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Last active December 1, 2015 10:35
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loop test runs with nunit-console 3.0
$successTimeout = 5
$failedTimeout = 60
$command = "nunit3-console.exe --noresult "+$args[0]
write-host "testing",$args[0]
write-host "NOTE: nunit3-console.exe needs to be in PATH"
echo ""
echo ""
$loop = 1
$testrun = 1
while($loop = 1){
$time = get-date
$cmdResult = iex $command
$failResult = echo $cmdResult | Select-String "\.*Failed :\.*"
$exceptionResult = echo $cmdResult | Select-String "\.*Error :\.*"
if($failResult -or $exceptionResult){
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
write-host $time,": test run",$testrun,"failed"
echo ""
iex $command
#Start-Sleep 15
echo ""
echo ""
$timeout = $failedTimeout
Write-Host "press any key to rerun tests (or wait",$timeout,"seconds)"
do {
Start-Sleep 1
$timeout -= 1
} until ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -or $timeout -lt 1)
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
$result = echo $cmdResult | Select-String "Tests run:"
write-host $time,$result -foregroundcolor "green"
Start-Sleep $successTimeout
$testrun = $testrun + 1
write-host "pass the path to a test-project as parameter" -foregroundcolor "red"
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