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Created February 17, 2017 00:41
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Note on changes to the box pruning code.
Brief explanation what I did to get the speed-up, and the thought process behind it.
The original code went:
movaps xmm3, xmmword ptr [edx+ecx*2] // Box1YZ
cmpnltps xmm3, xmm2
movmskps eax, xmm3
cmp eax, 0Ch
jne NoOverlap
<code to report overlap (this runs rarely)>
add ecx, 8
comiss xmm1, xmmword ptr [esi+ecx] // [esi] = BoxListX[Index1].mMinX, compared to MaxLimit
jae EnterLoop
My first suggestion was to restructure the loop slightly so the hot "no overlap" path is
straight-line and the cold "found overlap" path has the extra jumps. This can help
instruction fetch behavior, although in this case it didn't make a difference.
Nevertheless, I'll do it here because it makes things easier to follow:
movaps xmm3, xmmword ptr [edx+ecx*2] // Box1YZ
cmpnltps xmm3, xmm2
movmskps eax, xmm3
cmp eax, 0Ch
je FoundOverlap
add ecx, 8
comiss xmm1, xmmword ptr [esi+ecx] // [esi] = BoxListX[Index1].mMinX, compared to MaxLimit
jae EnterLoop
Alright, so that's a nice, sweet, simple loop. Now a lot of people will tell you that
out-of-order cores are hard to optimize for since they're "unpredictable" or "fuzzy"
or whatever. I disagree: optimizing for out-of-order cores is *easy* and far less
tedious than say manual scheduling for in-order machines is. It's true that for OoO,
you can't just give a fixed "clock cycles per iteration" number, but the same thing
is already true for *anything* with a cache, so who are we kidding? The reality of the
situation is that while predicting the exact flow uops are gonna take through the
machine is hard (and also fairly pointless unless you're trying to build an exact
pipeline simulator), quantifying the overall statistical behavior of loops on OoO
cores is often easier than it is for in-order machines. Because for nice simple loops
like this, it boils down to operation counting - total number of instructions, and
total amount of work going to different types of functional units. We don't need
to worry about scheduling; the cores can take care of that themselves, and the
loop above has no tricky data dependencies between iterations (the only inter-iteration
change is the "add ecx, 8", which doesn't depend on anything else in the loop) so
everything is gonna work fine on that front. So, on to the counting. I'm counting
two things here: 1. "fused domain" uops (to a first-order approximation, this means
"instructions as broken down by the CPU front-end") and 2. un-fused uops going to
specific groups of functional units ("ports"), which is what the CPU back-end deals
with. When I write "unfused p0", I mean an unfused uop that has to go to port 0.
"unfused 1 p23" is an unfused uop that can go to ports 2 or 3 (whichever happens to
be free). I'm using stats for the i7-2600K in my machine (Intel Sandy Bridge); newer
CPUs have slightly different (but still similar) breakdowns. Now without further ado,
we have:
movaps xmm3, xmmword ptr [edx+ecx*2] // 1 fused uop=unfused 1 p23
cmpnltps xmm3, xmm2 // 1 fused uop=unfused 1 p1
movmskps eax, xmm3 // 1 fused uop=unfused 1 p0
cmp eax, 0Ch // \
je FoundOverlap // / cmp+je=1 fused uop=unfused 1 p5
add ecx, 8 // 1 fused uop=unfused 1 p015
comiss xmm1, xmmword ptr [esi+ecx] // 2 fused uops=unfused 1 p0 + 1 p1 + 1 p23
jae EnterLoop // 1 fused uop=unfused 1 p5
(yes, the pair of x86 instructions cmp+je combines into one fused uop.)
Fused uops are the currency the CPU frontend deals in. It can process at most 4
of these per cycle, under ideal conditions, although in practice (for various
reasons) it's generally hard to average much more than 3 fused uops/cycle unless
the loop is relatively short (which, luckily, this one is). All the ports can
accept one instruction per cycle.
So total, we have:
- 8 fused uops -> at 4/cycle, at least 2 cycles/iter
- 7 uops going to ports 0,1,5
- 2 port 0 only
- 2 port 1 only
- 2 port 5 only
- 1 "wildcard" that can go anywhere
-> at least 2.33 cycles/iter from port 0,1,5 pressure
- 2 uops going to ports 2,3 -> at 2/cycle, at least 1 cycles/iter
And of that total, the actual box pruning test (the first 5 x86 instructions)
are 4 fused uops, 3 unfused p015 and 1 unfused p23 - a single cycle's worth
of work. In other words, we spend more than half of our execution bandwidth
on loop overhead. That's no good.
Hence, unroll 4x. With that, provided there *are* at least 4 boxes to test
against in the current cluster, we end up with:
- 4*4 + 4 = 20 fused uops -> at 4/cycle, at least 5 cycles/iter
- 4*3 + 4 = 16 uops going to ports 0,1,5
- 4*1+1=5 p0
- 4*1+1=5 p1
- 4*1+1=5 p2
- 1 "wildcard"
-> at least 5.33 cycles/iter from port 0,1,5 pressure
- 5 uops to port 2,3 -> at 2/cycle, at least 2.5 cycles/iter
Our bottleneck are once again ports 0,1,5, but they now process 4 candidate
pairs in 5.33 cycles worth of work, whereas they took 9.33 cycles worth of
work before. So from that analysis, we expect something like a 42.8%
reduction in execution time, theoretical. Actual observed reduction was
34.4% on my home i7-2600K (12038 Kcyc -> 7893 Kcyc) and 42.9% on my
work i7-3770S (8990 Kcyc -> 5131 Kcyc). So the Sandy Bridge i7-2600K also
runs into some other limits not accounted for in this (very simplistic!)
analysis whereas the i7-3770S behaves *exactly* as predicted.
The other tweak I tried later was to switch things around so the box X
coordinates are converted to integers. The issue is our 2-fused-uop COMISS,
which we'd like to replace with a 1-fused-uop compare. Not only is the
integer version fewer uops, the CMP uop is also p015 instead of the more
constrained p0+p1 for COMISS.
What would we expect from that? Our new totals are:
- 4*4 + 4 = 20 fused uops -> at 4/cycle, at least 5 cycles/iter
- 4*3 + 3 = 15 uops going to ports 0,1,5
- 4*1+1=4 p0
- 4*1+1=4 p1
- 4*1+1=5 p2
- 2 "wildcard" -> note these can go to p0/p1, and now we're perfectly balanced!
-> at least 5 cycles/iter from port 0,1,5 pressure
- 5 uops to port 2,3 -> at 2/cycle, at least 2.5 cycles/iter
From the back-of-the-envelope estimate, we now go from purely backend limited
to simultaneously backend and frontend limited, and we'd expect to go from
about 5.33 cycles/iter to 5 cycles/iter, for a 6.2% reduction.
And indeed, on my work i7-3770S, this change gets us from 5131 Kcyc -> 4762
Kcyc, reducing the cycle count by 7.2%. Close enough, and actually a bit
better than expected!
This example happens to work out very nicely (since it has a lot of arithmetic
and few branch mispredictions or cache misses), but the same general ideas
apply elsewhere. Who says that out-of-order cores are so hard to predict?
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