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Created February 18, 2014 20:23
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Ember.js Dynamic Computed Property Builder (based on by Paul Cowan)
Em.computedPropertyBuilder = (that, name, key, fn) ->
Em.defineProperty that, name, Em.computed(->
).property "#{key}"
placeholder: 'Please provide company name'
helpMessage: 'Remember that working just for money is gonna make you frustrated om nom nom!'
Em.getMessageFromScope = (scope, key, defaultMessage='') ->
if Em.typeOf(Em.t scope) is 'string' and key is 'label'
Em.t scope
if Em.t(scope)?[key] then Em.t(key, scope: scope) else defaultMessage
App.SomeView = Em.View.extend
messages: 'placeholder helpMessage'.w()
# passed as a param in view init
scope: ''
init: ->
buildMessages: ->
@get('messages').forEach (string) =>
Em.computedPropertyBuilder @, string, 'scope', Em.getMessageFromScope(@get('scope'), string)
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