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Last active January 2, 2016 01:29
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深さ優先探索と幅優先探索 (dfs=Depth First Search) (bfs=Breadth First Search)
import scala.collection.immutable.{Stack, Queue}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class Graph(es: Map[Vertex, Seq[Edge]])
case class Vertex(i: Int)
case class Edge(v: Vertex)
def sampleGraph: Graph = Graph(
Vertex(3) -> Seq(Edge(Vertex(1)), Edge(Vertex(2))),
Vertex(1) -> Seq(Edge(Vertex(5)), Edge(Vertex(4))),
Vertex(2) -> Seq(Edge(Vertex(6)))
// 深さ優先探索 (Stack)
// |3|
// |1| |2|
// |5| |4| |6|
// 3>1>5>4>2>6の順に探索
// start : 3
// goal : 6
// stack[3]
// 3 : stack[1,2]
// 1 : stack[5,4,2]
// 5 : stack[4,2]
// 4 : stack[2]
// 2 : stack[6]
// 6
def dfs(g: Graph, v: Vertex, goal: Vertex): Boolean = {
dfs(g, goal, Set(), Stack(v))
def dfs(g: Graph, goal: Vertex, visited: Set[Vertex], stack: Stack[Vertex]): Boolean = {
val (v, s) = stack.pop2; println(s"v:${v} s:${s}")
if (v == goal) true
else if (visited.contains(v)) false
else { match {
case Some(e) => dfs(g, goal, visited + v, s.pushAll(e.reverseMap(_.v)))
case _ if s.nonEmpty => dfs(g, goal, visited + v, s)
case _ => false
// 深さ優先探索 (再帰)
def dfsRec(g: Graph, v: Vertex, goal: Vertex, visited: Set[Vertex] = Set()): Boolean = {
println("v:" + v)
if (v == goal) true
else if (visited.contains(v)) false
else => dfsRec(g, e.v, goal, visited + v)))
// 幅優先探索
// |3|
// |1| |2|
// |5| |4| |6|
// 3>1>2>5>4>6の順に探索
// queue[3]
// 3 : queue[1,2]
// 1 : queue[2,5,4]
// 2 : queue[5,4,6]
// 5 : queue[4,6]
// 4 : queue[6]
// 6
def bfs(g: Graph, v: Vertex, goal: Vertex): Boolean = {
bfs(g, goal, Set(), Queue(v))
def bfs(g: Graph, goal: Vertex, visited: Set[Vertex], queue: Queue[Vertex]): Boolean = {
val (v, q) = queue.dequeue; println(s"v:${v} s:${q}")
if (v == goal) true
else if (visited.contains(v)) false
else { match {
case Some(e) => bfs(g, goal, visited + v, e./:(q){(qq, ee) => qq.enqueue(ee.v)})
case _ if q.nonEmpty => bfs(g, goal, visited + v, q)
case _ => false
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