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Created December 20, 2022 13:13
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banner schemas bazar
import { z } from 'express-zod-api';
enum BannerSize {
SMALL = 'small',
LARGE = 'large',
enum BannerType {
CATEGORY = 'category',
SUBCATEGORY = 'subcategory',
BRAND = 'brand',
MAIN_PAGE = 'main_page',
enum Action {
STORIES = 'stories',
MODAL = 'modal',
CATEGORY = 'category',
SUBCATEGORY = 'subcategory',
BRAND = 'brand',
enum MainPageBannerAction {
CATEGORY = 'category',
SUBCATEGORY = 'subcategory',
BRAND = 'brand',
const Screen = z.object({
title: z.string(),
text: z.string(),
appImage: z.string(),
webImage: z.string(),
actionType: z.nativeEnum(MainPageBannerAction),
entityId: z.string(),
button: z.string(), // FIXME: ????
duration: z.number(),
// TODO: optionals??
const Modal = z.object({
title: z.string(),
text: z.string(),
appImage: z.string(),
webImage: z.string(),
actionType: z.nativeEnum(MainPageBannerAction),
entityId: z.number(),
button: z.string(), // FIXME: ????
const BrandBanner = z.object({
id: z.number(),
partnerId: z.number(),
appImage: z.string().nullable(),
webImage: z.string().nullable(),
name: z.string().min(1),
type: z.literal(BannerType.BRAND),
brandId: z.number(),
const CategoryBanner = z.object({
id: z.number(),
partnerId: z.number(),
name: z.string().min(1),
type: z.literal(BannerType.CATEGORY),
categoryId: z.number(),
const SubCategoryBanner = CategoryBanner.omit({
type: true,
categoryId: true,
type: z.literal(BannerType.SUBCATEGORY),
subcategoryId: z.number(),
const BaseMainPageBanner = z.object({
id: z.number(),
partnerId: z.number(),
name: z.string().min(1),
size: z.nativeEnum(BannerSize),
type: z.literal(BannerType.MAIN_PAGE),
screens: z.array(Screen),
modal: Modal,
const BannerSchema = z.discriminatedUnion('type', [
screens: z.array(Screen).min(1),
action: z.literal(Action.STORIES),
modal: Modal,
action: z.literal(Action.MODAL),
categoryId: z.number(),
action: z.literal(Action.CATEGORY),
subcategoryId: z.number(),
action: z.literal(Action.SUBCATEGORY),
brandId: z.number(),
action: z.literal(Action.BRAND),
!(relation) partnerId
(relation) darkstores: []
type | main, category, subcategory, brand
actionType | stories, modal, category, subcategory, brand
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