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Created May 10, 2024 15:37
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  • Save ryenski/e1a580165056501cc56eb55df6a39cb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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default 10:29:06.571795-0500 runningboardd Launch request for app<>[0] is using uid 501 (divined from auid 501 euid 501)
default 10:29:06.571890-0500 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting app<> from originator [app<>:71558] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "LS launch com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI" ID:391-71558-60820 target:app<> attributes:[
<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"LaunchRoleUserInteractive" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default 10:29:06.571979-0500 runningboardd Assertion 391-71558-60820 (target:app<>) will be created as active
default 10:29:06.572211-0500 runningboardd Executing launch request for app<> (LS launch com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI)
default 10:29:06.572251-0500 runningboardd Checking PreventLaunch: global:0 exPath:/Applications/Writers brew predicates:(null) allow:(null)
default 10:29:06.572293-0500 runningboardd Creating and launching job for: app<>
default 10:29:06.572319-0500 runningboardd _mutateContextIfNeeded called for com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI
default 10:29:06.572490-0500 runningboardd app<>: -[RBPersonaManager personaForIdentity:context:personaUID:personaUniqueString:] required 0.000000 ms (wallclock); resolved to {4294967295, (null)}
default 10:29:06.572594-0500 runningboardd 'app<>' Constructed job description:
<dictionary: 0x14f84dca0> { count = 23, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
"Platform" => <int64: 0x9b96a049b41e6f27>: 1
"ProcessType" => <string: 0x14f8a8ad0> { length = 3, contents = "App" }
"EnableTransactions" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c90>: false
"_ManagedBy" => <string: 0x14f87f8f0> { length = 22, contents = "" }
"CFBundleIdentifier" => <string: 0x14f8a7730> { length = 29, contents = "com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI" }
"_ResourceCoalition" => <string: 0x14f8a8b80> { length = 71, contents = "app<>" }
"_DisablePointerAuth" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c70>: true
"ThrottleInterval" => <int64: 0x9b96a04a4be190d7>: 2147483647
"MachServices" => <dictionary: 0x14f8b38f0> { count = 0, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
"EnablePressuredExit" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c90>: false
"LimitLoadToSessionType" => <array: 0x14f8b8b60> { count = 2, capacity = 8, contents =
0: <string: 0x14f872220> { length = 4, contents = "Aqua" }
1: <string: 0x14f8a8e30> { length = 11, contents = "LoginWindow" }
"InitialTaskRole" => <int64: 0x9b96a049b41e6f3f>: 2
"EnvironmentVariables" => <dictionary: 0x14f85ef20> { count = 15, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
"__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING" => <string: 0x14f8c15c0> { length = 13, contents = "0x1F5:0x0:0x0" }
"TMPDIR" => <string: 0x14f83ae60> { length = 49, contents = "/var/folders/d7/w3lfk6dd60vbzrvcvz6p5v5r0000gn/T/" }
"EXTENSION_KIT_EXTENSION_TYPE" => <string: 0x14f8721f0> { length = 1, contents = "2" }
"SHELL" => <string: 0x14f8af130> { length = 8, contents = "/bin/zsh" }
"MallocSpaceEfficient" => <string: 0x14f8af100> { length = 1, contents = "1" }
"HOME" => <string: 0x14f8ae5b0> { length = 14, contents = "/Users/ryenski" }
"SSH_AUTH_SOCK" => <string: 0x14f8abbf0> { length = 51, contents = "/private/tmp/" }
"LOGNAME" => <string: 0x14f87ce10> { length = 7, contents = "ryenski" }
"PATH" => <string: 0x14f8b99a0> { length = 44, contents = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" }
"XPC_SERVICE_NAME" => <string: 0x14f861a90> { length = 49, contents = "" }
"__CFBundleIdentifier" => <string: 0x14f8551a0> { length = 29, contents = "com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI" }
"COMMAND_MODE" => <string: 0x14f828a70> { length = 8, contents = "unix2003" }
"USER" => <string: 0x14f86d2d0> { length = 7, contents = "ryenski" }
"MallocNanoZone" => <string: 0x14f865cb0> { length = 1, contents = "1" }
"XPC_FLAGS" => <string: 0x14f8bf370> { length = 3, contents = "0x0" }
"_AdditionalProperties" => <dictionary: 0x14f8abe20> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
"RunningBoard" => <dictionary: 0x14f88cc20> { count = 4, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
"TMPDIR" => <string: 0x14f8a7e10> { length = 49, contents = "/var/folders/d7/w3lfk6dd60vbzrvcvz6p5v5r0000gn/T/" }
"HOME" => <string: 0x14f8b9c20> { length = 14, contents = "/Users/ryenski" }
"RunningBoardLaunchedIdentity" => <dictionary: 0x14f85ff70> { count = 5, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
"AJL" => <string: 0x14f88f6b0> { length = 61, contents = "" }
"TYPE" => <int64: 0x9b96a049b41e6f27>: 1
"AUID" => <uint64: 0x9b16a049b41e6087>: 501
"EAI" => <string: 0x14f8c1c60> { length = 29, contents = "com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI" }
"PLAT" => <uint64: 0x9b16a049b41e6f27>: 1
"RunningBoardLaunched" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c70>: true
"ExitTimeOut" => <int64: 0x9b96a049b41e6f27>: 1
"Label" => <string: 0x14f8ae500> { length = 61, contents = "" }
"WaitForDebugger" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c70>: true
"MaterializeDatalessFiles" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c70>: true
"WorkingDirectory" => <string: 0x14f821320> { length = 1, contents = "/" }
"_LaunchType" => <int64: 0x9b96a049b41e6f37>: 3
"AbandonProcessGroup" => <bool: 0x1f1d01c70>: true
"ProgramArguments" => <array: 0x14f80fc80> { count = 1, capacity = 8, contents =
0: <string: 0x14f872b20> { length = 58, contents = "/Applications/Writers brew" }
"Program" => <string: 0x14f871020> { length = 58, contents = "/Applications/Writers brew" }
default 10:29:06.580338-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] is not RunningBoard jetsam managed.
default 10:29:06.580358-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] This process will not be managed.
default 10:29:06.580374-0500 runningboardd Now tracking process: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:06.580482-0500 runningboardd Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: <private>)
default 10:29:06.580625-0500 runningboardd Using default underlying assertion for app: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:06.580807-0500 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:86233] from originator [app<>:86233] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "RB Underlying Assertion" ID:391-391-60821 target:86233 attributes:[
<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"defaultUnderlyingAppAssertion" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>
default 10:29:06.581054-0500 runningboardd Assertion 391-391-60821 (target:[app<>:86233]) will be created as active
default 10:29:06.581494-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.581561-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default 10:29:06.581568-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] reported to RB as running
default 10:29:06.581865-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Set darwin role to: UserInteractive
default 10:29:06.582027-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default 10:29:06.582499-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.583053-0500 runningboardd Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: <private>)
default 10:29:06.583862-0500 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:86233] from originator [osservice<>:359] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "uielement:86233" ID:391-359-60822 target:86233 attributes:[
<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"RoleUserInteractive" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default 10:29:06.583956-0500 runningboardd Assertion 391-359-60822 (target:[app<>:86233]) will be created as active
default 10:29:06.584058-0500 gamepolicyd Hit the server for a process handle 666a9f6000150d9 that resolved to: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:06.584264-0500 gamepolicyd Received state update for 86233 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default 10:29:06.584350-0500 Raycast LAUNCH: 0x0-0x477477 com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI starting stopped process.
default 10:29:06.584687-0500 runningboardd Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: <private>)
default 10:29:06.585887-0500 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 391-71558-60820 (target:app<>) from originator [app<>:71558]
default 10:29:06.587450-0500 loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : Writers brew
default 10:29:06.589802-0500 gamepolicyd Received state update for 86233 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default 10:29:06.591917-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.591936-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default 10:29:06.591950-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default 10:29:06.591976-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.592072-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.592145-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default 10:29:06.592205-0500 runningboardd Successfully acquired underlying assertion for [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:06.592231-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default 10:29:06.592433-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.663130-0500 Writers brew [0x6000036380f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.663201-0500 Writers brew [0x600003634000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.665811-0500 Writers brew [0x6000036381e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.666666-0500 Writers brew [0x6000036382d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.666924-0500 Writers brew [0x6000036383c0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.667432-0500 Writers brew [0x600003630000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.669732-0500 Writers brew [0x6000036340f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.670072-0500 tccd AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=86233.1, attribution={requesting={TCCDProcess: identifier=com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI, pid=86233, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/Writers brew}, },
default 10:29:06.672753-0500 tccd AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=86233.1, subject=com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI,
default 10:29:06.674367-0500 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI, type: 0: 0x1387072c0 at /Applications/Writers
default 10:29:06.685075-0500 gamepolicyd Received state update for 86233 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default 10:29:06.697478-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.697482-0500 runningboardd Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: <private>)
default 10:29:06.697865-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default 10:29:06.697907-0500 Writers brew [0x6000036340f0] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default 10:29:06.697947-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default 10:29:06.698100-0500 Writers brew server port 0x00003307, session port 0x00003307
default 10:29:06.698803-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default 10:29:06.699904-0500 tccd AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=386.1090, attribution={accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI, pid=86233, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/Writers brew}, requesting={TCCDProcess:, pid=386, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default 10:29:06.700263-0500 gamepolicyd Received state update for 86233 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default 10:29:06.700325-0500 tccd requestor: TCCDProcess:, pid=386, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI, pid=86233, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/Writers brew
default 10:29:06.703022-0500 tccd AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=386.1090, subject=com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI,
default 10:29:06.704689-0500 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI, type: 0: 0x13861fa60 at /Applications/Writers
default 10:29:06.709152-0500 Writers brew Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
default 10:29:06.729002-0500 Writers brew New connection 0x124e2b main
default 10:29:06.732712-0500 Writers brew CHECKIN: pid=86233
default 10:29:06.740243-0500 launchservicesd CHECKIN:0x0-0x477477 86233 com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI
default 10:29:06.740314-0500 Writers brew CHECKEDIN: pid=86233 asn=0x0-0x477477 foreground=0
default 10:29:06.740425-0500 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:86233] from originator [osservice<>:359] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "uielement:86233" ID:391-359-60823 target:86233 attributes:[
<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"RoleUserInteractive" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default 10:29:06.740433-0500 Writers brew [0x140f07110] activating connection: mach=false listener=true peer=false name=(anonymous)
default 10:29:06.740442-0500 Writers brew [0x140f07110] Channel could not return listener port.
default 10:29:06.740478-0500 loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : Writers brew
default 10:29:06.740487-0500 runningboardd Assertion 391-359-60823 (target:[app<>:86233]) will be created as active
default 10:29:06.740545-0500 Writers brew [0x140e067d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true[359].0x140e067d0
default 10:29:06.741030-0500 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 391-359-60822 (target:[app<>:86233]) from originator [osservice<>:359]
default 10:29:06.743088-0500 Writers brew FRONTLOGGING: version 1
default 10:29:06.743134-0500 Writers brew Registered, pid=86233 ASN=0x0,0x477477
default 10:29:06.745115-0500 Writers brew [0x140f07110] Channel could not return listener port.
default 10:29:06.745347-0500 Writers brew [0x142104080] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.745517-0500 Writers brew BringForward: pid=86233 asn=0x0-0x477477 bringForward=0 foreground=0 uiElement=1 launchedByLS=1 modifiersCount=1 allDisabled=0
default 10:29:06.745537-0500 Writers brew BringFrontModifier: pid=86233 asn=0x0-0x477477 Modifier 0 hideAfter=0 hideOthers=0 dontMakeFrontmost=0 mouseDown=0/0 seed=0/0
default 10:29:06.746540-0500 Writers brew Current system appearance, (HLTB: 2), (SLS: 1)
default 10:29:06.748234-0500 Writers brew No persisted cache on this platform.
default 10:29:06.749064-0500 Writers brew Current system appearance, (HLTB: 2), (SLS: 1)
default 10:29:06.749355-0500 Writers brew Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 2)
default 10:29:06.754900-0500 Writers brew [0x140f07110] Channel could not return listener port.
default 10:29:06.755321-0500 distnoted register name: object: com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI token: 1c00000023 pid: 86233
default 10:29:06.759699-0500 Writers brew [0x140f07110] Channel could not return listener port.
default 10:29:06.784817-0500 Writers brew [0x600003538f00] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.788556-0500 Writers brew NSApp cache appearance:
-NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 0
-appearance: (null)
-effectiveAppearance: <NSCompositeAppearance: 0x600002729580
"<NSDarkAquaAppearance: 0x600002729480>",
"<NSSystemAppearance: 0x600002739a00>"
default 10:29:06.799685-0500 Writers brew [0x140f26920] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.800406-0500 WindowManager Connection activated | (86233) Writers brew
default 10:29:06.802310-0500 distnoted register name: object: com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI token: 1f00000020 pid: 86233
default 10:29:06.804188-0500 Writers brew [0x60000363c000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.827863-0500 Writers brew Registering for test daemon availability notify post.
default 10:29:06.827974-0500 Writers brew notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default 10:29:06.828219-0500 Writers brew notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default 10:29:06.828314-0500 Writers brew notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default 10:29:06.832768-0500 Writers brew [0x600003639680] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.833209-0500 Writers brew [0x140f07110] Channel could not return listener port.
default 10:29:06.833522-0500 Writers brew SignalReady: pid=86233 asn=0x0-0x477477
default 10:29:06.833939-0500 Writers brew SIGNAL: pid=86233 asn=0x0x-0x477477
default 10:29:06.861663-0500 Writers brew [0x600003639770] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.861756-0500 Writers brew [0x600003639770] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
default 10:29:06.862346-0500 Writers brew [0x14200a290] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default 10:29:06.867012-0500 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI, type: 0: 0x138652d10 at /Applications/Writers
default 10:29:06.884975-0500 kernel AMFI: Denying core dump for pid 86233 (Writers brew)
default 10:29:06.885020-0500 kernel Writers brew[86233] Corpse allowed 1 of 5
default 10:29:06.885179-0500 WindowManager Connection invalidated | (86233) Writers brew
error 10:29:06.898062-0500 tccd failed to get text offset for /Applications/Writers brew[86233]: (#3) No such process
default 10:29:07.016788-0500 runningboardd [app<>:86233] termination reported by launchd (2, 5, 5)
default 10:29:07.016892-0500 runningboardd Removing process: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:07.017237-0500 runningboardd Removing launch job for: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:07.017473-0500 runningboardd Removed job for [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:07.017502-0500 runningboardd Removing assertions for terminated process: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:07.022866-0500 runningboardd Calculated state for app<>: none (role: None) (endowments: (null))
default 10:29:07.023076-0500 runningboardd Calculated state for app<>: none (role: None) (endowments: (null))
default 10:29:07.024070-0500 launchservicesd Hit the server for a process handle 666a9f6000150d9 that resolved to: [app<>:86233]
default 10:29:07.024285-0500 gamepolicyd Received state update for 86233 (app<>, none-NotVisible
default 10:29:07.031431-0500 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for app:Writers brew, _appTrackingState = 2
default 10:29:08.588511-0500 ReportCrash Formulating fatal 309 report for corpse[86233] Writers brew
default 10:29:08.593028-0500 ReportCrash loadStoreInfo [platform 1] com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI from file:///Applications/
default 10:29:08.602901-0500 osanalyticshelper creating type 309 as /Users/ryenski/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/.Writers brew-2024-05-10-102908.ips
default 10:29:08.608603-0500 osanalyticshelper Saved type '309(<private>)' report (6 of max 25) at /Users/ryenski/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Writers brew-2024-05-10-102908.ips
default 10:29:08.608827-0500 osanalyticshelper xpc log creation type 309 result success: /Users/ryenski/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Writers brew-2024-05-10-102908.ips
default 10:29:08.609066-0500 ReportCrash client log create type 309 result success: /Users/ryenski/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Writers brew-2024-05-10-102908.ips
default 10:29:08.639216-0500 ReportCrash com.pradeepb28.Writersbrew-AI is not a MetricKit client
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