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Created May 18, 2020 07:55
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write text to image with PILLOW
import glob
from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
import random
import tqdm
def imwrite(input_, save_dir):
i, data = input_
bg, word, font = data
# print(data)
# coordinates of text
x = random.randint(0, 4)
y = random.randint(0, 4)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font, 45) # (true type font, font size)
img =
img = img.resize((50,50)) # resize background image
img = img.convert('RGB')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.text((x, y), word, fill=(0,0,0), font=font) # (coordinates, text, fill=color, font=ImageFont) + '/' + str(i) + '.jpg')
if __name__ == '__main__':
num_process = 16
background = glob.glob('background/*') # background images
with open('lexicon.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lexicon = f.readlines()
fonts = ['batang.ttc', 'gulim.ttf', 'NanumGothicCoding.ttf'] # list of true type fonts
dataset = [(bg, word, font) for word in lexicon for bg in background for font in fonts]
if num_process == 1:
r = list(tqdm.tqdm(map(partial(imwrite, save_dir='output') ,enumerate(dataset)), total=len(dataset)))
with Pool(processes=num_process) as p:
r = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(partial(imwrite, save_dir='output') ,enumerate(dataset)), total=len(dataset)))
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