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Created March 2, 2020 01:56
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Simple watertight triangle rasterizer
// ---- triangle rasterizer
static RADINLINE S64 det2x2(S32 a, S32 b, S32 c, S32 d)
S64 r = (S64) a*d - (S64) b*c;
return r >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
static S64 det2x2_fill_convention(S32 a, S32 b, S32 c, S32 d)
S64 r = (S64) a*d - (S64) b*c; // the determinant
if (c > 0 || c == 0 && a <= 0) r--; // this implements the top-left fill convention
return r >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
static RADINLINE S32 fixed(F32 x)
// -0.5f to place pixel centers at integer coords + 0.5
// +0.5f afterwards is rounding factor
return (S32) ((x - 0.5f) * SUBPIXEL_SCALE + 0.5f);
static RADINLINE S32 fixed_ceil(S32 x)
typedef S32 EdgeDist; // switch to S64 if there are overflows
static void point_to_fixed_xform(S32 *ox, S32 *oy, gswf_point *in, gswf_matrix *m)
F32 x = in->x * m->m00 + (in->y * m->m01 + m->trans[0]);
F32 y = in->x * m->m10 + (in->y * m->m11 + m->trans[1]);
*ox = fixed(x);
*oy = fixed(y);
static void draw_triangle(image *tgt, gswf_point *a, gswf_point *b, gswf_point *c, gswf_matrix *m, int allow_neg_winding)
S32 x0,x1,x2;
S32 y0,y1,y2;
S32 minx,miny,maxx,maxy;
S32 dx10,dx21,dx02;
S32 dy10,dy21,dy02;
EdgeDist e1,e2,e3;
S32 t;
S32 x,y;
S64 det;
int incr;
// convert coordinates to fixed point
point_to_fixed_xform(&x0, &y0, a, m);
point_to_fixed_xform(&x1, &y1, b, m);
point_to_fixed_xform(&x2, &y2, c, m);
// check triangle winding order
det = det2x2(x1-x0, x2-x0, y1-y0, y2-y0);
if (det > 0)
incr = 1;
else if (det < 0) {
incr = allow_neg_winding ? -1 : 1;
t = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = t;
t = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = t;
} else // zero-area triangle
// bounding box / clipping
minx = max(fixed_ceil(min3(x0,x1,x2)), 0);
miny = max(fixed_ceil(min3(y0,y1,y2)), 0);
maxx = min(fixed_ceil(max3(x0,x1,x2)), tgt->w);
maxy = min(fixed_ceil(max3(y0,y1,y2)), tgt->h);
if (minx >= maxx || miny >= maxy)
// edge vectors
dx10 = x1 - x0; dy10 = y1 - y0;
dx21 = x2 - x1; dy21 = y2 - y1;
dx02 = x0 - x2; dy02 = y0 - y2;
// edge functions
e1 = (EdgeDist) det2x2_fill_convention(dx10, (minx << SUBPIXEL_SHIFT) - x0, dy10, (miny << SUBPIXEL_SHIFT) - y0);
e2 = (EdgeDist) det2x2_fill_convention(dx21, (minx << SUBPIXEL_SHIFT) - x1, dy21, (miny << SUBPIXEL_SHIFT) - y1);
e3 = (EdgeDist) det2x2_fill_convention(dx02, (minx << SUBPIXEL_SHIFT) - x2, dy02, (miny << SUBPIXEL_SHIFT) - y2);
// rasterize
for (y=miny; y<maxy; y++) {
U8 *line = tgt->data + y*tgt->w;
EdgeDist ei1 = e1, ei2 = e2, ei3 = e3;
for (x=minx; x<maxx; x++) {
if ((ei1 | ei2 | ei3) >= 0) // pixel in triangle
line[x] = (U8) (line[x] + incr);
ei1 -= dy10;
ei2 -= dy21;
ei3 -= dy02;
e1 += dx10;
e2 += dx21;
e3 += dx02;
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