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Last active December 2, 2018 01:22
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食事する哲学者の問題 with Cizen ref:
mix new cizen_dining_philosophers
cd cizen_dining_philosophers
defp deps do
{:cizen, "~> 0.14.1"}
defmodule BorrowChopstick do
defstruct [:chopstick_id]
use Cizen.Request # to use defresponse/3
defresponse LendChopstick, :request_id do
defstruct [:request_id]
defmodule ReturnChopstick do
defstruct [:chopstick_id]
defmodule Chopstick do
use Cizen.Automaton
defstruct []
alias Cizen.Effects.{Dispatch, Receive, Subscribe}
alias Cizen.{Event, Filter}
@impl true
def spawn(id, %__MODULE__{}) do
perform id, %Subscribe{
event_filter: Filter.any([ %Event{body: %BorrowChopstick{chopstick_id: ^id}} -> true end), %Event{body: %ReturnChopstick{chopstick_id: ^id}} -> true end)
@impl true
def yield(id, :available) do
received = perform id, %Receive{
event_filter: %Event{body: %BorrowChopstick{}} -> true end)
alias BorrowChopstick.LendChopstick
perform id, %Dispatch{
body: %LendChopstick{
@impl true
def yield(id, :not_available) do
perform id, %Receive{
event_filter: %Event{body: %ReturnChopstick{}} -> true end)
defmodule Philosopher do
use Cizen.Automaton
defstruct [:name, :left_chopstick, :right_chopstick]
alias Cizen.Effects.{Request, Dispatch}
@impl true
def spawn(_id, struct) do
{:hungry, struct}
@impl true
def yield(id, {:hungry, struct}) do
name: name,
left_chopstick: left_chopstick,
right_chopstick: right_chopstick
} = struct
IO.puts("#{name} is hungry.")
perform id, %Request{
body: %BorrowChopstick{
chopstick_id: left_chopstick
IO.puts("#{name} has a chopstick in their left hand.")
perform id, %Request{
body: %BorrowChopstick{
chopstick_id: right_chopstick
IO.puts("#{name} has chopstics in both hands.")
{:eating, struct}
@impl true
def yield(id, {:eating, struct}) do
name: name,
left_chopstick: left_chopstick,
right_chopstick: right_chopstick
} = struct
IO.puts("#{name} is eating.")
perform id, %Dispatch{
body: %ReturnChopstick{
chopstick_id: left_chopstick
perform id, %Dispatch{
body: %ReturnChopstick{
chopstick_id: right_chopstick
{:hungry, struct}
defmodule Dining do
use Cizen.Effectful # for handle/1 and perform/2
alias Cizen.Effects.{All, Start}
def run do
handle fn id ->
chopstick_1 = perform id, %Start{saga: %Chopstick{}}
chopstick_2 = perform id, %Start{saga: %Chopstick{}}
chopstick_3 = perform id, %Start{saga: %Chopstick{}}
chopstick_4 = perform id, %Start{saga: %Chopstick{}}
chopstick_5 = perform id, %Start{saga: %Chopstick{}}
philosophers = [
name: "Plato",
left_chopstick: chopstick_1,
right_chopstick: chopstick_2
name: "Konfuzius",
left_chopstick: chopstick_2,
right_chopstick: chopstick_3
name: "Socrates",
left_chopstick: chopstick_3,
right_chopstick: chopstick_4
name: "Voltaire",
left_chopstick: chopstick_4,
right_chopstick: chopstick_5
name: "Descartes",
left_chopstick: chopstick_5,
right_chopstick: chopstick_1
perform id, %All{
effects:, &(%Start{saga: &1}))
receive do
_ -> :ok
Plato is hungry.
Konfuzius is hungry.
Socrates is hungry.
Voltaire is hungry.
Descartes is hungry.
Plato has a chopstick in their left hand.
Konfuzius has a chopstick in their left hand.
Socrates has a chopstick in their left hand.
Voltaire has a chopstick in their left hand.
Descartes has a chopstick in their left hand.
name: "Descartes",
left_chopstick: chopstick_1,
right_chopstick: chopstick_5
Plato is hungry.
Konfuzius is hungry.
Socrates is hungry.
Voltaire is hungry.
Descartes is hungry.
Plato has a chopstick in their left hand.
Konfuzius has a chopstick in their left hand.
Socrates has a chopstick in their left hand.
Voltaire has a chopstick in their left hand.
Voltaire has chopstics in both hands.
Voltaire is eating.
Voltaire is hungry.
Socrates has chopstics in both hands.
Socrates is eating.
Socrates is hungry.
Konfuzius has chopstics in both hands.
Konfuzius is eating.
Voltaire has a chopstick in their left hand.
Konfuzius is hungry.
Plato has chopstics in both hands.
Plato is eating.
Plato is hungry.
Socrates has a chopstick in their left hand.
Voltaire has chopstics in both hands.
Voltaire is eating.
Voltaire is hungry.
Descartes has a chopstick in their left hand.
Konfuzius has a chopstick in their left hand.
Socrates has chopstics in both hands.
Socrates is eating.
Socrates is hungry.
Descartes has chopstics in both hands.
Descartes is eating.
Descartes is hungry.
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