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Last active January 2, 2016 16:29
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import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection._
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// 1マスずつ進みながら、上下左右のマスでゴールに近い順に探索していく
val map = """#S########
|# #### G
|# #### ###
|# ### #
|## ###""".stripMargin
case class Mapper(map: String) {
val matrix: Array[Array[Vertex]] = { case (row, y) => { case (col, x) => Vertex(s"[${x}${y}]", col.toString, x, y) }.toArray
val start = matrix.flatMap(_.find(_.isStart)).apply(0)
val goal = matrix.flatMap(_.find(_.isGoal)).apply(0)
case class AStar(mapper: Mapper) {
type Path = Map[Vertex, Edge]
private[this] val (matrix, start, goal) = (mapper.matrix, mapper.start, mapper.goal)
private[this] val (ymax, xmax) = (matrix.size, matrix(0).size)
def findShortestPath(): Seq[Vertex] = {
def fromGoal(e: Edge, r: Seq[Vertex] = Nil): Seq[Vertex] = e.from match {
case Some(ef) => fromGoal(ef, e.v +: r)
case None => e.v +: r
findPath().get(goal).map(fromGoal(_)).getOrElse(Nil) // goalからstartまで辿る
private[this] def findPath(): Path = {
val q = mutable.PriorityQueue[Edge]()
q += Edge(start, 0)
def find(path: Path = Map()): Path = {
if (q.isEmpty) path
else {
val edge = q.dequeue()
// 上下左右を見て移動可能先を小さい(近い)順に追加
(for {
(xd, yd) <- Seq((0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0));
ne <- nextEdge(edge, xd, yd, goal) if path.get(ne.v).isEmpty
} yield ne)
val ne = path.get(edge.v).map(e => if (edge.weight < e.weight) edge else e).getOrElse(edge) // 訪問済みなら小さいほう優先
val p = path + (edge.v -> ne)
if (edge.v == goal) p else find(p)
find(Map(start -> Edge(start, 0)))
private[this] def nextEdge(e: Edge, xd: Int, yd: Int, goal: Vertex): Option[Edge] = {
def dist(v: Vertex): Double = math.abs((goal.x - v.x) + (goal.y - v.y))
val (nx, ny) = (e.v.x + xd, e.v.y + yd)
if ((nx >= 0 && nx < xmax) && (ny >= 0 && ny < ymax)) {
val v = matrix(ny)(nx)
if (v.isRoute) Some(Edge(v, weight + dist(v), Some(e))) else None
} else None
private[this] def printMap(v: Vertex) {
(0 until matrix.size).map { y =>
(0 until matrix(y).size).map { x =>
val vv = matrix(y)(x)
if (v.x == vv.x && v.y == vv.y) print("●") else print(vv.mark)
type Weight = Double
val weight = 1.0d
case class Graph(es: Map[Vertex, Seq[Edge]])
case class Vertex(name: String, mark: String = "", x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {
def isWall : Boolean = mark == "#"
def isStart: Boolean = mark == "S"
def isGoal : Boolean = mark == "G"
def isRoute: Boolean = !isWall
case class Edge(v: Vertex, weight: Weight, from: Option[Edge] = None) extends Ordered[Edge] {
def compare(e: Edge): Int = {
if (e.weight < weight) -1
else if (e.weight > weight) 1
else 0
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