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Last active March 25, 2019 20:44
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(set-env! :dependencies '[[clj-http "2.2.0"]])
(require '[clj-http.client :as http])
(def ^:private ^:const
#{408; Request Timeout
409; Conflict
410; Gone
500; Internal Server Error
;; 501; Not Implemented
502; Bad Gateway
503; Service Unavailable
504; Gateway Timeout
;; 505; HTTP Version Not Supported
;; 506; Variant Also Negotiates
;; 507; Insufficient Storage(WebDAV)
509; Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
;; 510; Not Extended
(defn http-get-with-retry [url & {:keys [max-retries retry-interval-sec]
:or {max-retries 100, retry-interval-sec 5}}]
(loop [t max-retries]
(let [[v retry?] (try
[(http/get url) false]
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(let [s (-> e ex-data :object :status)]
(cond (zero? t) (throw e)
(retryable-http-status-codes s)
;; (printf "%s:retry: t:%d\n" *ns* t) (flush)
(Thread/sleep (* retry-interval-sec 1000))
[nil true])
(== s 404) [nil false]
:else (throw e)))))]
(if retry?
(recur (dec t))
;; (http-get-with-retry "")
;;; or
(defn http-get [url & [{:keys [retries interval]
:as req}] ]
(let [retries (or (:retries req) 5)
interval (or (:interval req) 30000)]
(->> #(http/get url req)
(repeat (inc retries))
(interpose #(Thread/sleep interval))
(map (fn [p] (p)))
(filter identity)
;; (http-get "" {:retries 3, :debug true})
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