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Last active December 16, 2015 22:49
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Save rygood/5510237 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP & Nginx function wrappers for simple start, stop, restart. PHP assumes it was installed with brew.NEW: Added sudo support for nginxIMPROVED: Better argument passthroughExamples:php startphp restartphp stopnginx startnginx restartnginx stopnginx edit # opens nginx.conf for editting with Sublime Text 2nginx edit vim # opens nginx.conf for edit…
# Path
# Wrapper for simple PHP start, stop, & restart
function php {
if [[ $1 == 'start' ]]; then
if [[ $2 == 'php54' ]]; then
launchctl unload -w `brew --prefix php55`/homebrew.mxcl.php55.plist
formulaeArr=(`brew list | grep php54`)
brew unlink php55
# for formulae in ${formulaeArr[*]}; do
# echo -e "$formulae"
# brew link --overwrite $formulae
# done
brew link --overwrite php54
launchctl load -w `brew --prefix php54`/homebrew.mxcl.php54.plist
elif [[ $2 == 'php55' ]]; then
launchctl unload -w `brew --prefix php54`/homebrew.mxcl.php54.plist
brew unlink php54
formulaeArr=(`brew list | grep php55`)
# for formulae in ${formulaeArr[*]}; do
# echo -e "$formulae"
# brew link --overwrite $formulae
# done
brew link --overwrite php55
launchctl load -w `brew --prefix php55`/homebrew.mxcl.php55.plist
echo -e "Invalid argument - '${2}'"
echo -e "Please pass either 'php54' or 'php55' as your second argument"
elif [[ $1 == 'stop' ]]; then
if [[ $2 == 'php54' ]]; then
launchctl unload -w `brew --prefix php54`/homebrew.mxcl.php54.plist
formulaeArr=(`brew list | grep php54`)
# for formulae in ${formulaeArr[*]}; do
# echo -e "$formulae"
# brew unlink --overwrite $formulae
# done
elif [[ $2 == 'php55' ]]; then
launchctl unload -w `brew --prefix php55`/homebrew.mxcl.php55.plist
formulaeArr=(`brew list | grep php55`)
# for formulae in ${formulaeArr[*]}; do
# echo -e "$formulae"
# brew unlink --overwrite $formulae
# done
echo -e "Invalid argument - '${2}'"
echo -e "Please pass either 'php54' or 'php55' as your second argument"
elif [[ $1 == 'restart' ]]; then
php stop && php start
`which php` ${@:1}
# Wrapper for simple Nginx start, stop, & restart
# Edit assumes you Sublime Text 2 'subl' command installed
function nginx {
if [[ $1 == 'start' ]]; then
`which nginx`
elif [[ $1 == 'stop' ]]; then
`which nginx` -s stop
elif [[ $1 == 'restart' ]]; then
`which nginx` -s reload
elif [[ $1 == 'edit' ]]; then
if [[ $2 == 'vim' ]]; then
`which vim` `brew --prefix`/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
elif [[ $2 == 'emacs' ]]; then
`which emacs` `brew --prefix`/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
subl `brew --prefix`/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
`which nginx` ${@:1}
# Sudo Version
# Wrapper for simple Nginx start, stop, & restart
function sudo {
if [[ ($1 == 'nginx') && ($2 == 'stop') ]]; then
`which sudo` `which nginx` -s stop
elif [[ ($1 == 'nginx') && ($2 == 'restart') ]]; then
`which sudo` `which nginx` -s reload
elif [[ ($1 == 'nginx') && ($# -eq 1) ]]; then
`which sudo` `which nginx`
`which sudo` ${@:1}
# simple edit command
# Currently only support the .bash_profile
# Edit assumes you Sublime Text 2 'subl' command installed
function edit {
if [[ $1 == 'profile' ]]; then
if [[ $2 == 'vim' ]]; then
`which vim` ~/.bash_profile
elif [[ $2 == 'emacs' ]]; then
`which emacs` ~/.bash_profile
subl ~/.bash_profile
echo -e "Invalid argument - '${1}'"
echo -e "Please pass 'profile' as your first argument"
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