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Created October 14, 2013 19:46
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Iggy focus handling
enum FocusDir
static FocusDir get_quadrant(float dx, float dy)
if (fabsf(dx) > fabsf(dy))
return (dx > 0.0f) ? DIR_E : DIR_W;
return (dy > 0.0f) ? DIR_S : DIR_N;
static float dist_interval(float a0, float a1, float b0, float b1)
if (a1 < b0)
return a1 - b0;
else if (b1 < a0)
return a0 - b1;
return 0.0f;
static void move_focus(Iggy *f, FocusDir dir, int wrap)
S32 num_obj;
const int max_objects = 256;
IggyFocusableObject objs[max_objects], *old_obj;
IggyFocusHandle old, best = NULL;
F32 width = (F32) cur_width; // need this when wrap!=0
F32 height = (F32) cur_height; // dto
IggyPlayerGetFocusableObjects(f, &old, objs, max_objects, &num_obj);
if (!old) // no object on the stage currently has focus, just give focus to the first object we encounter.
best = objs ? objs[0].object : IGGY_FOCUS_NULL;
else {
F32 best_dist_axial = FLT_MAX, best_dist_box = FLT_MAX, best_dist_center = FLT_MAX;
int i;
for (i=0; i < num_obj; ++i)
if (objs[i].object == old)
if (i == num_obj) {
// should be unreachable: the currently focused object wasn't on the focus list.
// treat the same as no object has focus
best = objs ? objs[0].object : IGGY_FOCUS_NULL;
goto done;
old_obj = &objs[i];
// go through all bboxes to find the best neighbor
for (i=0; i < num_obj; ++i) {
// don't move to this button again
IggyFocusableObject *current = &objs[i];
if (current->object == old)
float dax=0, day=0, dist_axial=0;
float dbx, dby, dist_box;
float dcx, dcy, dist_center;
FocusDir quadrant;
// compute distance between centers
// this is off by a factor of 2, but we only compare center distances with each other so it doesn't matter
dcx = (current->x0 + current->x1) - (old_obj->x0 + old_obj->x1);
dcy = (current->y0 + current->y1) - (old_obj->y0 + old_obj->y1);
dist_center = fabsf(dcx) + fabsf(dcy); // L1 metric (need this for our connectedness guarantee)
// compute distance between boxes
dbx = dist_interval(current->x0, current->x1, old_obj->x0, old_obj->x1);
dby = dist_interval(current->y0, current->y1, old_obj->y0, old_obj->y1);
dist_box = fabsf(dbx) + fabsf(dby);
// determine which quadrant of bi bj lies in based on distance
if (dbx || dby) { // for non-overlapping boxes, use distance between boxes
dax = dbx;
day = dby;
dist_axial = dist_box;
quadrant = get_quadrant(dbx, dby);
} else if (dcx || dcy) { // for overlapping boxes with different centers, use distance between centers
dax = dcx;
day = dcy;
dist_axial = dist_center;
quadrant = get_quadrant(dcx, dcy);
} else // degenerate case: two overlapping buttons with same center, break ties using order
quadrant = (current->object < old) ? DIR_W : DIR_E;
// is it in the quadrant we're interesting in moving to?
if (quadrant == dir) {
// does it beat the current best candidate?
if (dist_box < best_dist_box) {
best_dist_box = dist_box;
best_dist_center = dist_center;
best = current->object;
} else if (dist_box == best_dist_box) {
// try using distance between center points to break ties
if (dist_center < best_dist_center) {
best_dist_center = dist_center;
best = current->object;
} else if (dist_center == best_dist_center) {
// still tied! we need to be extra-careful to make sure everything gets linked properly.
// we consistently break ties by symbolically moving "later" buttons
// (with higher index) to the right/downwards by an infinitesimal amount
// since we saw the current "best" button already (so it must have a lower index),
// this is fairly easy. this rule ensures that all buttons with dx==dy==0 will end
// up being linked in order of appearance along the x axis.
if ((dir >= DIR_N ? dby : dbx) < 0.0f) // moving bj to the right/down decreases distance
best = current->object;
// axial check: if bi has no link at all in some direction and bj lies roughly in that
// direction, add a tentative link. this will only be kept if no "real" matches are found,
// so it only augments the graph produced by the above method using extra links. (important,
// since it doesn't guarantee strong connectedness)
// this is just to avoid buttons having no links in a particular direction when there's
// a suitable neighbor. you get good graphs without this too.
if (best_dist_box == FLT_MAX) {
// check axial match
if (dist_axial < best_dist_axial &&
((dir == DIR_W && dax < 0.0f) || (dir == DIR_E && dax > 0.0f) || (dir == DIR_N && day < 0.0f) || (dir == DIR_S && day > 0.0f)))
best_dist_axial = dist_axial, best = current->object;
// check wraparound
if ((wrap & 1) && ((dir == DIR_W && dax > 0.0f) || (dir == DIR_E && dax < 0.0f))) {
float t = width * (dax < 0.0f ? 2.0f : -2.0f); // *2 to make it worse than any real axial match
float d = fabsf(dist_interval(t + current->x0, t + current->x1, old_obj->x0, old_obj->x1)) + fabsf(dby);
if (d < best_dist_axial)
best_dist_axial = d, best = current->object;
if ((wrap & 2) && ((dir == DIR_N && day > 0.0f) || (dir == DIR_S && day < 0.0f))) {
float t = height * (day < 0.0f ? 2.0f : -2.0f); // *2 to make it worse than any real axial match
float d = fabsf(dist_interval(t + current->y0, t + current->y1, old_obj->y0, old_obj->y1)) + fabsf(dbx);
if (d < best_dist_axial)
best_dist_axial = d, best = current->object;
if (best) {
char msg[256];
sprintf(msg, "moving focus to %p\n", best);
IggyPlayerSetFocusRS(f, best, '\t');
} else
OutputDebugStringA("not moving focus!\n");
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