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var assert = require('assert')
, subclass = function(type, proto){
// make sure we are extending a global constructor
// accepted: [Boolean, Number, String, Array, Object, Function, RegExp, Date]
if(!global[] || global[].name != throw new Error();
var constructor = proto.constructor,
keys = Object.keys(proto),
Obj = process.binding('evals').Script.runInNewContext('x = ', // eval ftw
© 2010 Isaac Z. Schlueter
Licensed under DWTFPL - No Rights Reserved
Please don't hurt yourself.
var EE = require("events").EventEmitter
, ee = EE.prototype
, SE = SuppressibleEmitter
, se = SE.prototype
module.exports = {a: 'async'}
console.log('in >> '+__filename)