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Created June 16, 2012 14:31
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build.xml for OpenScript(Oracle Functional Testing) called by Jenkins
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="opensctipTest" default="openScript" basedir=".">
<!-- OpenScript command line bat -->
<property name="runScript" location="D:\Oracle\oats\openScript\runScript.bat"/>
<!-- Copy OpenScript HTML report for HTML Publisher plugin -->
<property name="tmpDir" location=".\results\tmp"/>
<!-- Test Script name -->
<property name="scriptName1" location=".\test.jwg"/>
<target name="init">
<delete dir="${tmpDir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${tmpDir}"/>
<!-- OpenScript HTML result report's DirName is "Session[increment No]". Using build.number -->
<property name="resultDir" value=".\results\Session${build.number}"/>
<echo message="${resultDir}"/>
<target name="openScript" depends="init">
<!-- Run -->
<exec executable="${runScript}">
<arg value="${scriptName1}"/>
<!-- has result information of test. output this file since ver12. -->
<property file="${resultDir}\"/>
<!-- for HTML Publisher plugin. run next step in Jenkins -->
<copy todir="${tmpDir}">
<fileset dir="${resultDir}"/>
<!-- outcome property exist in set result : "Failed" or "Passed" -->
<fail message="Script result :${outcome}">
<equals arg1="${outcome}" arg2="Passed"/>
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