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Last active November 8, 2020 07:25
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  • Save rytsikau/869e2d417c35ba4c14b83181e36fe404 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Renames folders with the last write time of their most recent files
' renameFoldersWithItsLastEditDates (2020-11-08) '
' Renames folders with the last write time of their most recent files '
' [directoryName] -> [directoryName]_[YYYYMMDD-HHmmss] '
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
$erroractionpreference = "SilentlyContinue"; Remove-Variable *; $erroractionpreference = "Continue"
$pathWithFoldersToRename = "c:\FoldersToRename\"
Write-Host "Renaming folders in $pathWithFoldersToRename..."
$cnt = 0
foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem $pathWithFoldersToRename -Directory -Force))
$dtRecent = (Get-ChildItem $item.FullName -Recurse -File -Force `
| Sort LastWriteTime | Select -Last 1).LastWriteTime
$newName = "$($dtRecent.ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss'))_$($item.Name)"
Rename-Item $item.FullName -NewName $newName
Write-Host "Ready! $cnt folders renamed"
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