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Created January 12, 2015 23:04
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import scalaz._, Scalaz._
// Tree
// Tree構造。TreeLocを使うとDOMのように多彩なアクセスができる。
// ==================
locally {
val tree = 'A'.node(
val r = tree match {
case Tree.Node(a, Stream(
Tree.Node(b, Stream(c)), d)) => c.rootLabel
assert(r === 'C')
assert(tree.loc.getChild(1).map(_.getLabel) === 'B'.some)
assert(tree.loc.getChild(2).map(_.getLabel) === 'D'.some)
assert(tree.loc.find(_.getLabel === 'C').map(_.getLabel) === 'C'.some)
assert( === 'B'.some)
scala> tree.draw.foreach(println)
+- B
| |
| `- C
`- D
`- E
// Zipper
// Zipper[Stream[A], A, Stream[A]] 。ずらしたりできる。
// ==================
locally {
val z = Stream(1,2,3).toZipper
val r = z >>= {} >>= {_.modify{_ => 4}.some}
assert( === 4.some)
assert( === "Zipper(Stream(1), 4, Stream(3))".some)
// Id
// Idモナド。結果をモナドで包まずに返す。
// ==================
locally {
assert((1 |> {_ + 1}) === 2)
assert((1 visit {case x @ (1 | 2) => (x + 1).some}) === 2.some)
// Reader
// 実体はKleisliで、Reader[A, B] = Kleisli[Id, A, B]。
// ==================
locally {
def config(key: String) = Kleisli[Option, Map[String, String], String](_ get key)
val template = for {
host <- config("host")
user <- config("user")
} yield (host, user)
val kv = Map("host" -> "localhost", "user" -> "root")
assert(template(kv) === ("localhost", "root").some)
// Lens
// Getter/Setter。
// Lens : A => Store[B, A]
// Store : (F[A => B], I)
// ==================
locally {
case class Pos(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Elem(name: String, xy: Pos)
val div = Elem("<div>", Pos(0, 0))
// move
val changedDiv = div.copy(
xy = div.xy.copy(0, 100)
// use lens
val changePos = Lens.lensu[Elem, Pos]((elem, pos) => elem.copy(xy = pos), _.xy)
val changeXY = Lens.lensu[Pos, (Int, Int)](
{ case (pos, (x, y)) => pos.copy(x = x, y = y) },
{ case Pos(x, y) => (x, y) }
// andThen : Elem -> Pos -> (Int, Int) をつなげる
val change: Lens[Elem, (Int, Int)] = changePos >=> changeXY
assert(change.set(div, (0, 100)) == changedDiv)
// Lens[A, B] = LensFamily[A1, A2, B1, B2]
// map : >-[C](f: B1 => C): State[A1, C]
val c: State[Elem, Pos] = change >- { case (x, y) => Pos(x + 1, y + 1) }
assert(c(div) == (div,Pos(1,1)))
// mod : mod(f: B1 => B2, a: A1): A2
val e: Elem = change.mod({ case (x, y) => (x + 1, y) }, div)
assert(e == div.copy(xy = Pos(1, 0)))
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