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Last active July 29, 2019 11:37
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Require Import Image.
Arguments Im {U V}.
Arguments In {U}.
Arguments Included {U}.
Section InvImage.
Variables U V : Type.
Inductive InvIm (Y : Ensemble V) (f : U -> V) : Ensemble U :=
InvIm_intro : forall x : U, In Y (f x) -> In (InvIm Y f) x.
(* x ∈ f^(-1)(Y) <=> f(x) ∈ Y *)
Example inv_example_1 (Y:Ensemble V) (f:U -> V) (x:U) :
In (InvIm Y f) x <-> In Y (f x).
- (* -> *)
intro x_in_InvImY.
inversion x_in_InvImY as [y f_x_in_Y].
- (* <- *)
intro f_x_in_Y.
apply (InvIm_intro Y f x f_x_in_Y).
(* X ⊆ f^(-1)(Y) <=> f(X) ⊆ Y *)
Example inv_example_2 (X:Ensemble U) (Y:Ensemble V) (f:U -> V) :
Included X (InvIm Y f) <-> Included (Im X f) Y.
- (* -> *)
intros X_included_InvImY y y_in_f_Y.
assert (H := Im_inv U V X f y y_in_f_Y).
inversion H.
inversion H0 as [x_in_X f_x_eq_y].
assert (x_in_InvImY := (X_included_InvImY x x_in_X)).
rewrite <- f_x_eq_y.
apply (inv_example_1 Y f x).
- (* <- *)
intros f_X_included_Y x x_in_X.
assert (f_x_in_f_X := Im_intro U V X f x x_in_X (f x) eq_refl).
assert (f_x_in_Y := f_X_included_Y (f x) f_x_in_f_X).
apply (inv_example_1 Y f x).
End InvImage.
Require Import Ensembles.
Require Import Rlimit.
Require Import RIneq.
Require Import ZArith Psatz.
Require Import Image.
Require Import InvImage.
Arguments Im {U V}.
Arguments InvIm {U V}.
Arguments In {U}.
Arguments dist {m}.
Arguments Included {U}.
Arguments inv_example_1 {U V}.
Arguments inv_example_2 {U V}.
Open Scope R_scope.
Section MSpace.
Variable M_X : Metric_Space.
Variable M_Y : Metric_Space.
Definition N {M : Metric_Space} (a : Base M) (ε : posreal) : Ensemble (Base M) := fun r => dist a r < ε.
Example N_in {M : Metric_Space} (a : Base M) (ε : posreal) :
In (N a ε) a.
unfold In.
unfold N.
assert (a = a) by reflexivity.
apply (dist_refl M a a) in H.
rewrite H.
apply cond_pos.
Definition Od {M : Metric_Space} (U : Ensemble (Base M)) : Prop :=
forall x, In U x ->
exists ε:posreal,
Included (N x ε) U.
(* Arguments Od M U /. *)
(* open set U: *)
(* ∀x∈U, ∃ε>0, N(x; ε) ⊆ U *)
Definition posreal_to_R (ε : posreal) :=
match ε with
| {| pos := r |} => r
Ltac alias t v v0 name :=
(assert (exists v:t, v = v0)
as alias_H_name by (exists v0; reflexivity);
inversion_clear alias_H_name as [v name]).
Example N_in_Od {M : Metric_Space} (a : Base M) ε : Od (N a ε).
intros x x_in_N_a_ε.
unfold In in x_in_N_a_ε.
unfold N in x_in_N_a_ε.
alias posreal δ (mkposreal (ε - (dist a x)) (Rlt_Rminus (dist a x) ε x_in_N_a_ε)) δ_eq.
exists δ.
unfold Included.
unfold In.
unfold N.
intros x' x'_in_N_x_δ.
assert (δ + (dist a x + dist x x') = ε + dist x x') as δ_ε_eq.
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc δ (dist a x) (dist x x')).
assert (posreal_to_R δ + (dist a x) = ε) as posreal_to_eq.
rewrite δ_eq.
assert (pos δ = (posreal_to_R δ)) as pos_eq.
rewrite δ_eq.
rewrite <- pos_eq in posreal_to_eq.
rewrite posreal_to_eq.
assert (dist_tri := dist_tri M a x' x).
inversion dist_tri as [lt|eq].
+ (* lt *)
assert (H1 := Rplus_lt_compat (dist x x') δ (dist a x') (dist a x + dist x x') x'_in_N_x_δ lt).
rewrite δ_ε_eq in H1.
rewrite Rplus_comm in H1.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_r in H1.
+ (* eq *)
apply (Rplus_lt_compat_r (dist a x')) in x'_in_N_x_δ.
replace (δ + dist a x')
with (δ + (dist a x + dist x x'))
in x'_in_N_x_δ by (rewrite eq; reflexivity).
rewrite δ_ε_eq in x'_in_N_x_δ.
rewrite Rplus_comm in x'_in_N_x_δ.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_r in x'_in_N_x_δ.
Definition Continuous_Map_Def (f : Base M_X -> Base M_Y) :=
forall x:Base M_X,
forall ε:posreal,
exists δ:posreal,
Included (Im (N x δ) f) (N (f x) ε).
Arguments Continuous_Map_Def / f.
(* continuous map f: *)
(* ∀x∈X, ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0, f(N_X(x; δ)) ⊆ N_Y(f(x); ε) *)
Definition Continuous_Map_Def_2 (f : Base M_X -> Base M_Y) :=
forall U : Ensemble (Base M_Y),
Od U -> Od (InvIm U f).
Arguments Continuous_Map_Def_2 / f.
Example CM_law_eq : forall f : Base M_X -> Base M_Y,
Continuous_Map_Def f <-> Continuous_Map_Def_2 f.
intro f.
- (* -> *)
intros Continuous_Map_Def V V_in_Od a a_in_InvIm_f_V.
apply (inv_example_1 V f a) in a_in_InvIm_f_V as f_a_in_V.
unfold Od in V_in_Od.
assert (V_Od_prop := V_in_Od (f a) f_a_in_V).
inversion V_Od_prop as [ε V_Od_prop_].
assert (suff := Continuous_Map_Def a ε).
inversion_clear suff as [δ suff_].
exists δ.
apply (inv_example_2 (N a δ) V f).
apply (Inclusion_is_transitive (Base M_Y) (Im (N a δ) f) (N (f a) ε) V suff_ V_Od_prop_).
(* ∀V ∈ Od(Y) *)
(* a ∈ f^(-1)(V) <=> f(a) ∈ V *)
(* ∃ε>0, N(f(a); ε) ⊆ V by Vは開集合 - (1) *)
(* ∃δ>0, f(N(x; δ)) ⊆ N(f(x); ε) by 十分条件 - (2) *)
(* f(N(x; δ)) ⊆ V by (1), (2) *)
(* N(x; δ) ⊆ f^(-1)(V) *)
(* f^(-1)(V) ∈ Od(X) *)
- (* <- *)
intros Continuous_Map_Def_2 x ε.
assert (N_f_x_ε_in_Od := N_in_Od (f x) ε).
apply Continuous_Map_Def_2 in N_f_x_ε_in_Od.
unfold Od in N_f_x_ε_in_Od.
specialize N_f_x_ε_in_Od with (x0 := x).
assert (In (N (f x) ε) (f x)) as f_x_in_N_f_x_ε by (apply N_in).
apply inv_example_1 in f_x_in_N_f_x_ε.
apply N_f_x_ε_in_Od in f_x_in_N_f_x_ε.
inversion_clear f_x_in_N_f_x_ε as [δ H].
exists δ.
apply inv_example_2.
(* ∀x∈X, ∀ε>0 *)
(* N(f(x); ε) ∈ Od(Y) by 近傍は開集合 *)
(* f^(-1)(N(f(x); ε)) ∈ Od(X) by 十分条件 - (1) *)
(* ∃δ>0, N(x; δ) ⊆ f^(-1)(N(f(x); ε)) by (1) - (2) *)
(* f(N(x; δ)) ⊆ N(f(x); ε) by (2) *)
End MSpace.
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