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Created December 15, 2015 17:04
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Powershell xkcdesq password generation
function Insert-Value {
$upper = ($input.GetUpperBound(0))
if ( $position -eq 0 )
{ return @($value) + $input }
elseif ( $position -gt $upper )
{ return $input += @($value) }
elseif (( $position -gt 0 ) -and ( $position -le $upper ))
{ return $input[0..($position-1)] +@($value)+ $input[($position)..($input.getupperbound(0))]}
function new-password {
$wordsource, #should be a file of words to generate passwords from, one word per line
[int]$wordcount, #how many words should be in the password
[string[]]$punctuationlist=('!','.',',',':',';') #values to be inserted into the generated password for windows complexity purposes
$wordlist = Get-Random -InputObject (get-content $wordsource) -count $wordcount ;
$wordlist = $wordlist | ForEach-Object { ' ' + $_ }
get-random -count (get-random -minimum 1 -maximum ($wordlist.length)) -InputObject (0..$wordlist.getupperbound(0)) | foreach-object {$wordlist[$_] = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($wordlist[$_])}
$wordlist = $wordlist | Insert-Value -value ($punctuationlist | get-random) -position (get-random -Maximum ($wordlist.length) -Minimum 1)
(-join $wordlist).Trim()
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