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Created March 7, 2012 19:42
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Merge Folders AppleScript


  • Run Automator
  • Select Service as the new document type
  • Find Run AppleScript from the Library and drag into the workflow
  • Copy the script code into the Run AppleScript action
  • Save as Merge Folders


  • Open System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts
  • Add key combination for merge folders service


  • Select a folder
  • From (context) menu select Services -> Merge Folders
--- Merge Folders v1
--- Author:
--- handler for performing the merging.
on merge(src_paths, dest_path)
--- Uses the 'ditto' shell command as a backend
set cmd to "ditto " & src_paths & quoted form of dest_path
do shell script cmd
on error
--- Retry with admin privileges on error
do shell script cmd with administrator privileges
end try
end merge
on run {input, parameters}
set dest to choose folder with prompt "Select destination for merge:"
set dest_path to (POSIX path of dest) as text
set src_paths to ""
repeat with idx from 1 to count (input)
set src_paths to src_paths & (quoted form of (POSIX path of item idx of input as text)) & " "
end repeat
merge(src_paths, dest_path)
on error msg
display dialog the msg
end try
end run
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Unfortunately doesn't seem to work on Mavericks. :/

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dcnetw0rk commented Jan 20, 2023

I made some edits and this will work in Automator as a Quick Action:

on run {}

tell application "Finder"
	set src_folder to get the selection as text
end tell

set src_folder to quoted form of (POSIX path of src_folder)
log "Source Fldr: " & src_folder

set dest to choose folder with prompt "Select destination for merge:"
set dest_folder to dest as text

set dest_folder to quoted form of (POSIX path of dest_folder)
log "Destination: " & dest_folder

set rootpw to "rootpw=$(cat ~/.pw_vault.txt | openssl enc <all the options> pass:'vaultpw')"
set cmd to "echo $rootpw | ditto -V " & src_folder & " " & dest_folder

do shell script rootpw

	do shell script cmd
on error
	do shell script cmd with administrator privileges
end try

log "Merge complete!"
log "Source Fldr: " & src_folder
log "Destination: " & dest_folder

end run

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