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int -[UIViewController setValue:forKey:](int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
r14 = arg1;
rbx = [arg2 retain];
r12 = [arg3 retain];
*var_38 = arg0;
*(var_38 + 0x8) = _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIViewController;
[[var_38 super] setValue:rbx forKey:r12];
[rbx release];
if (*(int32_t *)__UIApplicationLinkedOnVersion != 0x0) {
if (*(int32_t *)__UIApplicationLinkedOnVersion >= 0x90000) {
if (([r12 isEqualToString:@"topLayoutGuide"] != 0x0) || ([r12 isEqualToString:@"bottomLayoutGuide"] != 0x0)) {
r14 = [NSStringFromSelector(r14) retain];
rbx = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ is a readonly property. Do not use -%@ to set it. This is an application bug.", r12, r14] retain];
[r14 release];
NSLog(@"%@", rbx);
[NSException raise:*_NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"%@"];
[rbx release];
else {
if (__UIApplicationLinkedOnOrAfter(0x90000) != 0x0) {
if (([r12 isEqualToString:@"topLayoutGuide"] != 0x0) || ([r12 isEqualToString:@"bottomLayoutGuide"] != 0x0)) {
r14 = [NSStringFromSelector(r14) retain];
rbx = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ is a readonly property. Do not use -%@ to set it. This is an application bug.", r12, r14] retain];
[r14 release];
NSLog(@"%@", rbx);
[NSException raise:*_NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"%@"];
[rbx release];
rax = [r12 release];
return rax;
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