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Created December 19, 2020 14:09
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import re
import sys
from PIL import Image
with open("data.txt") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
"""u = -3 * x + 95 * y; z = -0.12652202789462033 + 0.006530883329643569 * i
v = -65 * x + 5 * y; z = -0.16588235294117648 + 0.04352941176470588 * i"""
PAT = re.compile(r"(u|v) = ([0-9-]+) \* x \+ ([0-9-]+) \* y; z = ([0-9-.]+) \+ ([0-9-.]+) \* i")
class Case():
def __init__(self, var, x, y, zx, zy):
self.var = var
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.zx = zx
self.zy = zy
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.var} = {self.x} * x + {self.y} * y; z = {self.zx} + {self.zy} * i"
def solve(self):
if self.var == "u":
return self.solve_u()
return self.solve_v()
def solve_u(self):
a, b = self.x, self.y
x, y = self.zx, self.zy
return (a * x + b * y, a * y - b * x)
def solve_v(self):
a, b = self.x, self.y
x, y = self.zx, self.zy
return (b * x - a * y, a * x + b * y)
cases = []
for l in lines:
m = PAT.match(l)
if not m:
raise Exception(f"Didn't match {l}")
cases.append(Case(, int(, int(, float(, float(
solns = [case.solve() for case in cases]
pts = [(round(x), round(y)) for x, y in solns]
w = max(pt[0] for pt in pts) + 1
h = max(pt[1] for pt in pts) + 1
im ="1", size=(w, h))
for pt in pts:
im.putpixel(pt, 1)"flag.png", format="png")
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