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Last active January 29, 2018 11:28
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Respawn Bug Code
namespace TanksMP
public class OutOfBounds : PunBehaviour {
//Server only: check for players colliding with the out of bounds
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) return;
//cache corresponding gameobject that was hit
GameObject obj = col.gameObject;
//try to get a player component out of the collided gameobject
Player player = obj.GetComponent<Player>();
// Player triggered
if (player && !player.isDead)
Debug.Log("OOUT OF BOUNDS");
// player.OutOfBounds();
// A wait is required before out of bounds.
// Otherwise the player spawns beneath the level to other players without it.
// The reason is unknown. This just happens to be the solution.
IEnumerator DoOutOfBounds(Player player)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
namespace TanksMP
/// <summary>
/// Networked player class implementing movement control and shooting.
/// Contains both server and client logic in an authoritative approach.
/// </summary>
public class Player : PunBehaviour
// Is dead?
public bool isDead = false;
// Out of bounds
public void OutOfBounds()
//the game is already over so don't do anything
if(GameManager.GetInstance().IsGameOver()) return;
//the game is not over yet, reset runtime values
//also tell all clients to despawn this player
this.photonView.RPC("RpcRespawn", PhotonTargets.All);
//called on all clients on both player death and respawn
//only difference is that on respawn, the client sends the request
protected virtual void RpcRespawn()
//toggle visibility for player gameobject (on/off)
bool isActive = gameObject.activeInHierarchy;
//the player has been killed
if (!isActive)
if (explosionFX)
//spawn death particles locally using pooling and colorize them in the player's team color
GameObject particle = PoolManager.Spawn(explosionFX, transform.position, transform.rotation);
ParticleColor pColor = particle.GetComponent<ParticleColor>();
if (pColor) pColor.SetColor(GameManager.GetInstance().teams[GetView().GetTeam()].material.color);
//play sound clip on player death
if (explosionClip) AudioManager.Play3D(explosionClip, transform.position);
//further changes only affect the local client
if (!photonView.isMine)
//local player got respawned so reset states
if (isActive == true)
isDead = true;
//local player was killed, set camera to follow the killer
// = killedBy.transform;
//hide input controls and other HUD elements
//display respawn window (only for local player)
/// <summary>
/// Repositions in team area and resets camera & input variables.
/// This should only be called for the local player.
/// </summary>
public void ResetPosition()
//start following the local player again = turret;
//get team area and reposition it there
transform.position = GameManager.GetInstance().GetSpawnPosition(GetView().GetTeam());
isDead = false;
//reset forces modified by input
rb.velocity =;
rb.angularVelocity =;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
//reset input left over
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