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Created September 4, 2019 03:33
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% Auto-generated by Data Acquisition Toolbox Analog Input Recorder on 2018/11/05 16:12:30
close all
%% Create Data Acquisition Session
% Create a session for the specified vendor.
s = daq.createSession('ni');
%% Set Session Properties
% Set properties that are not using default values.
s.Rate = 5000;
s.IsContinuous = true;
%% Add Channels to Session
% Add channels and set channel properties, if any.
dev = 'Dev3';
channel1 = addAnalogInputChannel(s, dev, 'ai0', 'Voltage');
channel1.TerminalConfig = 'SingleEnded';
channel2 = addAnalogInputChannel(s, dev, 'ai1', 'Voltage');
channel2.TerminalConfig = 'Differential';
channel3 = addAnalogInputChannel(s, dev, 'ai2', 'Voltage');
channel3.TerminalConfig = 'Differential';
channel4 = addAnalogInputChannel(s, dev, 'ai4', 'Voltage');
channel4.TerminalConfig = 'SingleEnded';
%% Initialize Session UserData Property
% Initialize the custom fields for managing the acquired data across callbacks.
s.UserData.Data = [];
s.UserData.TimeStamps = [];
s.UserData.StartTime = [];
%% Add Listeners
% Add listeners to session for available data and error events.
lh1 = addlistener(s, 'DataAvailable', @recordData);
lh2 = addlistener(s, 'ErrorOccurred', @(~,eventData) disp(getReport(eventData.Error)));
%% Acquire Data
% Start the session in the background.
pause(20) % Increase or decrease the pause duration to fit your needs.
%% Log Data
% Convert the acquired data and timestamps to a timetable in a workspace variable.
ai0 = s.UserData.Data(:,1);
ai1 = s.UserData.Data(:,2);
ai2 = s.UserData.Data(:,3);
ai3 = s.UserData.Data(:,4);
DAQ_0_2 = timetable(seconds(s.UserData.TimeStamps),ai0,ai1,ai2,ai3);
%% Plot Data
% Plot the acquired data on labeled axes.
plot(DAQ_0_2.Time, DAQ_0_2.Variables)
ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
%% Clean Up
% Remove event listeners and clear the session and channels, if any.
clear s channel1 channel2 lh1 lh2
close gcf
timev = (seconds(DAQ_0_2.Time));
sig1 = (DAQ_0_2.ai0);
sig2 = DAQ_0_2.ai1;
sig3 = DAQ_0_2.ai2;
sig4 = DAQ_0_2.ai3;
plot(timev(:), sig1); hold on;
plot(timev(:), (sig2)+5);
plot(timev(:), sig3+10);
plot(timev(:), sig4+15);
ylim([-5, 20])
%% Callback Function
% Define the callback function for the 'DataAvailable' event.
function recordData(src, eventData)
% RECORDDATA(SRC, EVENTDATA) records the acquired data, timestamps and
% trigger time. You can also use this function for plotting the
% acquired data live.
% SRC - Source object i.e. Session object
% EVENTDATA - Event data object i.e. 'DataAvailable' event data object
% Record the data and timestamps to the UserData property of the session.
src.UserData.Data = [src.UserData.Data; eventData.Data];
src.UserData.TimeStamps = [src.UserData.TimeStamps; eventData.TimeStamps];
% Record the starttime from the first execution of this callback function.
if isempty(src.UserData.StartTime)
src.UserData.StartTime = eventData.TriggerTime;
% Uncomment the following lines to enable live plotting.
plot(eventData.TimeStamps, eventData.Data)
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
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