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Created April 15, 2012 04:28
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Save rygorous/2390021 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ye olde texgen code
#include "types.h"
#include "opsys.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "opdata.h"
#include "rtlib.h"
#include "math3d_2.h"
// for text stuff
#include <windows.h>
// ---- tool functions
static sF32 getGrayscale(const sU16* ptr)
return (ptr[0] * 0.11f + ptr[1] * 0.59f + ptr[2] * 0.30f) / 32767.0f;
static sF32 calcHeights(const sU16* hmap, sInt x, sInt y, sInt w, sInt h, sInt xo, sInt yo, sF32& hx, sF32& hy)
const sF32 hgt = getGrayscale(hmap + (y * w + x) * 4);
hx = getGrayscale(hmap + (y * w + ((x + xo) & (w - 1))) * 4) - hgt;
hy = getGrayscale(hmap + (((y + yo) & (h - 1)) * w + x) * 4) - hgt;
return hgt;
static void makeNormalMap(sU16* dst, const sU16* src, sInt w, sInt h, sF32 hScale)
sInt x, y;
sF32 nx, ny, nz;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
dst[3] = calcHeights(src, x, y, w, h, 1, 1, nx, ny) * 32767.0f;
nx = -nx * hScale;
ny = -ny * hScale;
nz = 16383.0f / sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + 1.0f);
dst[0] = nz + 16384;
dst[1] = ny * nz + 16384;
dst[2] = nx * nz + 16384;
dst += 4;
static void sampleBilinear(sU16* outPtr, const sU16* srcPtr, sS32 xp, sS32 yp, sInt w, sInt h)
sU32 rxp = (xp >> 16) & (w - 1), rxpn=(rxp + 1) & (w - 1);
sU32 ryp = (yp >> 16) & (h - 1);
const sU16 *pt1 = srcPtr + ((ryp * w) + rxp) * 4;
const sU16 *pt2 = srcPtr + ((ryp * w) + rxpn) * 4;
ryp = (ryp + 1) & (h - 1);
const sU16 *pt3 = srcPtr + ((ryp * w) + rxp) * 4;
const sU16 *pt4 = srcPtr + ((ryp * w) + rxpn) * 4;
for (sInt k = 0; k < 4; k++)
sInt xw = (xp >> 8) & 0xff;
sU32 t1 = ((sU32) pt1[k] << 8) + xw * (pt2[k] - pt1[k]);
sU32 t2 = ((sU32) pt3[k] << 8) + xw * (pt4[k] - pt3[k]);
sU32 t3 = (t1 << 8) + ((yp & 0xff00) >> 8) * ((sS32) (t2 - t1));
outPtr[k] = t3 >> 16;
static const sU8* getColor(sU8* dest,const sU8* src,sInt code)
switch(code & 3)
case 0: // other
dest[0] = *src++;
dest[1] = *src++;
dest[2] = *src++;
case 1: // gray
dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = *src++;
case 2: // black
dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = 0;
case 3: // white
dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = 255;
return src;
// ---- random dots
class frOpTGRandomDots: public frTextureOperator
sU16 dotCount;
sU32 randomSeed;
sU16 color[9];
void doProcess()
frBitmap* data = getData();
sU16* outData = data->data;
for (sInt i = 0; i < data->size; i++)
outData[0] = color[0];
outData[1] = color[1];
outData[2] = color[2];
outData[3] = 0;
outData += 4;
sU32 seed = randomSeed;
for (sInt i = 0; i < dotCount; i++)
const sU16* pColor = color + (i & 1) * 3 + 3;
sInt x = (seed >> 16) & (data->w - 1); seed = seed * 375375621 + 1;
sInt y = (seed >> 16) & (data->h - 1); seed = seed * 375375621 + 1;
sU16* out = data->data + (y * data->w + x) * 4;
out[0] = pColor[0];
out[1] = pColor[1];
out[2] = pColor[2];
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
dotCount = ((sU16 *) strm)[0];
randomSeed = (((sU16 *) strm)[1] + 303) * 0x31337303;
randomSeed ^= randomSeed >> 5;
strm += 4;
for (sInt i = 0; i < 9; i++)
color[i] = *strm++ << 7;
return strm;
frOperator* create_TGRandomDots() { return new frOpTGRandomDots; }
// ---- trivial ops
class frOpTOTrivial: public frTextureOperator
sU8 color[6];
void doProcess()
sU16* dst = data->data;
case 0x01: // rectangle
for (sInt y = 0; y < data->h; y++)
for (sInt x = 0; x < data->w; x++)
const sInt tx = (x << 8) / data->w;
const sInt ty = (y << 8) / data->h;
const sU8* clr = color;
if (tx >= param[0] && tx <= param[1] && ty >= param[2] && ty <= param[3])
clr += 3;
*dst++ = clr[0] << 7;
*dst++ = clr[1] << 7;
*dst++ = clr[2] << 7;
*dst++ = 0;
case 0x02: // solid
for (sInt i = 0; i < data->size; i++)
*dst++ = param[0] << 7;
*dst++ = param[1] << 7;
*dst++ = param[2] << 7;
*dst++ = 0;
case 0x07: // make normal map
makeNormalMap(dst, getInputData(0)->data, data->w, data->h, *reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(param) / 1024.0f);
case 0x10: // displace
const sU16* source = getInputData(0)->data;
const sU16* height = getInputData(1)->data;
sS32 xa = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(param)[1] * 16.0f / 32767.0f * 65536.0f * 64.0f;
sS32 ya = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(param)[2] * 16.0f / 32767.0f * 65536.0f * 64.0f;
for (sInt y = 0; y < data->h; y++)
for (sInt x = 0; x < data->w; x++)
sF32 hx, hy;
calcHeights(height, x, y, data->w, data->h, param[0], param[1], hx, hy);
sampleBilinear(dst, source, (x << 16) + hx * xa, (y << 16) + hy * ya, data->w, data->h);
dst += 4;
case 0x11: // set alpha
const sU16* src1 = getInputData(0)->data;
const sU16* src2 = getInputData(1)->data;
for (sInt i = 0; i < data->size; i++)
sU32 alpha = (src2[0] + src2[1] + src2[1] + src2[2]) >> 2;
if (param[0] & 1)
alpha ^= 32767;
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[1];
dst[2] = src1[2];
dst[3] = alpha;
src1 += 4;
src2 += 4;
dst += 4;
case 0x12: // blend
const sU16* src1 = getInputData(0)->data;
const sU16* src2 = getInputData(1)->data;
const sU16* src3 = getInputData(2)->data;
for (sInt i = 0; i < data->size; i++)
sU32 alpha = (src3[0] + src3[1] + src3[1] + src3[2]) >> 2;
if (param[0] & 1)
alpha ^= 32767;
for (sInt c = 0; c < 4; c++)
dst[c] = src1[c] + ((((sS32) src2[c] - src1[c]) * alpha) >> 15);
src1 += 4;
src2 += 4;
src3 += 4;
dst += 4;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
if(def->id == 0x01) // rectangle
param = strm;
strm += 4;
sU8 type = *strm++;
strm = getColor(color + 0, strm, type >> 0);
strm = getColor(color + 3, strm, type >> 2);
return strm;
return frOperator::readData(strm);
frOperator* create_TOTrivial() { return new frOpTOTrivial; }
// ---- text
class frOpTGText: public frTextureOperator
const sChar* strs[2];
sInt xp, yp, height, style;
sU32 color[2];
void doProcess()
sU16* dst = data->data;
HDC hDC, hTempDC;
HFONT hFont, hOldFont;
HBITMAP hBitmap, hOldBitmap;
HBRUSH hBrush;
sU8* buf;
// initialize & allocate resources
hTempDC = GetDC(0);
hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hTempDC);
static BITMAPINFOHEADER bih={ sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 0, 0, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
bih.biWidth = data->w;
bih.biHeight = -data->h;
sInt realHeight = (height * data->h) >> 8;
hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hTempDC, (BITMAPINFO *) &bih, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **) &buf, 0, 0);
hFont = CreateFont(realHeight, 0, 0, 0, (style & 1) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL, style & 2, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(color[1]);
hOldBitmap=(HBITMAP) SelectObject(hDC, hBitmap);
hOldFont=(HFONT) SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
// fill bitmap with background color
RECT rc;
rc.left = = 0;
rc.right = data->w;
rc.bottom = data->h;
FillRect(hDC, &rc, hBrush);
// write the text
SetTextColor(hDC, color[0]);
sInt sp = 0, sl, sa;
const sChar* text = strs[0];
while (text[sp])
sa = sl = 0;
while (1)
if (text[sp + sl] == '\\')
sa = 1;
if (!text[sp + sl])
TextOut(hDC, xp, yp, text + sp, sl);
sp += sl + sa;
yp += realHeight;
SelectObject(hDC, hOldBitmap);
SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont);
for (sInt i = 0; i < data->size; i++)
dst[0] = buf[0] << 7;
dst[1] = buf[1] << 7;
dst[2] = buf[2] << 7;
dst[3] = 0;
dst += 4;
buf += 4;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
xp = reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm)[0];
yp = reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm)[1];
height = strm[4];
style = strm[5];
strm += 6;
for (sInt i = 0; i < 2; i++)
strs[i] = reinterpret_cast<const sChar*>(strm);
strm += strlen(strs[i]) + 1;
for (sInt i = 0; i < 2; i++)
color[i] = *reinterpret_cast<const sU32*>(strm) & 0xffffff;
strm += 3;
return strm;
frOperator* create_TGText() { return new frOpTGText; }
// ---- rotozoom
class frOpTFRotoZoom: public frTextureOperator
sF32 angle, zoom1, zoom2;
sS32 stx, sty;
void doProcess()
const sU16* src = getInputData(0)->data;
sU16* dst = data->data;
sS32 xp, yp, yxp, yyp, xsx, ysx, xsy, ysy;
xsx = zoom1 * cos(angle); ysx = zoom2 * sin(angle);
xsy = -zoom1 * sin(angle); ysy = zoom2 * cos(angle);
yxp = stx;
yyp = sty;
for (sInt y = 0; y < data->h; y++)
xp = yxp;
yp = yyp;
for (sInt x = 0; x < data->w; x++)
sampleBilinear(dst, src, xp, yp, data->w, data->h);
xp += xsx;
yp += ysx;
dst += 4;
yxp += xsy;
yyp += ysy;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
angle = *reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm) * 3.1415926535f / 32768.0f;
strm += 2;
zoom1 = getPackedFloat(strm);
zoom2 = getPackedFloat(strm);
stx = reinterpret_cast<const sS32*>(strm)[0];
sty = reinterpret_cast<const sS32*>(strm)[1];
strm += 8;
return strm;
frOperator* create_TFRotoZoom() { return new frOpTFRotoZoom; }
// ---- adjust
class frOpTFAdjust: public frTextureOperator
static sInt __fastcall conBright(sInt v, sS32 cont, sS32 bright)
v = ((v * cont) >> 11) + bright;
v = (v < 0) ? 0 : (v > 32767) ? 32767 : v;
return v;
void doProcess()
sU16* pts = getInputData(0)->data;
sU16* ptd = data->data;
sInt cont, brgt, hue, sat;
cont = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(param)[0];
brgt = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(param)[1] + 16384 - 8 * cont;
hue = reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(param)[2] * 6;
sat = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(param)[3];
sU32 cnt = data->size;
// rgb->hsb
sU32 max = pts[0], min = pts[0];
min = (pts[1] < min) ? pts[1] : min;
max = (pts[1] > max) ? pts[1] : max;
min = (pts[2] < min) ? pts[2] : min;
max = (pts[2] > max) ? pts[2] : max;
// calculate and adjust saturation
sS32 s = max - min;
if (sat < 0)
s = (s * (sat + 32768)) >> 15;
s += ((max - s) * sat) >> 15;
// calculate and shift hue, then convert back to rgb
if (s)
sS32 h, d;
if (pts[2] == max)
h = 3, d = pts[1] - pts[0];
else if (pts[1] == max)
h = 1, d = pts[0] - pts[2];
else if (pts[0] == max)
h = 2, d = pts[2] - pts[1];
sS32 hv = hue;
mov eax, [d];
mov edx, eax;
shl eax, 16;
sar edx, 16;
mov ebx, [max];
sub ebx, [min];
inc ebx;
idiv ebx;
mov ebx, [h];
shl ebx, 17;
add eax, [hv];
add eax, ebx;
mov [h], eax;
const sInt ih = h >> 16;
const sS32 fh = h & 0xffff;
sS32 vals[4];
vals[0] = 0;
vals[1] = s;
vals[2] = (s * fh) >> 16;
vals[3] = (s * (65536 - fh)) >> 16;
static const sU8 st[] = { 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2 };
ptd[0] = conBright(max - vals[st[ih]], cont, brgt);
ptd[1] = conBright(max - vals[st[ih + 2]], cont, brgt);
ptd[2] = conBright(max - vals[st[ih + 4]], cont, brgt);
else // plain grayscale
sInt x = conBright(max, cont, brgt);
ptd[0] = x;
ptd[1] = x;
ptd[2] = x;
ptd[3] = conBright(pts[3], cont, brgt); // contrast+brightness alpha (but no color shift)
pts += 4;
ptd += 4;
frOperator* create_TFAdjust() { return new frOpTFAdjust; }
// ---- Add
class frOpTCAdd: public frTextureOperator
const sS8* gains;
void doProcess()
sU16* dst = data->data;
const sInt cnt = data->size;
memset(dst, 0, data->size * 4 * sizeof(sU16));
for (sInt i = 0; i < nInputs; i++)
const sU16* src = getInputData(i)->data;
sInt gain = gains[i] * 32767 / 127;
if (gain > 0)
mov esi, [src];
mov edi, [dst];
mov ecx, [cnt];
lea esi, [esi + ecx * 8];
lea edi, [edi + ecx * 8];
neg ecx;
movd mm2, [gain];
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
movq mm0, [edi + ecx * 8];
movq mm1, [esi + ecx * 8];
pmulhw mm1, mm2;
psllw mm1, 1;
paddsw mm0, mm1;
movq [edi + ecx * 8], mm0;
inc ecx;
jnz lp1;
else if (gain < 0)
gain = -gain;
mov esi, [src];
mov edi, [dst];
mov ecx, [cnt];
lea esi, [esi + ecx * 8];
lea edi, [edi + ecx * 8];
neg ecx;
movd mm2, [gain];
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
movq mm0, [edi + ecx * 8];
movq mm1, [esi + ecx * 8];
pmulhw mm1, mm2;
psllw mm1, 1;
psubusw mm0, mm1;
movq [edi + ecx * 8], mm0;
dec ecx;
jns lp2;
__asm emms;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
gains = reinterpret_cast<const sS8*>(strm);
return strm + nInputs;
frOperator* create_TCAdd() { return new frOpTCAdd; }
// ---- bump mapping
class frOpTCBump: public frTextureOperator
sF32 bump;
sU8 color[9];
sInt lType;
fr::vector olr;
sF32 escale, falloff;
sF32 oca, ica;
sF32 lat, lon;
void doProcess()
fr::vector c, d, lr, l[2];
sF32 ocs;
if (lType != 1)
l[0].x = sin(lon);
l[0].y = sin(lat) * cos(lon);
l[0].z = cos(lat) * cos(lon);
l[1].x = 0.0f;
l[1].y = 0.0f;
l[1].z = 0.0f;
lr = olr;
if (lType == 2)
d = l[0];
lr.x += lr.z * d.x;
lr.y += lr.z * d.y;
ocs = ica - oca;
if (ocs)
ocs = 1.0f / ocs;
sU16* dst = data->data;
makeNormalMap(dst, getInputData(1)->data, data->w, data->h, bump);
const sU16* src = getInputData(0)->data;
for (sInt y = 0; y < data->h; y++)
for (sInt x = 0; x < data->w; x++)
if (lType != 0) // point/spot light
c.x = 1.0f - 2.0f * x / data->w;
c.y = 1.0f - 2.0f * y / data->h;
c.z = 1.0f;
l[0].x = lr.x + c.x;
l[0].y = lr.y + c.y;
l[0].z = lr.z;
l[1].add(l[0], c);
sF32 dots[2];
fr::vector normal(dst[2] - 16384, dst[1] - 16384, dst[0] - 16384);
for (sInt i = 0; i < 2; i++)
sF32 dot = l[i].dot(normal) / 16384.0f;
if (dot < 0.0f)
dot = 0.0f;
dots[1] = pow(dots[1], escale);
sF32 spotTerm = 1.0f;
if (lType == 2) // spot light
sF32 ca = l[0].dot(d); // cos alpha
if (ca <= oca)
spotTerm = 0.0f;
else if (ca <= ica)
spotTerm = pow((ca - oca) * ocs, falloff);
for (sInt i = 0; i < 3; i++)
const sF32 scale = (color[i] + color[i + 3] * dots[0]) / 255.0f;
sInt v = (src[i] * scale + color[i + 6] * dots[1] * 256.0f) * spotTerm;
if (v > 32767)
v = 32767;
dst[i] = v;
dst[3] = src[3];
dst += 4;
src += 4;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
bump = *reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm) / 1024.0f;
lType = strm[2];
strm += 3;
for (sInt i = 0; i < ((lType != 0) ? 9 : 6); i++)
color[i] = *strm++;
if (lType != 0) // point&spot
for (sInt i = 0; i < 3; i++)
(&olr.x)[i] = *reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm) / 512.0f;
strm += 2;
escale = pow(2.0f, *strm++ * 13.0f / 255.0f);
if (lType != 1) // dir&spot
lat = reinterpret_cast<const sS8*>(strm)[0] * 3.1415926535f / 254.0f;
lon = reinterpret_cast<const sS8*>(strm)[1] * 3.1415926535f / 254.0f;
strm += 2;
if (lType == 2) // spot
oca = cos(strm[0] * 3.1415926535f / 510.0f);
ica = cos(strm[1] * 3.1415926535f / 510.0f);
falloff = strm[2] * 10.0f / 255.0f;
strm += 3;
return strm;
frOperator* create_TCBump() { return new frOpTCBump; }
// ---- Perlin noise
class frOpTGPerlin: public frTextureOperator
sInt nOctaves;
sInt persistence;
sInt freq;
sU32 oSeed;
sInt startOctave;
sU16 scale;
sInt color[6];
static sU32 seed;
static sU16 wtab[512];
static sBool wTabThere;
static sS32 __forceinline inoise(sU32 x, sU32 y, sInt msk)
sInt ix = x >> 10, iy = y >> 10;
sInt inx = (ix + 1) & msk, iny = (iy + 1) & msk;
ix += seed;
inx += seed;
iy *= 31337;
iny *= 31337;
sInt fx = wtab[(x >> 1) & 511];
sS32 t1 = srandom2(ix + iy);
t1 = (t1 << 10) + (srandom2(inx + iy) - t1) * fx;
sS32 t2 = srandom2(ix + iny);
t2 = (t2 << 10) + (srandom2(inx + iny) - t2) * fx;
return ((t1 << 10) + (t2 - t1) * wtab[(y >> 1) & 511]) >> 20;
static sS32 imul16(sS32 a, sS32 b)
mov eax, [a];
imul [b];
shrd eax, edx, 16;
mov [a], eax;
return a;
static void calcWTab()
for (sInt i = 0; i < 512; i++)
const sF32 val = i / 512.0f;
wtab[i] = 1024.0f * val * val * val * (10.0f + val * (val * 6.0f - 15.0f));
void doProcess()
sU16* out = data->data;
sInt x, y, o, f;
sS32 amp, sc, sum, xv, yv, fx, fy;
if (!wTabThere)
sU32 oseed = oSeed + startOctave * 0xdeadbeef;
const sInt fbase = (1024 << startOctave) * freq;
fx = fbase / data->w;
fy = fbase / data->h;
sS32 samp;
sum = 0;
amp = 32768;
for (o = 0; o < nOctaves; o++)
if (o >= startOctave)
if (o == startOctave)
samp = amp;
amp = (amp * persistence) >> 8;
sc = scale * 8 * 64 * 16 / sum;
sInt fb = freq << startOctave;
for (y = 0; y < data->h; y++)
for (x = 0; x < data->w; x++)
amp = samp;
sum = 0;
xv = x * fx;
yv = y * fy;
f = fb;
seed = oseed;
for (o = startOctave; o < nOctaves; o++)
sum += amp * inoise(xv, yv, f - 1);
xv *= 2;
yv *= 2;
f *= 2;
seed += 0xdeadbeef;
amp = (amp * persistence) >> 8;
sS32 sm = imul16(sum, sc) + 32768;
sm = (sm < 0) ? 0 : (sm > 65536) ? 65536 : sm;
*out++ = color[0] + ((sm * ((sInt) color[3] - (sInt) color[0])) >> 16);
*out++ = color[1] + ((sm * ((sInt) color[4] - (sInt) color[1])) >> 16);
*out++ = color[2] + ((sm * ((sInt) color[5] - (sInt) color[2])) >> 16);
*out++ = 0;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
sInt temp = *strm++;
nOctaves = temp & 15;
persistence = *strm++;
freq = 1 << (temp >> 4);
oSeed = (*reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm) + 1) * 0xb37fa184 + 303 * 31337;
strm += 2;
temp = *strm++;
startOctave = temp & 15;
scale = getSmallInt(strm);
sU8 kolor[6];
strm = getColor(kolor + 0,strm,temp >> 4);
strm = getColor(kolor + 3,strm,temp >> 6);
for(sInt i=0;i<6;i++)
color[i] = kolor[i]<<7;
return strm;
static sU32 srandom2(sU32 n)
mov ecx, [n];
mov ebx, ecx;
shl ebx, 13;
xor ecx, ebx;
mov ebx, ecx;
mov eax, 15731;
imul ebx, ebx;
imul ebx, eax;
add ebx, 789221;
imul ecx, ebx;
add ecx, 1376312589;
mov eax, 2048;
and ecx, 07fffffffh;
shr ecx, 19;
sub eax, ecx;
mov [n], eax;
return n;
sU32 frOpTGPerlin::seed;
sU16 frOpTGPerlin::wtab[512];
sBool frOpTGPerlin::wTabThere=sFALSE;
frOperator* create_TGPerlin() { return new frOpTGPerlin; }
// ---- Gradient
class frOpTGGradient: public frTextureOperator
sInt type;
sU8 color[6];
sF32 iw, ih;
sF32 xc, yc, x2, y2, expon, isc;
sInt scv;
void doProcess()
sF32 sc;
sF32 xd = x2 - xc, yd = y2 - yc;
if (type == 0)
sc = 1.0f / (xd * xd + yd * yd);
sc = 100.0f / scv;
sc *= sc;
sU16* dst = data->data;
for (sInt y = 0; y < data->h; y++)
const sF32 p = y * ih - yc, pp = p * p;
for (sInt x = 0; x < data->w; x++)
sF32 f;
sF32 n = x * iw - xc;
if (type == 0) // linear
f = (n * xd + p * yd) * sc;
else if (type == 1) // glow
f = 1.0f - sqrt((n * n + pp) * sc);
f = pow(f < 0.0f ? 0.0f : f > 1.0f ? 1.0f : f, expon) * isc;
f=f < 0.0f ? 0.0f : f > 1.0f ? 1.0f : f;
sS32 fd = f * 65536;
*dst++ = ((color[0] << 16) + (color[3] - color[0]) * fd) >> 9;
*dst++ = ((color[1] << 16) + (color[4] - color[1]) * fd) >> 9;
*dst++ = ((color[2] << 16) + (color[5] - color[2]) * fd) >> 9;
*dst++ = 0;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
sU8 typeByte = *strm++;
type = typeByte & 1;
strm = getColor(color + 0, strm, typeByte >> 1);
strm = getColor(color + 3, strm, typeByte >> 3);
iw = 1.0f / data->w;
ih = 1.0f / data->h;
if (type == 0)
xc = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm)[0] / 256.0f;
yc = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm)[1] / 256.0f;
x2 = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm)[2] / 256.0f;
y2 = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm)[3] / 256.0f;
strm += 8;
scv = *strm++;
expon = getSmallInt(strm) / 8.0f;
isc = reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm)[0] / 256.0f;
xc = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm)[1] / 256.0f;
yc = reinterpret_cast<const sS16*>(strm)[2] / 256.0f;
strm += 6;
return strm;
void setAnim(sInt parm, const sF32* val)
switch (parm)
case 1: // point 1/center
case 3:
xc = val[0];
yc = val[1];
case 2: // point 2
xc = val[0];
yc = val[1];
frOperator* create_TGGradient() { return new frOpTGGradient; }
// ---- Multiply
class frOpTCMultiply: public frTextureOperator
void doProcess()
sU16* dst = data->data;
sInt cnt = data->w * data->h;
memcpy(dst, getInputData(0)->data, cnt * 4 * 2);
for (sInt i = 1; i < nInputs; i++)
const sU16* src = getInputData(i)->data;
mov esi, [src];
mov edi, [dst];
mov ecx, [cnt];
lea esi, [esi + ecx * 8];
lea edi, [edi + ecx * 8];
neg ecx;
movq mm0, [esi + ecx * 8];
pmulhw mm0, [edi + ecx * 8];
psllw mm0, 1;
movq [edi + ecx * 8], mm0;
inc ecx;
jnz lp;
__asm emms;
frOperator* create_TCMultiply() { return new frOpTCMultiply; }
// ---- Crystal
class frOpTGCrystal: public frTextureOperator
sU32 seed, count;
sU32 col[2];
void doProcess()
sU8 randBuf[512];
sU16* dptr = data->data;
sInt width = data->w;
sInt height = data->h;
static const sU32 _MMMax = 0x7fffffff;
const sU32 _MM256 = (height << 16) | width, temp = (_MM256 >> 1) & 0x7fff7fff;
const sU64 _MM128 = ((sU64)temp << 32) | temp;
const sU64 _MMMask = ((height - 1) << 16) | (width - 1);
const sU32 col1 = col[0];
const sU32 col2 = col[1];
const sU32 cnt = count;
const sU32 sed = seed;
mov edx, [sed];
mov esi, [dptr];
mov ecx, 511;
imul edx, 015a4e35h;
inc edx;
mov eax, edx;
shr eax, 16;
mov randBuf[ecx], al;
dec ecx;
jns randomloop;
pxor mm7, mm7;
xor ecx, ecx;
xor edx, edx;
and ecx, 0ffff0000h;
mov edi, [cnt];
dec edi
movd mm2, ecx;
movd mm0, [_MMMax];
movd mm6, [_MM256];
movq mm5, mm2;
xor ebx, ebx;
dec ebx;
push esi;
movd mm1, randBuf[edi*2];
movq mm2, mm5;
pand mm1, [_MMMask];
psubw mm2, mm1;
movq mm1, mm0;
movq mm3, mm2;
psraw mm3, 15;
pxor mm2, mm3;
psubsw mm2, mm3;
movq mm3, mm2;
pcmpgtw mm3, [_MM128];
movq mm4, mm6;
psubw mm4, mm2;
pand mm4, mm3;
pandn mm3, mm2;
por mm3, mm4;
pmaddwd mm3, mm3;
pcmpgtd mm0, mm3;
movd eax, mm3;
pand mm3, mm0;
pandn mm0, mm1;
por mm0, mm3;
cmp eax, ebx;
cmovb ebx, eax;
cmovb esi, edi;
dec edi;
jns tryloop;
mov ebx, esi;
pop esi;
movd eax, mm0;
cmp eax, edx;
cmova edx, eax;
mov [esi], eax;
add esi, 8;
inc ecx;
movzx eax, cx;
cmp eax, [width];
jne xloop;
add ecx, 010000h;
mov eax, ecx;
shr eax, 16;
cmp eax, [height];
jne yloop;
mov ecx, [width];
imul ecx, [height];
mov [width], ecx;
mov ecx, 0ffffh;
mov edi, edx;
movd mm0, [col1];
movd mm1, [col2];
punpcklbw mm0, mm7;
punpcklbw mm1, mm7;
psllw mm0, 7;
psllw mm1, 7;
psubw mm1, mm0;
sub esi, 8;
mov eax, [esi];
mov edx, eax;
shl eax, 16;
sar edx, 16;
idiv edi;
xor eax, -1;
add eax, ecx;
imul eax;
shrd eax, edx, 16;
xor eax, -1;
add eax, ecx;
shr eax, 1;
movd mm2, eax;
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
pmulhw mm2, mm1;
psllw mm2, 1;
paddw mm2, mm0;
movq [esi], mm2;
mov [esi+6], ax;
dec [width];
jnz contrastloop;
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
seed = reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm)[0];
count = strm[2];
strm += 3;
for (sInt i = 0; i < 2; i++)
col[i] = *reinterpret_cast<const sU32*>(strm) & 0xffffff;
strm += 3;
return strm;
frOperator* create_TGCrystal() { return new frOpTGCrystal; }
// ---- blur v2
class frOpTFBlurV2: public frTextureOperator
sInt rx, ry, parm, intens;
static void inplaceBlur(sU16* dst, sU32 w, sU32 h, sUInt radius, sInt wrap)
static sU16 pbuf[(1024+256)*4];
if (2*radius>=w)
sU32 sc=65536/(2*radius+1);
if (wrap==0)
memset(pbuf, 0, radius*4*sizeof(sU16));
memset(pbuf+(w+radius)*4, 0, radius*4*sizeof(sU16));
__asm emms;
while (h--)
memcpy(pbuf+radius*4, dst, w*4*sizeof(sU16));
if (wrap==1) // clamp
for (sUInt i=0; i<radius*4; i++)
const sUInt ia=i&3;
else if (wrap==2) // wrap
memcpy(pbuf, pbuf+w*4, radius*4*sizeof(sU16));
memcpy(pbuf+(w+radius)*4, pbuf+radius*4, radius*4*sizeof(sU16));
const sU16 *src=pbuf+radius*4;
static const sU64 msk1=0x0000ffff0000ffff;
mov esi, offset pbuf;
pxor mm0, mm0;
pxor mm1, mm1;
pxor mm3, mm3;
mov ecx, [radius];
shl ecx, 1;
movq mm4, [esi];
add esi, 8;
movq mm5, mm4;
punpcklwd mm4, mm3;
dec ecx;
punpckhwd mm5, mm3;
paddd mm0, mm4;
paddd mm1, mm5;
jns sumlp;
mov esi, [src];
mov edi, [dst];
mov ecx, [w];
mov ebx, [radius];
shl ebx, 3;
lea esi, [esi+ecx*8];
lea edi, [edi+ecx*8];
lea edx, [esi+ebx+8];
sub esi, ebx;
neg ecx;
movd mm2, [sc]; // load scale reg
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
punpcklwd mm2, mm2;
// calc color & store
movq mm4, mm0; // copy values
movq mm5, mm1;
movq mm6, mm0;
movq mm7, mm1;
// perform scaling
psrld mm4, 16;
psrld mm5, 16;
psrlw mm6, 1;
psrlw mm7, 1;
pmulhw mm6, mm2;
pmulhw mm7, mm2;
pmullw mm4, mm2;
pmullw mm5, mm2;
pand mm6, [msk1];
pand mm7, [msk1];
psllw mm6, 1;
psllw mm7, 1;
paddd mm4, mm6;
paddd mm5, mm7;
// re-pack & store
packssdw mm4, mm5;
movq [edi+ecx*8], mm4;
// update state:
movq mm4, [edx+ecx*8]; // add val
movq mm6, [esi+ecx*8]; // sub val
movq mm5, mm4;
movq mm7, mm6;
punpcklwd mm4, mm3; // splice values
punpckhwd mm5, mm3;
punpcklwd mm6, mm3;
punpckhwd mm7, mm3;
paddd mm0, mm4; // add to state
paddd mm1, mm5;
psubd mm0, mm6; // sub from state
psubd mm1, mm7;
// loop
inc ecx;
jnz pixlp;
mov [dst], edi;
__asm emms;
static void flipAxes(const sU16 *src, sU16 *dst, sInt w, sInt h)
sInt ws=2, wt=w;
while (wt>>=1)
for (sInt x=0; x<w; x++)
const sU16 *s0=src+(x<<2);
for (sInt y=0; y<h; y++)
const sU16 *so=s0+(y<<ws);
((sU32 *) dst)[0]=((const sU32 *) so)[0];
((sU32 *) dst)[1]=((const sU32 *) so)[1];
static void scaleIntensity(sU16 *data, sUInt count, sU16 sf)
while (count--)
sU32 v=(data[0]*sf)>>8;
if (v>32767)
void doProcess()
const sInt wrap=parm>>2, steps=parm & 3;
const sInt dw = data->w, dh = data->h;
sU16* dptr = data->data;
memcpy(dptr, getInputData(0)->data, dw * dh * 8); // first, copy over the data.
if (rx)
for (sInt i=0; i<=steps; i++)
inplaceBlur(dptr, dw, dh, rx, wrap);
if (ry)
sU16 *temp=new sU16[dw*dh*4];
flipAxes(dptr, temp, dw, dh);
for (sInt i=0; i<=steps; i++)
inplaceBlur(temp, dh, dw, ry, wrap);
flipAxes(temp, dptr, dh, dw);
delete[] temp;
if (intens != 256)
scaleIntensity(dptr, dw*dh*4, intens);
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
rx = *strm++;
ry = *strm++;
parm = *strm++;
intens = *reinterpret_cast<const sU16*>(strm);
strm += 2;
return strm;
void setAnim(sInt index, const sF32* val)
switch (index)
case 1: // radius
rx = val[0] - 0.5f;
ry = val[1] - 0.5f;
case 2: // intensity
intens = val[0] * 256.0f;
frOperator* create_TFBlurV2() { return new frOpTFBlurV2; }
// ---- install font
class frOpTFInstallFont: public frTextureOperator
sChar fontFile[256];
void doProcess()
memcpy(data->data, getInputData(0)->data, data->w*data->h*4*sizeof(sU16));
const sU8* readData(const sU8* strm)
sInt len = getSmallInt(strm);
lstrcpy(fontFile, "c:\\temp.ttf");
DWORD dwt;
HANDLE hfl = CreateFile(fontFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
WriteFile(hfl, strm, len, &dwt, 0);
strm += len;
return strm;
frOperator* create_TFInstallFont() { return new frOpTFInstallFont; }
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