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Forked from dlidstrom/run-jasmine.js
Created March 26, 2014 12:44
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var system = require('system'),
env = system.env;
* Wait until the test condition is true or a timeout occurs. Useful for waiting
* on a server response or for a ui change (fadeIn, etc.) to occur.
* @param testFx javascript condition that evaluates to a boolean,
* it can be passed in as a string (e.g.: "1 == 1" or "$('#bar').is(':visible')" or
* as a callback function.
* @param onReady what to do when testFx condition is fulfilled,
* it can be passed in as a string (e.g.: "1 == 1" or "$('#bar').is(':visible')" or
* as a callback function.
* @param timeOutMillis the max amount of time to wait. If not specified, 3 sec is used.
function waitFor(testFx, onReady, timeOutMillis) {
var maxtimeOutMillis = timeOutMillis ? timeOutMillis : 3001, //< Default Max Timeout is 3s
start = new Date().getTime(),
condition = false,
interval = setInterval(function () {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start < maxtimeOutMillis) && !condition) {
// If not time-out yet and condition not yet fulfilled
condition = (typeof (testFx) === "string" ? eval(testFx) : testFx()); //< defensive code
} else {
if (!condition) {
// If condition still not fulfilled (timeout but condition is 'false')
console.log("'waitFor()' timeout");
} else {
// Condition fulfilled (timeout and/or condition is 'true')
console.log("'waitFor()' finished in " + (new Date().getTime() - start) + "ms.");
typeof (onReady) === "string" ? eval(onReady) : onReady(); //< Do what it's supposed to do once the condition is fulfilled
clearInterval(interval); //< Stop this interval
}, 100); //< repeat check every 100ms
if (system.args.length !== 2) {
console.log('Usage: run-jasmine.js URL');
var page = require('webpage').create();
##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='']
##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='nested.suite']
##teamcity[testStarted name='package_or_namespace.ClassName.TestName']
##teamcity[testFailed name='package_or_namespace.ClassName.TestName' message='The number should be 20000' details='expected:<20000> but was:<10000>']
##teamcity[testFinished name='package_or_namespace.ClassName.TestName']
##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='nested.suite']
##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='']
// Route "console.log()" calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current "this")
page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) {
var teamCityMessage = msg.indexOf('TEAMCITY_') === 0;
if (teamCityMessage) {
if (!env.hasOwnProperty('TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME')) return;
var separatorIndex = msg.indexOf(':');
var command = msg.substring(0, separatorIndex);
var data = JSON.parse(msg.substring(separatorIndex + 1));
switch (command) {
console.log("##teamcity[testStarted name='" + escape( + "']");
console.log("##teamcity[testFinished name='" + escape( + "']");
console.log("##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='" + escape(data.suite) + "']");
console.log("##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='" + escape(data.suite) + "']");
console.log("##teamcity[testFailed name='" + escape( + "' message='" + escape(data.message) + "']");
else {
if (env.hasOwnProperty('TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME')) return;
function escape(message) {
while (message.indexOf("'") >= 0) message = message.replace("'", '"');
return message;
};[1], function (status) {
if (status !== "success") {
console.log("Unable to access network");
} else {
waitFor(function () {
return page.evaluate(function () {
return document.body.querySelector('.symbolSummary .pending') === null
}, function () {
var exitCode = page.evaluate(function () {
var currentSuite;
var successList = document.body.querySelectorAll('.results > .summary .specSummary.passed');
var suites = {};
if (successList && successList.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < successList.length; ++i) {
var el = successList[i],
name = el.children[0].title,
suite = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(' '));
suites[suite] = suites[suite] || [];
suites[suite].push({ status: 'success', name: name });
var failedList = document.body.querySelectorAll('.results > #details > .specDetail.failed');
if (failedList && failedList.length > 0) {
console.log(failedList.length + ' test(s) FAILED:');
for (var i = 0; i < failedList.length; ++i) {
var el = failedList[i],
name = el.querySelector('.description').innerText,
msg = el.querySelector('').innerText,
suite = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(' '));
// remove trailing period
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
suites[suite] = suites[suite] || [];
suites[suite].push({ suite: suite, status: 'failed', name: name, message: name + ': ' + msg });
for (var suite in suites) {
var tests = suites[suite];
console.log('TEAMCITY_SUITESTARTED:' + JSON.stringify({ suite: suite }));
for (var i in tests) {
var test = tests[i];
console.log('TEAMCITY_TESTSTARTED:' + JSON.stringify({ name: }));
if (test.status === 'success') {
else if (test.status === 'failed') {
console.log('TEAMCITY_TESTFAILED:' + JSON.stringify({ name:, message: test.message }));
console.log('TEAMCITY_TESTFINISHED:' + JSON.stringify({ name: }));
console.log('TEAMCITY_SUITEFINISHED:' + JSON.stringify({ suite: suite }));
if (failedList && failedList.length > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
console.log(document.body.querySelector('.alert >').innerText);
return 0;
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