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Created February 14, 2016 11:01
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# GitHubから来た通知をSlackに飛ばす
# 参考: Hubot経由でGitHubのイベントを通知する | SPACEMARKET BLOG
crypto = require 'crypto'
module.exports = (robot) -> "/github/webhook", (req, res) ->
event_type = req.get 'X-Github-Event'
signature = req.get 'X-Hub-Signature'
unless isCorrectSignature signature, req.body
res.status(401).send 'unauthorized'
switch event_type
when 'gollum'
message = atWiki req.body
robot.messageRoom 'lab-github', message
res.status(200).send 'ok'
atWiki = (body) ->
switch body.pages[0].action
when 'edited'
message = "*GitHub Wikiページの編集*\n"
message += body.pages[0].html_url
return message
when 'created'
message = "*GitHub Wikiページの作成*\n"
message += body.pages[0].html_url
return message
isCorrectSignature = (signature, body) ->
pairs = signature.split '='
digest_method = pairs[0]
hmac = crypto.createHmac digest_method, process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_SECRET
hmac.update JSON.stringify(body), 'utf-8'
hashed_data = hmac.digest 'hex'
generated_signature = [digest_method, hashed_data].join '='
return signature is generated_signature
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