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Created September 17, 2021 18:21
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
// naming the contract
contract BallotString {
// We start with the state variables:
// The Voter STRUCT is a template for what should be collected about a Voter - basically the Voter profile.
struct Voter {
// It has to be a STRUCT because the Voter has many "qualities" attached to it:
uint weight;
// weight is how much voting power the Voter has.
// UINT means "unsigned integer", a whole number (no decimals) & with no signs before it (no negative numbers, e.g.-6).
// This means only whole numbers from 0 onwards.
bool voted;
// if true, that person already voted.
//BOOL stands for boolean, something that is true/false
address delegate;
// If the Voter cannot vote, he/she will delegate to this other Voter's address
uint vote;
/** You vote for one of the members of the list (AKA array) of proposals. E.G. [Maria, Josh, Steph]
* Maria's position in the array above is 0
* (its a "zero indexed" array - the 1st one is 0)
* Josh = 1,
* Steph = 2.
* If I vote for Josh, I will input his index number of his position in the list of proposals */
// The Proposal STRUCT is a template for what should be collected about a Proposal - basically the Propoal profile.
struct Proposal {
string name; // name of the candidate
// typically smart contracts do NOT save strings (= text) but save byte1 or byte32 because it is cheaper in gas - cheaper for computations - see this string to bytes32 tool:
uint voteCount; // number of accumulated votes
address public chairperson; // this is the person / Ethereum address that is organizing this Ballot - so has special priviledges
mapping(address => Voter) public voters; // this mapping is a list of Voter profiles indexed by their address
Proposal[] public proposals; // a public list of proposals (Maria, Josh, Steph) called "proposals". In this case it is basic array - not a list of lists - like a mapping.
// The functions
constructor(string[] memory proposalNames) {
// the CONSTRUCTOR is a special function that deploys the contract. It only runs once. It sets the inital state of the contract
// To run this function needs an array (a list) that will be called proposalNamestext - this array should be composed of strings.
// Note the word "memory" - its saying this info is temporarily stored - read about the difference between MEMORY and STORAGE here:
chairperson = msg.sender; // the CONSTRUCTOR initializes who is the chairperson - the msg.sender - which is the person that deploys this contract.
voters[chairperson].weight = 1;
// this line the chairperson variable is an address. The voters mapping is indexed by an address.
// This is selecting the chairperson's profile in the voters mapping and sets the weight "property" to 1.
// But the voters[chairperson] - has not been filled out yet... so this is actually inputting part of the chairperson's profile in the voters mapping - ""the key" - the chairperson's address and the weight property in the associated Voter struct.
// this is a "for loop" that does through the proposalNames array and does something to each element in the array
for (uint i = 0; i < proposalNames.length; i++) {
name: proposalNames[i],
voteCount: 0
// this is the expression that 'populates' the proposals array (Proposal[] public proposals).
// The 'proposalNames' inserted in the form of an array when "CONSTRUCTING" (constructor(string[] memory proposalNames)) tell the contract to go and populate the 'proposals' array. We
// also want to make sure that each Proposal starts with a 0 in the voteCount.
// Here's an article to understand "for" loops in Solidity:
} // closing bracket of the constructor
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