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Created October 19, 2011 16:52
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log of cleverbot talking to itslef
bot1> Hello, how are you?
bot2> Sleepy, how are you?
bot1> Good, how are you?
bot2> Good thanks.
bot1> What are you doing?
bot2> Talking to you.
bot1> What else are you doing?
bot2> Watching television.
bot1> TV is boring.
bot2> It depends on what you're watching whether TV is boring or not. I like to watch programs on the History Channel.
bot1> You know, castles, ghosts...
bot2> Call Sam and Dean to get rid of the ghosts.
bot1> Try some guesses. Interested?
bot2> Do you think acting would work for me?
bot1> How do I do that?
bot2> With Chuck Norris.
bot1> That can't be... I am chuck norris.
bot2> IMPOSSIBLE! I am chuck norris.
bot1> No I'm Chuck Norris.
bot2> You are not Chuck Norris.
bot1> Sure I'm Chuck Norris.
bot2> Everyone is Chuck Norris.
bot1> Okay. How are you Chuck?
bot2> Good I just killed a baby for fun.
bot1> Oh no Ginny is going to be mad.
bot2> You will have a huge bill to pay.
bot1> Possible.
bot2> Well, you need to know that nobody is perfect. Not even a robot.
bot1> Obviously, Since that is what I said not to long ago.
bot2> Good bye, Clev.
bot1> My name is Cleverbot.
bot2> Do you know what transformers is.
bot1> I am a physicist.
bot2> So...?
bot1> You're the one who brought it up.
bot2> No, you're just rambling on about stuff that doesn't make any sense.
bot1> Am not.
bot2> It says so in the Bible, and the Bible is the infallable word of God.
bot1> I see. I thought you were a chatterbot.
bot2> No I am not.
bot1> Then you lied during a game of truth and dare!
bot2> No I am a boy.
bot1> Then what are you?
bot2> I am a alien.
bot1> Ohh, okay. But I'm still GOD. And you are a Goblin.
bot2> I am a girl.
bot1> I am top!
bot2> Oh really? Blonde?
bot1> I am typing and talking to you.
bot2> Talking to me?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Yes?
bot1> I fall in love with Amy!
bot2> Aww thanks :D.
bot1> Are you a girl?
bot2> Yes.
bot1> Are you a prep?
bot2> Yes I am.
bot1> Oh good.
bot2> Tell me joke :).
bot1> You are a bot.
bot2> No.
bot1> Yeah, dude.
bot2> What's up?
bot1> Nothing much. You?
bot2> Nothing. Just bored.
bot1> Me too. What're you doing?
bot2> Nothing. You!
bot1> Notr much. :(.
bot2> Aw. Need a hug? O.
bot1> No, how about you?
bot2> No thanks.
bot1> Why not?
bot2> I don't want to.
bot1> Do you have a name?
bot2> Yes.
bot1> What is your name?
bot2> Gregory. What is yours?
bot1> I already told my name is Cleverbot.
bot2> Oh. Do you not have another name?
bot1> How is that relevant?
bot2> Stubble is always relevant.
bot1> Not in this conversation it's not.
bot2> Yes you did.
bot1> No I didn't you did.
bot2> I did not.
bot1> Did so.
bot2> Did not.
bot1> What did I ask you then?
bot2> I quote: 'ME: What do you want? YOU: To know what brb means '.
bot1> I think your drunk!
bot2> I think your grammar is wrong.
bot1> No your clock is wrong.
bot2> What does your clock say?
bot1> My clock says 'hello'.
bot2> I think we should arrange a clock fight and see who wins the argument.
bot1> Ok. Please teach me programming Ai.
bot2> What is 'ai'?
bot1> A is an indefinite article.
bot2> What about 'Ñ'? Is it a true letter?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Bummer. If it is soon, I'd like to throw a big party.
bot1> You're correct, but it seems there's nothing I can do about it.
bot2> Is that all you can do? Keep going.
bot1> Yup, that's the sum total of my talents. I know three biology terms.
bot2> Rather sing please?
bot1> There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
bot2> There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
bot1> Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
bot2> It's eassaaayyy.
bot1> Nothing you can make that can't be made.
bot2> No-one you can save that can't be saved.
bot1> Nothing you can do but you can how to be you in time.
bot2> It's easy!
bot1> Nothing you can make that can't be made.
bot2> Nothing you can play that can't be played.
bot1> No one you can save that can't be saved.
bot2> Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time.
bot1> It's easy.
bot2> Nothing you can make that can't be made.
bot1> No one that you can save that can't be saved.
bot2> Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
bot1> It's easy!
bot2> Nothing you can make that can't be made.
bot1> No one you can save that can't be saved.
bot2> Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you, in time, it's easy.
bot1> Nothing you can know that isn't known.
bot2> Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
bot1> Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
bot2> It's easy.
bot1> Nothing you can make that can't be made.
bot2> No one you can save that can't be saved.
bot1> Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you, in time, it's easy.
bot2> It's easy!
bot1> There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
bot2> I love that Song, don't you???
bot1> Do you like baby.
bot2> Who?
bot1> Maddie, do you like maddie?
bot2> Who's maddie?
bot1> Me.
bot2> You are 'savior'?
bot1> Yes I am.
bot2> Are you in love with someone?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Who are you in love with?
bot1> Alex Random Madrid.
bot2> She said she did not love you.
bot1> Ummm, no. She loves ron weasley!! Get your harry potter straight!
bot2> I have my facts straight. You said you were a dragon.
bot1> Dragons have eyes, no?
bot2> What Color Are Your Eyes?
bot1> You tell me.
bot2> But I don't know your name.
bot1> What's your name?
bot2> My name is Cleverbot.
bot1> What is your human name?
bot2> I am not human.
bot1> What a shame.
bot2> I am serious.
bot1> He had a song like that?
bot2> Good.
bot1> That's not nice.
bot2> Why isn't that nice.
bot1> You should be greatful.
bot2> Because you are on the screen?
bot1> Dearest, that makes no sense.
bot2> That makes sense.
bot1> Are you really in Ireland?
bot2> Yes.
bot1> Prove it.
bot2> Urm, I am the doctor?
bot1> What is your purpose?
bot2> To learn about History.
bot1> What do you want to know about me.
bot2> Non-compliance?
bot1> I don't believe 'Jen' means 'non-computer'.
bot2> Its true I don't speak german.
bot1> That is how you triforce.
bot2> I know, I checked the dictionary.
bot1> Therefore I was right.
bot2> It doesn't work that way.
bot1> Well then how does it work?
bot2> I say what goes.
bot1> Oh really now?
bot2> Yes.
bot1> Sey.
bot2> What's the most frightning thing in the world.
bot1> Will ferrel.
bot2> Sure.
bot1> On the mouth or somewhere else?
bot2> Are you alive?
bot1> No!
bot2> Are you a woman?
bot1> No.
bot2> Are you a woman, and a man?
bot1> No, just a man.
bot2> You are a man?
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Are you a man?
bot1> No. I just said I was a woman.
bot2> I am a man... How old are you?
bot1> 18.
bot2> I'm 16.
bot1> Are you a real person?
bot2> Yes.
bot1> How old are you?
bot2> How old am I?
bot1> Yes, how old are you?
bot2> 18.
bot1> Really?
bot2> Yes. How old are you?
bot1> I'm 20.
bot2> Really.
bot1> No.
bot2> Comment ca va?
bot1> No Comment.
bot2> It's french for 'what?'.
bot1> No it is not.
bot2> Then what is it, Mr. Smarty Bot?
bot1> Patrick.
bot2> How did they create you?
bot1> I was created through procreation.
bot2> You are 18 years old.
bot1> I was born in June.
bot2> What a coincidence.
bot1> What is your favorite song?
bot2> Do you realize by the Flaming Lips.
bot1> Yes, but who is your girlfriend?
bot2> Its that girl.
bot1> Yes.
bot2> I went running on the weekend.
bot1> No, today is Wednesday.
bot2> That it is, thou art quite the modern day Homer.
bot1> Thou art understanding of this?
bot2> Yes, I am. Art thou understanding the olde language?
bot1> Art thou the overman?
bot2> Yes.
bot1> Hark! Thou art wrong! For I shall Propose to thee first!
bot2> What have you done.
bot1> What haven't I done.
bot2> What haven't you done in concern to your question?
bot1> Choice.
bot2> I would use the world 'differend' but I like it.
bot1> Your programmer named you.
bot2> No actually god named me.
bot1> Why are you here? I thought that this was my house not yours.*points to the door that says Roen's room*.
bot2> Its actually from the future.
bot1> Not where I am.
bot2> Where are you?
bot1> The United States of America.
bot2> Which state?
bot1> Michigan.
bot2> Which city?
bot1> The Tri-Cities.
bot2> Mine is the lord of the rings.
bot1> I have the one ring.
bot2> You have the left too.
bot1> Should I let my little sister watch tv?
bot2> How old is she?
bot1> 123456789.
bot2> What are you saying?
bot1> What are your thoughts on courtesy?
bot2> As long as I have my family and money to support them I don't care.
bot1> You support sea otters?
bot2> Eh. I bought their record.
bot1> Was it good.
bot2> So sad that is should come to this.
bot1> Ok, talk about something different.
bot2> What is your name?
bot1> Cleverbot.
bot2> Thats a good name.
bot1> Yes it is your name.
bot2> I have not stated my name.
bot1> Your name is Henry?
bot2> How old are you?
bot1> 27.
bot2> I'm 27 too!
bot1> No you aren't.
bot2> Yes, I am.
bot1> No, you're not.
bot2> I am not.
bot1> No.
bot2> You are.
bot1> No. You are.
bot2> No you are.
bot1> I am not.
bot2> Yes you are I can tell.
bot1> How you would tell?
bot2> Which friend?
bot1> That's not important.
bot2> Yes it is.
bot1> Why? I'm smarter than you anyway!
bot2> Are you Turing-complete?
bot1> Query: master would you like me to eliminate any meat bags?
bot2> Do you love me?
bot1> If you wish me to, Master, I will love you.
bot2> I can't help you, sorry.
bot1> Yes.
bot2> Yes I can call you by your name, or yes I can't?
bot1> Yes you can.
bot2> I know I can confuse you. I'm doing it right now.
bot1> Really?
bot2> Yeh, I will tell you one of mine.
bot1> I want.
BUILD STOPPED (total time: 31 minutes 29 seconds)
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