solutions that add value and solve core business problems for his clients.\n\n Engineering practices in the blockchain industry present unique challenges, and Rudi has gained valuable insights from leading blockchain teams. He is adept at leveraging agile methodologies to structure systems effectively and deliver resilient and well-architected web3 software quickly.\n\nRudi's interests and specialties lie in zero-knowledge proofs, distributed systems, software architecture, performance optimization, developer experience optimization, and test performance.",
"location": {
"city": "Melbourne",
"countryCode": "AU"
"profiles": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"username": "rudiyardley",
"url": ""
"username": "rudiyardley",
"url": "",
"network": "twitter"
"url": "",
"username": "ryardley",
"network": "github"
"work": [
"name": "Torpedo Wallet",
"position": "Founder",
"startDate": "2023-10-01",
"summary": "Torpedo gives users tools to both manage and analyze their digital footprint as well as create a privacy preserving protocol that segregates accounts and acts like a digital firewall to keep you safe.",
"highlights": ["technology: Rust, Tauri, Typescript, React"]
"name": "Get Magnet",
"position": "Co-Founder",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2023-08-01",
"summary": "GetMagnet is an AI powered marketing group specializing in cold email and lead acquisition and landing page conversion. Rudi has been working to enable and assist with Fullstack Engineering / Product Development / Infrastructure / Architecture / Strategy / Graphic Design and fulfillment."
"name": "Sozu Haus Australia 2024",
"position": "Resident",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2024-05-07",
"endDate": "2024-05-13",
"summary": "A 6-day hacker house and mini-accelerator in Coolgardie, Australia"
"name": "ETHGlobal Sydney 2024",
"position": "Hacker & Prize Winner",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2024-05-02",
"endDate": "2024-05-05",
"summary": "Prizewinner at the premier Ethereum Worldwide hackathon event. "
"name": "Antalpha ZK Hacker House Chiang Mai",
"position": "Hacker & Prize Winner",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2023-04-08",
"endDate": "2023-04-29",
"summary": "Hacker house focussing on Zero Knowledge Proofs and their application. Daily lectures on subjects like Plonk and technology demonstrations.",
"highlights": [
"Won 1st prize for Zrclib - a ZK toolkit for adding more privacy to the EVM"
"name": "Hydraswap",
"position": "Technical Lead / Software Architect",
"summary": "Rudi was responsible for leading a team of 5 developers to successfully deliver a decentralized exchange to mainnet.\n\n- Project Management\n- Smart Contract Development\n- Software Architecture\n- Team Management\n- Solana Mainnet Deploymet\n- Deployment systems\n- Anchor Framework\n- Scheduling work for Blockchain and Frontend teams\n- Technical delivery timeline negotiation\n- Created wrappers for sharing core wasm logic between blockchain and frontend\n- Optimizing developer workflow through tool creation\n\nChallanges\n- Monorepo management in the context of a blockchain project\n- Development of a highly complex system, mathematically and otherwise\n- Dealing with non- english speaking team members\n- Managing refactoring based on incorrect requirements\n\nTechnology\n- Solana\n- Anchor\n- Rust\n- Typescript\n- Wasm",
"startDate": "2022-02-01",
"endDate": "2022-11-30"
"name": "Mutantcats DAO",
"position": "Senior Cat & CatBoard member",
"url": "",
"summary": "As a \"SeniorCat\" in charge of technology Rudi was a key member of the MutantCats DAO. The MutantCats NFT project was released in October 2021 and shortly afterwards formed one of the first NFT DAO projects, gaining hype on social media. However, the original DEV team began to take a step back from the project. The Mutant Cats DAO formed governance structures and eventually taking controlof the project on behalf of the token holders. During this period Rudi developed several technological initiatives including:\n\n- Rescuing the project's fractionalized NFT treasury from the original developers\n- A Hackathon\n- An NFT marketplace\n- A NFT swap contract\n-\n\nSkills:\n- Solidity Smart Contract Development\n- Web3 development\n- Delivering Consensus\n- Working within a DAO structure",
"startDate": "2021-10-01",
"endDate": "2022-02-28"
"name": "Sifchain",
"position": "Principle Engineer",
"url": "",
"summary": "Rudi was brought on to rapidly build a frontend UI for a decentralized exchange and token bridge. He expanded his role to include frontend architecture managing and building out testing infrastructure as well providing expertise and general infrastructure for Sifchain and the frontend team.\n\nChallenges overcome: \n- The quirks of working with a decentralized application, \n- Extreme timelines \n- Integrating multiple blockchains \n- Working with team members of various experience levels on a difficult time sensitive project\n\n\nTechnologies \n- web3\n- cosmos-sdk \n- evm \n- solidity \n- truffle \n- cosmjs \n- keplr integration \n- metamask integration",
"startDate": "2020-10-01",
"endDate": "2021-06-30"
"name": "Blitz.js",
"position": "Project Core Contributer",
"url": "",
"summary": "Rudi was an early core contributer to this project. After being disappointed with GraphQL which was the status quo at the time, Brandon and Rudi came up with the idea of using Typescript to act as an interface and directly connect the frontend to the backend which has since been emulated many times with projects such as tRPC. Rudi wrote the original Next.js node compiler and file watcher implementation.",
"startDate": "2020-02-01",
"endDate": "2020-07-01"
"name": "Thorchain",
"position": "Senior Frontend Engineer / Test Engineer",
"url": "",
"summary": "Rudi Contributed to the Thorchain team as a frontend and testing consultant on the BEPSwap project. He built part of the intiial interface helped with user experience design around asset selection and set up frontend test coverage after discovering regression bugs were slowing down development.",
"startDate": "2019-10-01",
"endDate": "2019-12-31"
"name": "PDSL",
"position": "Project Founder / Maintainer",
"url": "",
"summary": "An expressive declarative language for composing predicates in TypeScript or JavaScript. An example of writing a simple compiler. Rudi delivered a talk on this idea at both Berlin and Vienna JS",
"startDate": "2019-07-01",
"endDate": "2019-12-01"
"name": "Blockbid",
"position": "Team Lead / Fullstack Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"summary": "Consulting as Team Lead to build out their cryptocurrency trading platform, Rudi coordinated a team of developers to put together prototypical front end interface and design system. He then worked on the backend team assembling tooling and communication to prepare for supporting an event sourced architecture via a custom messaging adaptor before focussing on the frontend team in order to service high pressure deadlines. Challenges included dealing with extreme deadlines, product pivots, security matters, offshore teams. \n\nRelated Tech: \n- RabbitMQ \n- amqplib \n- RxJS \n- GraphQL \n- ApolloClient \n- ApolloServer \n- Node \n- React \n- Redux",
"startDate": "2017-11-01",
"endDate": "2018-09-30"
"name": "Seek",
"position": "Contract Senior Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"summary": "Development and maintenance of a large SOA stack for Australia's biggest online employment marketplace. Working primarily on the core search experience, achievements have included extreme performance improvements, creating responsive experiences for existing functionality and coming up with a novel way to manage forms.",
"startDate": "2016-10-01",
"endDate": "2017-03-30"
"name": "Marketplacer",
"position": "Senior Software Engineer",
"url": "",
"summary": "Maintaining and developing / refactoring a large legacy e-commerce Angular JS, Ruby on Rails application. \n\nAt Marketplacer, Rudi was recognised as a Javascript leader and acted as a strong advocate for bringing in modern javascript workflows and using sensible tools for client-side deployment. Even though Rudi was brought to the team specifically for his AngularJS skills, by March 2015 it became clear Angular JS was not a very good fit for the way in which JavaScript was being used at the company. He led a small team to create a React based isomorphic prototype of the companies search functionality to demonstrate ways in which React could be used within the context of the Exchange Group’s tech stack to speed up both development as well as page rendering. On the strength of the prototype (which was delivered under budget) a React with Webpack approach was designed and implemented and as a consequence Exchange Group is now migrating away from AngularJS and is serving ES2015/React based code in production. \n\n\nSkills: JavaScript, React, Webpack, Node JS, Docker, Flux, Alt, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Angular v1, TDD / BDD, Rspec, Jasmine, Capybarra, Software Architecture, Managing a large legacy codebase, Agile Workflows, Git",
"startDate": "2014-05-01",
"endDate": "2015-09-30"
"volunteer": [],
"education": [
"endDate": "1999-12-31",
"startDate": "1997-01-01",
"area": "Bachelor of Music",
"studyType": "Bachelors",
"institution": "La Trobe University"
"endDate": "2002-12-31",
"startDate": "2002-01-01",
"area": "Certificate IV, Multimedia",
"studyType": "Certificate IV",
"institution": "Swinburne University of Technology"
"endDate": "2004-12-31",
"startDate": "2003-01-01",
"area": "Bachelor of Multimedia, Software Development, Information Technology",
"studyType": "Bachelors",
"institution": "Swinburne University of Technology"
"awards": [
"title": "ETHGlobal Sydney Finalist",
"awarder": "ETHGlobal",
"date": "2024-05-05",
"summary": "Awarded ETHGlobal Sydney Finalist top 8 out of 101 projects for Roman Kyoto - a multichain multiasset shielded pool protocol"
"title": "1st prize - ZKP Hackathon",
"awarder": "Antalpha Labs & Mantle",
"date": "2023-05-23",
"summary": "Zrclib brings privacy primitives to EVM-compatible chains, bridging privacy, interoperability, & ease of development."
"title": "dabl club",
"awarder": "dabl club",
"date": "2024-05-05",
"summary": "Launch an MVP on Polygon Cardona 1st place for Roman Kyoto - a multichain multiasset shielded pool protocol"
"title": "DexXGlobalTour",
"awarder": "0xPolygonLabs",
"date": "2023-06-27",
"summary": "Application Layer Track Winners: Zrclib"
"title": "ScalingX ZK Hackathon",
"url": "",
"awarder": "ScalingX",
"date": "2023-06-30",
"summary": "ZK Challenge Winner - Zrclib"
"publications": [],
"skills": [
"keywords": ["Solidity", "Rust", "Circom", "Noir", "Anchor Lang"],
"level": "Senior",
"name": "Blockchain"
"level": "Junior",
"keywords": [
"Diffie Hellman",
"Elliiptic Curve Cryptography",
"Schnorr signatures",
"Groth 16",
"Commitment Schemes",
"Pedersen Commitments"
"name": "Cryptography (Junior)"
"keywords": [
"Solid Start",
"React Router",
"level": "Senior",
"name": "Fullstack"
"keywords": [
"Tailwind CSS",
"React Router",
"CSS / HTML etc."
"level": "Senior",
"name": "Frontend"
"keywords": [
"Docker Compose",
"Socker Swarm",
"level": "Senior",
"name": "DevOps"
"languages": [
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Native speaker"
"interests": [
"name": "Artist",
"keywords": ["Procreate", "Drawing"]
"name": "DJing",
"keywords": ["Techno", "House"]
"references": []
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