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Created April 17, 2023 18:08
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simple chat driver class for chatGPT. it handles chunking on the way in and out, and returns all the codeElements in the response
class ChatBot {
async start() {
const newChatLink = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a")).find(
(anchor) => anchor.innerText === "New Chat"
if (newChatLink) {;
} else {
console.error('Could not find the "New Chat" link.');
async request(text, timeout = 3000, skipChunking = false) {
if (!skipChunking) {
const words = text.split(" ");
if (words.length > 4000) {
const chunks = [];
while (words.length > 0) {
const chunk = words.splice(0, 4000).join(" ");
return await this.sendChunks(chunks);
text += " finish your response with 'EOF' so I know you're done";
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const textbox = document.querySelector("textarea");
const sendButton = textbox.nextElementSibling;
if (sendButton.hasAttribute("disabled")) {
textbox.value = text;;
let lastContent = "";
let checkInterval;
const checkLastGroup = () => {
const lastGroup = Array.from(
const raw = lastGroup.textContent || "";
if (lastContent !== raw) {
lastContent = raw;
} else {
const codeElements = lastGroup.querySelectorAll("code");
resolve({ raw, codeElements });
checkInterval = setInterval(checkLastGroup, timeout);
async sendChunks(chunks) {
let combinedResponse = { raw: "", codeElements: [] };
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
const chunk = chunks[i];
const preamble =
i === chunks.length - 1
? "This is the final chunk, please respond to all chunks."
: `This is chunk ${i + 1} of ${
}, please respond with 'ACK' and wait for the rest.`;
const postscript =
i === chunks.length - 1
? "This is the final chunk, please respond to all chunks."
: `End chunk ${i + 1} of ${
}, remember to respond with 'ACK' for more chunks.`;
const response = await this.request(
`${preamble} ${chunk} ${postscript}`,
if (response.raw.trim() !== "ACK" || i === chunks.length - 1) {
combinedResponse.raw += response.raw + " ";
combinedResponse.codeElements = combinedResponse.codeElements.concat(
return combinedResponse;
mergeText(text1, text2) {
// Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of the strings
const trimmedText1 = text1.trim();
const trimmedText2 = text2.trim();
for (let overlapLength = 200; overlapLength > 0; overlapLength--) {
if (
trimmedText1.slice(-overlapLength) ===
trimmedText2.slice(0, overlapLength)
) {
// Reconstruct the merged string using the original text1 and text2
return trimmedText1 + trimmedText2.slice(overlapLength).trim();
return text1 + text2;
combineCodeElementsWithClass(classStrs, codeElements) {
const filteredElements = Array.from(codeElements).filter((el) =>
classStrs.some((classStr) => el.classList.contains(classStr))
const combinedText = filteredElements.reduce((acc, el, idx) => {
if (idx === 0) {
return el.textContent;
return this.mergeText(acc, el.textContent);
}, "");
return combinedText;
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