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Created February 25, 2019 23:46
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A Quickproject CLI, portable script for Linux
#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script
Manoel Vilela © 2018
This script helps me building a simple ASDF project for Common Lisp
based in the library quickproject.
#-quicklisp (load "~/.sbclrc")
#-quicklisp (error "You should have quicklisp installed!")
(ql:quickload (list :quickproject
:silent t)
(defpackage #:quickproject-cli
(:use #:cl
(:import-from #:uiop :delete-directory-tree)
(:import-from #:sb-ext :exit :*posix-argv*)
(:import-from #:cl-fad :pathname-as-directory :directory-exists-p))
(in-package #:quickproject-cli)
(setq *author* "Manoel Vilela")
(defparameter *program-name*
(or "quickproject"
(pathname-name (car *posix-argv*)))
"Program script name")
(defparameter *pathname* (cadr *posix-argv*)
"Required parameter: Project pathname")
(defparameter *project-name* (caddr *posix-argv*)
"Optional parameter: Project name")
(defparameter *usage*
(format nil
Default author: ~a
This script creates a quicklisp project based on the library
"Usage docstring!")
(defun exit-message (message exit-code)
"EXIT-MESSAGE print a message to *ERROR-OUTPUT* and exists with EXIT-CODE."
(format *error-output* message)
(exit :code exit-code))
(defun errorf (message &rest args)
"ERRORF print MESSAGE using FORMAT to *ERROR-OUTPUT* based on ARGS."
(apply #'format
(format nil "~a: error: ~a" *program-name* message)
(defun help-p (&optional (args *posix-argv*))
"HELP-P checks if -h or --help was passed to *POSIX-ARGV*."
(loop for x in args
thereis (or (equal x "-h")
(equal x "--help"))))
(defun string->directory (string)
"STRING->DIRECTORY converts a STRING proper into directory pathname."
(pathname-as-directory (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name string))))
(defun create-project (pathname-string project-name)
"CREATE-PROJECT is quickproject:make-project wrapper with additional handling."
(let* ((pathname (string->directory pathname-string))
(pathname-wildcard (merge-pathnames pathname "*.*"))
(directory-name (first (last (pathname-directory pathname)))))
(when (directory-exists-p pathname)
(format t "INFO: overwriting project directory ~a~%" directory-name)
(delete-directory-tree pathname :validate t)
(format t "INFO: ~a was totally deleted!~%" directory-name))
(cond ((null project-name) ;; if there is a *project-name*
(make-project pathname))
(t (make-project pathname
:name project-name)))
(format t "Created project '~a' under ~a:~%"
(or project-name directory-name)
(loop for f in (directory pathname-wildcard)
do (format t " + ~a~%" (file-namestring f)))))
(defun main ()
"MAIN runs all the shits together."
(cond ((help-p) ;; help!
(exit-message *usage* 0))
((null *pathname*) ;; a project_pathname is need
(errorf "PROJECT_PATHNAME should be provided.~%")
(exit-message *usage* 0))
(t (create-project *pathname* *project-name*))))
(eval-when (:execute)
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