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ryboe / config.yml
Last active November 10, 2022 07:54
Example CircleCI Config for Golang
# .circleci/config.yml
version: 2.1
# This build job just tests that the binary can build. If your project is a
# library, not a binary, you don't need this build job. In other words, omit
# this job if you don't have a func main() in your project.
ryboe / .travis.yml
Last active December 5, 2024 03:44
Example .travis.yml for Golang
# use the latest ubuntu environment (18.04) available on travis
dist: bionic
language: go
# You don't need to test on very old versions of the Go compiler. It's the user's
# responsibility to keep their compiler up to date.
- 1.16.x
ryboe / bad_css
Last active August 14, 2024 15:01
Non-standard and Obsolete CSS Properties
-xv-interpret-as // -xv- and -o- are old Opera prefixes for the Presto
-xv-phonemes // engine. Opera switched to the Blink engine with
-xv-voice-balance // version 15. The current version is 34.